
# This file specifies intentionally untracked files that git should ignore.
# See: http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gitignore.html
# This file is intentionally different from the output of `git svn show-ignore`,
# as most of those are useless.

# File extensions to be ignored anywhere in the tree.
# Temp files created by most text editors.
# Merge files created by git.
# Reject files created by patch.
# Byte compiled python modules.
# vim swap files
#OS X specific files.

# Ignore the user specified CMake presets in subproject directories.

# Nested build directory

# Explicit files to ignore (only matches one).
# Various tag programs
# Visual Studio built-in CMake configuration
# CLion project configuration

# Directories to ignore (do not add trailing '/'s, they skip symlinks).
# VS2017 and VSCode config files.
# pythonenv for github Codespaces
# clangd index. (".clangd" is a config file now, thus trailing slash)
# static analyzer regression testing project files
# automodapi puts generated documentation files here.