
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
""" This module implements basic shell escaping/unescaping methods. """

import re
import shlex

__all__ = ["encode", "decode"]

def encode(command):
    """Takes a command as list and returns a string."""

    def needs_quote(word):
        """Returns true if arguments needs to be protected by quotes.

        Previous implementation was shlex.split method, but that's not good
        for this job. Currently is running through the string with a basic
        state checking."""

        reserved = {
            " ",
        state = 0
        for current in word:
            if state == 0 and current in reserved:
                return True
            elif state == 0 and current == "\\":
                state = 1
            elif state == 1 and current in reserved | {"\\"}:
                state = 0
            elif state == 0 and current == '"':
                state = 2
            elif state == 2 and current == '"':
                state = 0
            elif state == 0 and current == "'":
                state = 3
            elif state == 3 and current == "'":
                state = 0
        return state != 0

    def escape(word):
        """Do protect argument if that's needed."""

        table = {"\\": "\\\\", '"': '\\"'}
        escaped = "".join([table.get(c, c) for c in word])

        return '"' + escaped + '"' if needs_quote(word) else escaped

    return " ".join([escape(arg) for arg in command])

def decode(string):
    """Takes a command string and returns as a list."""

    def unescape(arg):
        """Gets rid of the escaping characters."""

        if len(arg) >= 2 and arg[0] == arg[-1] and arg[0] == '"':
            arg = arg[1:-1]
            return re.sub(r'\\(["\\])', r"\1", arg)
        return re.sub(r"\\([\\ $%&\(\)\[\]\{\}\*|<>@?!])", r"\1", arg)

    return [unescape(arg) for arg in shlex.split(string)]