// -*- C++ -*-
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
export namespace std {
using std::gslice;
using std::gslice_array;
using std::indirect_array;
using std::mask_array;
using std::slice;
using std::slice_array;
using std::valarray;
using std::swap;
using std::operator*;
using std::operator/;
using std::operator%;
using std::operator+;
using std::operator-;
using std::operator^;
using std::operator&;
using std::operator|;
using std::operator<<;
using std::operator>>;
using std::operator&&;
using std::operator||;
using std::operator==;
using std::operator!=;
using std::operator<;
using std::operator>;
using std::operator<=;
using std::operator>=;
using std::abs;
using std::acos;
using std::asin;
using std::atan;
using std::atan2;
using std::cos;
using std::cosh;
using std::exp;
using std::log;
using std::log10;
using std::pow;
using std::sin;
using std::sinh;
using std::sqrt;
using std::tan;
using std::tanh;
using std::begin;
using std::end;
} // namespace std