
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -std=c++98 %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -std=c++11 %s

class X{
  enum E {Enumerator}; // expected-note 2{{declared here}}
  int f();
  static int mem;
  static float g();

void test(X* xp, X x) {
  int i1 = x.f();
  int i2 = xp->f();
  x.E; // expected-error{{cannot refer to type member 'E' in 'X' with '.'}}
  xp->E; // expected-error{{cannot refer to type member 'E' in 'X' with '->'}}
  int i3 = x.Enumerator;
  int i4 = xp->Enumerator;
  x.mem = 1;
  xp->mem = 2;
  float f1 = x.g();
  float f2 = xp->g();

struct A {
 int f0;
struct B {
 A *f0();
int f0(B *b) {
  return b->f0->f0; // expected-error{{did you mean to call it with no arguments}}

int i;

namespace C {
  int i;

void test2(X *xp) {
  xp->::i = 7; // expected-error{{'i' is not a member of class 'X'}}
  xp->C::i = 7; // expected-error{{'C::i' is not a member of class 'X'}}

namespace test3 {
  struct NamespaceDecl;

  struct NamedDecl {
    void *getIdentifier() const;

  struct NamespaceDecl : NamedDecl {
    bool isAnonymousNamespace() const {
      return !getIdentifier();

namespace test4 {
  class X {
    template<typename T> void f(T);

  class Y : public X {
    using X::f;

  void test_f(Y y) {

namespace test5 {
  struct A {
    template <class T> void foo();

  void test0(int x) {
    x.A::foo<int>(); // expected-error {{'int' is not a structure or union}}

  void test1(A *x) {
    x.A::foo<int>(); // expected-error {{'A *' is a pointer}}

  void test2(A &x) {
    x->A::foo<int>(); // expected-error {{'A' is not a pointer; did you mean to use '.'?}}

namespace PR7508 {
  struct A {
    struct CleanupScope {};
    void PopCleanupBlock(); // expected-note{{'PopCleanupBlock' declared here}}

  void foo(A &a) {
    a.PopCleanupScope(); // expected-error{{no member named 'PopCleanupScope' in 'PR7508::A'; did you mean 'PopCleanupBlock'?}}

namespace rdar8231724 {
  namespace N {
    template<typename T> struct X1;
    int i;

  struct X { };
  struct Y : X { };

  template<typename T> struct Z { int n; };

  void f(Y *y) {
    y->N::X1<int>; // expected-error{{'rdar8231724::N::X1' is not a member of class 'Y'}}
    y->Z<int>::n; // expected-error{{'rdar8231724::Z<int>::n' is not a member of class 'Y'}}
    y->template Z<int>::n; // expected-error{{'rdar8231724::Z<int>::n' is not a member of class 'Y'}}
#if __cplusplus <= 199711L // C++03 or earlier modes
    // expected-warning@-2{{'template' keyword outside of a template}}

namespace PR9025 {
  struct S { int x; };
  S fun(); // expected-note{{possible target for call}}
  int fun(int i); // expected-note{{possible target for call}}
  int g() {
    return fun.x; // expected-error{{reference to overloaded function could not be resolved; did you mean to call it with no arguments?}}

  S fun2(); // expected-note{{possible target for call}}
  S fun2(int i); // expected-note{{possible target for call}}
  int g2() {
    return fun2.x; // expected-error{{reference to overloaded function could not be resolved; did you mean to call it with no arguments?}}

  S fun3(int i=0); // expected-note{{possible target for call}}
  int fun3(int i, int j); // expected-note{{possible target for call}}
  int g3() {
    return fun3.x; // expected-error{{reference to overloaded function could not be resolved; did you mean to call it with no arguments?}}

  template <typename T> S fun4(); // expected-note{{possible target for call}}
  int g4() {
    return fun4.x; // expected-error{{reference to overloaded function could not be resolved; did you mean to call it?}}

  S fun5(int i); // expected-note{{possible target for call}}
  S fun5(float f); // expected-note{{possible target for call}}
  int g5() {
    return fun5.x; // expected-error{{reference to overloaded function could not be resolved; did you mean to call it?}}

namespace FuncInMemberExpr {
  struct Vec { int size(); };
  Vec fun1();
  int test1() { return fun1.size(); } // expected-error {{base of member reference is a function; perhaps you meant to call it with no arguments}}
  Vec *fun2();
  int test2() { return fun2->size(); } // expected-error {{base of member reference is a function; perhaps you meant to call it with no arguments}}
  Vec fun3(int x = 0);
  int test3() { return fun3.size(); } // expected-error {{base of member reference is a function; perhaps you meant to call it with no arguments}}

namespace DotForSemiTypo {
void f(int i) {
  // If the programmer typo'd '.' for ';', make sure we point at the '.' rather
  // than the "field name" (whatever the first token on the next line happens to
  // be).
  int j = i. // expected-error {{member reference base type 'int' is not a structure or union}}
  j = 0;

namespace PR15045 {
  class Cl0 {
    int a;

  int f() {
    Cl0 c;
    return c->a;  // expected-error {{member reference type 'Cl0' is not a pointer; did you mean to use '.'?}}

  struct bar {
    void func();  // expected-note {{'func' declared here}}

  struct foo {
    bar operator->();  // expected-note 2 {{'->' applied to return value of the operator->() declared here}}

  template <class T> void call_func(T t) {
    t->func();  // expected-error-re 2 {{member reference type '{{(PR15045::)?}}bar' is not a pointer{{$}}}} \
                // expected-note {{did you mean to use '.' instead?}}

  void test_arrow_on_non_pointer_records() {
    bar e;
    foo f;

    // Show that recovery has happened by also triggering typo correction
    e->Func();  // expected-error {{member reference type 'bar' is not a pointer; did you mean to use '.'?}} \
                // expected-error {{no member named 'Func' in 'PR15045::bar'; did you mean 'func'?}}

    // Make sure a fixit isn't given in the case that the '->' isn't actually
    // the problem (the problem is with the return value of an operator->).
    f->func();  // expected-error-re {{member reference type 'bar' is not a pointer{{$}}}}

    call_func(e);  // expected-note {{in instantiation of function template specialization 'PR15045::call_func<PR15045::bar>' requested here}}

    call_func(f);  // expected-note {{in instantiation of function template specialization 'PR15045::call_func<PR15045::foo>' requested here}}

namespace pr16676 {
  struct S { int i; };
  struct T { S* get_s(); };
  int f(S* s) {
    T t;
    return t.get_s  // expected-error {{reference to non-static member function must be called; did you mean to call it with no arguments?}}
        .i;  // expected-error {{member reference type 'S *' is a pointer; did you mean to use '->'}}

namespace LookupTemplateNameAssert {
void f() {}

typedef int at[];
const at& f2(){}

void g() {
  f().junk<int>(); // expected-error {{member reference base type 'void' is not a structure or union}}
// expected-error@-1 {{expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction}}
// expected-error@-2 {{expected expression}}
  f2().junk<int>(); // expected-error {{member reference base type 'const at' (aka 'const int[]') is not a structure or union}}
// expected-error@-1 {{expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction}}
// expected-error@-2 {{expected expression}}