// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++98 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify=expected -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify=expected,cxx11-14,since-cxx11 -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++14 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify=expected,cxx11-14,since-cxx11 -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++17 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify=expected,since-cxx11 -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify=expected,since-cxx11,since-cxx20 -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++23 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify=expected,since-cxx11,since-cxx20,since-cxx23 -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++2c -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify=expected,since-cxx11,since-cxx20,since-cxx23 -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
namespace std {
struct type_info{};
} // namespace std
// cwg2504 is in cwg2504.cpp
namespace cwg2512 { // cwg2512: 2.7
struct A; // #cwg2512-A
void foo(A* p) {
// expected-error@-1 {{'typeid' of incomplete type 'A'}}
// expected-note@#cwg2512-A {{forward declaration of 'cwg2512::A'}}
} // namespace cwg2512
namespace cwg2516 { // cwg2516: 3.0
// NB: reusing 1482 test
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
template <typename T> struct S {
typedef char I;
enum E2 : S<E2>::I { e };
// since-cxx11-error@-1 {{use of undeclared identifier 'E2'}}
} // namespace cwg2516
namespace cwg2518 { // cwg2518: 17
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
template <class T>
void f(T t) {
if constexpr (sizeof(T) != sizeof(int)) {
// cxx11-14-error@-1 {{constexpr if is a C++17 extension}}
static_assert(false, "must be int-sized");
// since-cxx11-error@-1 {{static assertion failed: must be int-sized}}
// since-cxx11-note@#cwg2518-f-c {{in instantiation of function template specialization 'cwg2518::f<char>' requested here}}
void g(char c) {
f(c); // #cwg2518-f-c
template <typename Ty>
struct S {
// cxx11-14-error@-1 {{'static_assert' with no message is a C++17 extension}}
// since-cxx11-error@-2 {{static assertion failed}}
// since-cxx11-note@#cwg2518-S-double {{in instantiation of template class 'cwg2518::S<double>' requested here}}
template <>
struct S<int> {};
template <>
struct S<float> {};
int test_specialization() {
S<int> s1;
S<float> s2;
S<double> s3; // #cwg2518-S-double
namespace cwg2521 { // cwg2521: 17
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wdeprecated-literal-operator"
long double operator"" _\u03C0___(long double);
// since-cxx11-warning@-1 {{identifier '_π___' preceded by whitespace in a literal operator declaration is deprecated}}
// since-cxx11-warning@-2 {{user-defined literal suffixes containing '__' are reserved}}
template <char... Chars> decltype(sizeof 0)
operator"" _div();
// since-cxx11-warning@-1 {{identifier '_div' preceded by whitespace in a literal operator declaration is deprecated}}
using ::cwg2521::operator"" _\u03C0___;
using ::cwg2521::operator""_div;
// since-cxx11-warning@-2 {{identifier '_π___' preceded by whitespace in a literal operator declaration is deprecated}}
long double operator"" _RESERVED(long double);
// since-cxx11-warning@-1 {{identifier '_RESERVED' preceded by whitespace in a literal operator declaration is deprecated}}
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
} // namespace cwg2521
namespace cwg2547 { // cwg2547: 20
#if __cplusplus >= 202302L
struct S;
// since-cxx23-note@-1 {{forward declaration of 'cwg2547::S'}}
// since-cxx23-note@-2 {{forward declaration of 'cwg2547::S'}}
// since-cxx23-note@-3 {{forward declaration of 'cwg2547::S'}}
bool operator==(S, S) = default; // error: S is not complete
// since-cxx23-error@-1 {{variable has incomplete type 'S'}}
// since-cxx23-error@-2 {{variable has incomplete type 'S'}}
// since-cxx23-error@-3 {{equality comparison operator is not a friend of incomplete class 'cwg2547::S'}}
