//===-- HTMLLogger.js -----------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Based on selected objects, hide/show sections & populate data from templates.
// For example, if the selection is {bb="BB4", elt="BB4.6" iter="BB4:2"}:
// - show the "block" and "element" sections
// - re-render templates within these sections (if selection changed)
// - apply "bb-select" to items with class class "BB4", etc
let selection = {};
function updateSelection(changes, data) {
Object.assign(selection, changes);
data = Object.create(data);
data.selection = selection;
for (root of document.querySelectorAll('[data-selection]'))
updateSection(root, data);
for (var k in changes)
applyClassIf(k + '-select', classSelector(changes[k]));
// Given <section data-selection="x,y">:
// - hide section if selections x or y are null
// - re-render templates if x or y have changed
function updateSection(root, data) {
let changed = root.selection == null;
root.selection ||= {};
for (key of root.dataset.selection.split(',')) {
if (!key) continue;
if (data.selection[key] != root.selection[key]) {
root.selection[key] = data.selection[key];
changed = true;
if (data.selection[key] == null) {
root.hidden = true;
if (changed) {
root.hidden = false;
for (tmpl of root.getElementsByTagName('template'))
reinflate(tmpl, data);
// Expands template `tmpl` based on input `data`:
// - interpolates {{expressions}} in text and attributes
// - <template> tags can modify expansion: if, for etc
// Outputs to `parent` element, inserting before `next`.
function inflate(tmpl, data, parent, next) {
// We use eval() as our expression language in templates!
// The templates are static and trusted.
let evalExpr = (expr, data) => eval('with (data) { ' + expr + ' }');
let interpolate = (str, data) =>
str.replace(/\{\{(.*?)\}\}/g, (_, expr) => evalExpr(expr, data))
// Anything other than <template> tag: copy, interpolate, recursively inflate.
if (tmpl.nodeName != 'TEMPLATE') {
let clone = tmpl.cloneNode();
clone.inflated = true;
if (clone instanceof Text)
clone.textContent = interpolate(clone.textContent, data);
if (clone instanceof Element) {
for (attr of clone.attributes)
attr.value = interpolate(attr.value, data);
for (c of tmpl.childNodes)
inflate(c, data, clone, /*next=*/null);
return parent.insertBefore(clone, next);
// data-use="xyz": use <template id="xyz"> instead. (Allows recursion.)
if ('use' in tmpl.dataset)
return inflate(document.getElementById(tmpl.dataset.use), data, parent, next);
// <template> tag handling. Base case: recursively inflate.
function handle(data) {
for (c of tmpl.content.childNodes)
inflate(c, data, parent, next);
// Directives on <template> tags modify behavior.
const directives = {
// data-for="x in expr": expr is enumerable, bind x to each in turn
'for': (nameInExpr, data, proceed) => {
let [name, expr] = nameInExpr.split(' in ');
let newData = Object.create(data);
let index = 0;
for (val of evalExpr(expr, data) || []) {
newData[name] = val;
newData[name + '_index'] = index++;
// data-if="expr": only include contents if expression is truthy
'if': (expr, data, proceed) => { if (evalExpr(expr, data)) proceed(data); },
// data-let="x = expr": bind x to value of expr
'let': (nameEqExpr, data, proceed) => {
let [name, expr] = nameEqExpr.split(' = ');
let newData = Object.create(data);
newData[name] = evalExpr(expr, data);
// Compose directive handlers on top of the base handler.
for (let [dir, value] of Object.entries(tmpl.dataset).reverse()) {
if (dir in directives) {
let proceed = handle;
handle = (data) => directives[dir](value, data, proceed);
// Expand a template, after first removing any prior expansion of it.
function reinflate(tmpl, data) {
// Clear previously rendered template contents.
while (tmpl.nextSibling && tmpl.nextSibling.inflated)
inflate(tmpl, data, tmpl.parentNode, tmpl.nextSibling);
// Handle a mouse event on a region containing selectable items.
// This might end up changing the hover state or the selection state.
// targetSelector describes what target HTML element is selectable.
// targetToID specifies how to determine the selection from it:
// hover: a function from target to the class name to highlight
// bb: a function from target to the basic-block name to select (BB4)
// elt: a function from target to the CFG element name to select (BB4.5)
// iter: a function from target to the BB iteration to select (BB4:2)
// If an entry is missing, the selection is unmodified.
// If an entry is null, the selection is always cleared.
function mouseEventHandler(event, targetSelector, targetToID, data) {
var target = event.type == "mouseout" ? null : event.target.closest(targetSelector);
let selTarget = k => (target && targetToID[k]) ? targetToID[k](target) : null;
if (event.type == "click") {
let newSel = {};
for (var k in targetToID) {
if (k == 'hover') continue;
let t = selTarget(k);
newSel[k] = t;
updateSelection(newSel, data);
} else if ("hover" in targetToID) {
applyClassIf("hover", classSelector(selTarget("hover")));
function watch(rootSelector, targetSelector, targetToID, data) {
var root = document.querySelector(rootSelector);
for (event of ['mouseout', 'mousemove', 'click'])
root.addEventListener(event, e => mouseEventHandler(e, targetSelector, targetToID, data));
function watchSelection(data) {
let lastIter = (bb) => `${bb}:${data.cfg[bb].iters}`;
watch('#code', '.c', {
hover: e => e.dataset.elt,
bb: e => e.dataset.bb,
elt: e => e.dataset.elt,
// If we're already viewing an iteration of this BB, stick with the same.
iter: e => (selection.iter && selection.bb == e.dataset.bb) ? selection.iter : lastIter(e.dataset.bb),
}, data);
watch('#cfg', '.bb', {
hover: e => e.id,
bb: e => e.id,
elt: e => e.id + ".0",
iter: e => lastIter(e.id),
}, data);
watch('#timeline', '.entry', {
hover: e => [e.id, e.dataset.bb],
bb: e => e.dataset.bb,
elt: e => e.dataset.bb + ".0",
iter: e => e.id,
}, data);
watch('#bb-elements', 'tr', {
hover: e => e.id,
elt: e => e.id,
}, data);
watch('#iterations', '.chooser', {
hover: e => e.dataset.iter,
iter: e => e.dataset.iter,
}, data);
updateSelection({}, data);
function applyClassIf(cls, query) {
document.querySelectorAll('.' + cls).forEach(elt => elt.classList.remove(cls));
document.querySelectorAll(query).forEach(elt => elt.classList.add(cls));
// Turns a class name into a CSS selector matching it, with some wrinkles:
// - we treat id="foo" just like class="foo" to avoid repetition in the HTML
// - cls can be an array of strings, we match them all
function classSelector(cls) {
if (cls == null) return null;
if (Array.isArray(cls)) return cls.map(classSelector).join(', ');
var escaped = cls.replace('.', '\\.').replace(':', '\\:');
// don't require id="foo" class="foo"
return '.' + escaped + ", #" + escaped;
// Add a stylesheet defining colors for n basic blocks.
function addBBColors(n) {
let sheet = new CSSStyleSheet();
// hex values to subtract from fff to get a base color
options = [0x001, 0x010, 0x011, 0x100, 0x101, 0x110, 0x111];
function color(hex) {
return "#" + hex.toString(16).padStart(3, "0");
function add(selector, property, hex) {
sheet.insertRule(`${selector} { ${property}: ${color(hex)}; }`)
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
let opt = options[i%options.length];
add(`.B${i}`, 'background-color', 0xfff - 2*opt);
add(`#B${i} polygon`, 'fill', 0xfff - 2*opt);
add(`#B${i} polygon`, 'stroke', 0x888 - 4*opt);