

    Sphinx layout template for LLVM/OpenMP which as an almost identical clone
    of the agogo theme, originally written by Andi Albrecht.

    :copyright: Copyright 2007-2020 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
{%- extends "basic/layout.html" %}

{% block header %}
    <div class="header-wrapper" role="banner">
      <div class="header">
        {%- if logo %}
          <p class="logo"><a href="{{ pathto(master_doc)|e }}">
            <img class="logo" src="{{ pathto('_static/' + logo, 1)|e }}" alt="Logo"/>
        {%- endif %}
        {%- block headertitle %}
        <div class="headertitle"><a
          href="{{ pathto(master_doc)|e }}">{{ shorttitle|e }}</a></div>
        {%- endblock %}
        <div class="rel" role="navigation" aria-label="related navigation">
          <a href="{{ pathto('index') }}" title="LLVM OpenMP Documentation">HOME</a>
          {{ reldelim2 }}
          {%- for rellink in rellinks|reverse %}
          <a href="{{ pathto(rellink[0])|e }}" title="{{ rellink[1]|striptags|e }}"
             {{ accesskey(rellink[2]) }}>{{ rellink[3] }}</a>
          {%- if not loop.last %}{{ reldelim2 }}{% endif %}
          {%- endfor %}
{% endblock %}

{%- macro llvm_openmp_sidebar() %}
          {%- block sidebartoc %}
          <h3>{{ _('Table of Contents') }}</h3>
          {{ toctree(includehidden=True, titles_only=True, maxdepth=2) }}
          {%- endblock %}
          {%- block sidebarsearch %}
          <div role="search">
            <h3 style="margin-top: 1.5em;">{{ _('Search') }}</h3>
            <form class="search" action="{{ pathto('search') }}" method="get">
                <input type="text" name="q" />
                <input type="submit" value="{{ _('Go') }}" />
          {%- endblock %}
{% endmacro %}

{% block content %}
    <div class="content-wrapper">
      <div class="content">
        {%- if not theme_rightsidebar|tobool %}
        <div class="sidebar">
          {{ llvm_openmp_sidebar() }}
        {%- endif %}
        <div class="document">
          {%- block document %}
            {{ super() }}
          {%- endblock %}
        {%- if theme_rightsidebar|tobool %}
        <div class="sidebar">
          {{ llvm_openmp_sidebar() }}
        {%- endif %}
        <div class="clearer"></div>
{% endblock %}

{% block footer %}
    <div class="footer-wrapper">
      <div class="footer">
        <div class="left">
          <div role="navigation" aria-label="related navigaton">
            <a href="{{ pathto('index') }}" title="LLVM OpenMP Documentation">HOME</a>
            {{ reldelim2 }}
            {%- for rellink in rellinks|reverse %}
            <a href="{{ pathto(rellink[0])|e }}" title="{{ rellink[1]|striptags|e }}"
              {{ accesskey(rellink[2]) }}>{{ rellink[3] }}</a>
            {%- if not loop.last %}{{ reldelim2 }}{% endif %}
            {%- endfor %}
          <div role="note" aria-label="source link">
            {%- if show_source and has_source and sourcename %}
              <a href="{{ pathto('_sources/' + sourcename, true)|e }}"
                rel="nofollow">{{ _('Show Source') }}</a>
            {%- endif %}

        <div class="right">
          {{ super() }}
        <div class="clearer"></div>
{% endblock %}

{% block relbar1 %}{% endblock %}
{% block relbar2 %}{% endblock %}