struct S {
friend bool operator==(S, const S&) = default; // error: parameters of different types
// since-cxx23-error@-1 {{parameters for defaulted equality comparison operator must have the same type (found 'S' vs 'const S &')}}
enum E { };
bool operator==(E, E) = default; // error: not a member or friend of a class
// since-cxx23-error@-1 {{invalid parameter type for non-member defaulted equality comparison operator; found 'E', expected class or reference to a constant class}}
struct S2 {
bool operator==(this int, S2) = default;
// since-cxx23-error@-1 {{invalid parameter type for defaulted equality comparison operator; found 'int', expected 'const cwg2547::S2 &'}}
} // namespace cwg2547
#if __cplusplus >= 202302L
namespace cwg2553 { // cwg2553: 18 review 2023-07-14
struct B {
virtual void f(this B&);
// since-cxx23-error@-1 {{an explicit object parameter cannot appear in a virtual function}}
static void f(this B&);
// since-cxx23-error@-1 {{an explicit object parameter cannot appear in a static function}}
virtual void g(); // #cwg2553-g
struct D : B {
void g(this D&);
// since-cxx23-error@-1 {{an explicit object parameter cannot appear in a virtual function}}
// since-cxx23-note@#cwg2553-g {{overridden virtual function is here}}
#if __cplusplus >= 202302L
namespace cwg2554 { // cwg2554: 18 review 2021-12-10
struct B {
virtual void f(); // #cwg2554-g
struct D : B {
void f(this D&);
// since-cxx23-error@-1 {{an explicit object parameter cannot appear in a virtual function}}
// since-cxx23-note@#cwg2554-g {{overridden virtual function is here}}
struct D2 : B {
void f(this B&);
// since-cxx23-error@-1 {{an explicit object parameter cannot appear in a virtual function}}
// since-cxx23-note@#cwg2554-g {{overridden virtual function is here}}
struct T {};
struct D3 : B {
void f(this T&);
// since-cxx23-error@-1 {{an explicit object parameter cannot appear in a virtual function}}
// since-cxx23-note@#cwg2554-g {{overridden virtual function is here}}
#if __cplusplus >= 202302L
namespace cwg2561 { // cwg2561: no
struct C {
constexpr C(auto) { }
void foo() {
constexpr auto b = [](this C) { return 1; };
// FIXME: closure type shouldn't have a conversion function to function
// pointer, because explicit object parameter is present.
constexpr int (*fp)(C) = b;
static_assert(fp(1) == 1);
static_assert((&decltype(b)::operator())(1) == 1);
namespace cwg2565 { // cwg2565: 16 open 2023-06-07
#if __cplusplus >= 202002L
template<typename T>
concept C = requires (typename T::type x) {
x + 1;
// Variant of this as reported in GH57487.
template<bool B> struct bool_constant
{ static constexpr bool value = B; };
template<typename T>
using is_referenceable
= bool_constant<requires (T&) { true; }>;
template<typename T, typename U>
concept TwoParams = requires (T *a, U b){ true;}; // #cwg2565-TPC
template<typename T, typename U>
requires TwoParams<T, U> // #cwg2565-TPSREQ
struct TwoParamsStruct{};
using TPSU = TwoParamsStruct<void, void>;
// since-cxx20-error@-1 {{constraints not satisfied for class template 'TwoParamsStruct'}}
// since-cxx20-note@#cwg2565-TPSREQ {{because 'TwoParams<void, void>' evaluated to false}}
// since-cxx20-note@#cwg2565-TPC {{because 'b' would be invalid: argument may not have 'void' type}}
template<typename T, typename ...U>
concept Variadic = requires (U* ... a, T b){ true;}; // #cwg2565-VC
template<typename T, typename ...U>
requires Variadic<T, U...> // #cwg2565-VSREQ
struct VariadicStruct{};
using VSU = VariadicStruct<void, int, char, double>;
// since-cxx20-error@-1 {{constraints not satisfied for class template 'VariadicStruct'}}
// since-cxx20-note@#cwg2565-VSREQ {{because 'Variadic<void, int, char, double>' evaluated to false}}
// since-cxx20-note@#cwg2565-VC {{because 'b' would be invalid: argument may not have 'void' type}}
template<typename T>
concept ErrorRequires = requires (ErrorRequires auto x) {
// since-cxx20-error@-1 {{a concept definition cannot refer to itself}} \
// since-cxx20-error@-1 {{'auto' not allowed in requires expression parameter}} \
// since-cxx20-note@-1 {{declared here}}
// since-cxx20-error@-1 {{static assertion failed}}
// since-cxx20-note@-2 {{because substituted constraint expression is ill-formed: constraint depends on a previously diagnosed expression}}
template<typename T>
concept NestedErrorInRequires = requires (T x) { //
// since-cxx20-note@-1 {{declared here}}
requires requires (NestedErrorInRequires auto y) {
// since-cxx20-error@-1 {{a concept definition cannot refer to itself}} \
// since-cxx20-error@-1 {{'auto' not allowed in requires expression parameter}}
// expected-error@-1 {{static assertion failed}}
// expected-note@-2 {{because substituted constraint expression is ill-formed: constraint depends on a previously diagnosed expression}}
namespace cwg2583 { // cwg2583: 19
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
struct A {
int i;
char c;
struct B {
int i;
alignas(8) char c;
union U {
A a;
B b;
union V {
A a;
alignas(64) B b;
static_assert(!__is_layout_compatible(A, B), "");
static_assert(__is_layout_compatible(U, V), "");
} // namespace cwg2583
namespace cwg2586 { // cwg2586: 20
#if __cplusplus >= 202302L
struct X {
X& operator=(this X&, const X&) = default;
X& operator=(this X&, X&) = default;
X& operator=(this X&&, X&&) = default;
// FIXME: The notes could be clearer on *how* the type differs
// e.g., "if an explicit object parameter is used it must be of type reference to 'X'"
X& operator=(this int, const X&) = default;
// since-cxx23-warning@-1 {{explicitly defaulted copy assignment operator is implicitly deleted}}
// since-cxx23-note@-2 {{function is implicitly deleted because its declared type does not match the type of an implicit copy assignment operator}}
X& operator=(this X, const X&) = default;
// since-cxx23-warning@-1 {{explicitly defaulted copy assignment operator is implicitly deleted}}
// since-cxx23-note@-2 {{function is implicitly deleted because its declared type does not match the type of an implicit copy assignment operator}}
struct Y {
void operator=(this int, const Y&); // This is copy constructor, suppresses implicit declaration
static_assert([]<typename T = Y>{
return !requires(T t, const T& ct) { t = ct; };
struct Z {
bool operator==(this const Z&, const Z&) = default;
bool operator==(this Z, Z) = default;
bool operator==(this Z, const Z&) = default;
// since-cxx23-error@-1 {{parameters for defaulted equality comparison operator must have the same type (found 'Z' vs 'const Z &')}}
bool operator==(this const Z&, Z) = default;
// since-cxx23-error@-1 {{parameters for defaulted equality comparison operator must have the same type (found 'const Z &' vs 'Z')}}
bool operator==(this int, Z) = default;
// since-cxx23-error@-1 {{invalid parameter type for defaulted equality comparison operator; found 'int', expected 'const cwg2586::Z &'}}
} // namespace cwg2586
namespace cwg2598 { // cwg2598: 18
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
struct NonLiteral {
struct anonymous1 {
union {} a;
static_assert(__is_literal(anonymous1), "");
struct anonymous2 {
union { char c; };
static_assert(__is_literal(anonymous2), "");
struct anonymous3 {
union { char c; NonLiteral NL; };
static_assert(__is_literal(anonymous3), "");
struct anonymous4 {
union { NonLiteral NL; };
static_assert(!__is_literal(anonymous4), "");
union empty {};
static_assert(__is_literal(empty), "");
union union1 { char c; };
static_assert(__is_literal(union1), "");
union union2 { char c; NonLiteral NL;};
static_assert(__is_literal(union2), "");
union union3 { NonLiteral NL;};
static_assert(!__is_literal(union3), "");
union union4 { union4(); };
static_assert(!__is_literal(union4), "");
union union5 { static NonLiteral NL; };
static_assert(__is_literal(union5), "");
struct Literal { constexpr Literal() {} };
union union6 { NonLiteral NL; Literal L; };
static_assert(__is_literal(union6), "");
#if __cplusplus >= 202003L
struct A { A(); };
union U {
A a;
constexpr U() {}
constexpr ~U() {}
static_assert(!__is_literal(U), "");