// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -std=c++20 -verify -Wreserved-identifier %s
int foo__bar() { return 0; } // expected-warning {{identifier 'foo__bar' is reserved because it contains '__'}}
static int _bar() { return 0; } // expected-warning {{identifier '_bar' is reserved because it starts with '_' at global scope}}
static int _Bar() { return 0; } // expected-warning {{identifier '_Bar' is reserved because it starts with '_' followed by a capital letter}}
int _barbouille() { return 0; } // expected-warning {{identifier '_barbouille' is reserved because it starts with '_' at global scope}}
void foo(unsigned int _Reserved) { // expected-warning {{identifier '_Reserved' is reserved because it starts with '_' followed by a capital letter}}
unsigned int __1 = // expected-warning {{identifier '__1' is reserved because it starts with '__'}}
_Reserved; // no-warning
// This one is explicitly skipped by -Wreserved-identifier
void *_; // no-warning
template <class T> constexpr bool __toucan = true; // expected-warning {{identifier '__toucan' is reserved because it starts with '__'}}
template <class T>
concept _Barbotine = __toucan<T>; // expected-warning {{identifier '_Barbotine' is reserved because it starts with '_' followed by a capital letter}}
template <class __> // expected-warning {{'__' is reserved because it starts with '__'}}
struct BarbeNoire {};
template <class _not_reserved> // no-warning
struct BarbeJaune {};
template <class __> // expected-warning {{'__' is reserved because it starts with '__'}}
void BarbeRousse() {}
namespace _Barbidur { // expected-warning {{identifier '_Barbidur' is reserved because it starts with '_' followed by a capital letter}}
struct __barbidou {}; // expected-warning {{identifier '__barbidou' is reserved because it starts with '__'}}
struct _barbidou {}; // no-warning
int __barbouille; // expected-warning {{identifier '__barbouille' is reserved because it starts with '__'}}
int _barbouille; // no-warning
int __babar() { return 0; } // expected-warning {{identifier '__babar' is reserved because it starts with '__'}}
int _babar() { return 0; } // no-warning
} // namespace _Barbidur
class __barbapapa { // expected-warning {{identifier '__barbapapa' is reserved because it starts with '__'}}
void _barbabelle() {} // no-warning
int _Barbalala; // expected-warning {{identifier '_Barbalala' is reserved because it starts with '_' followed by a capital letter}}
enum class __menu { // expected-warning {{identifier '__menu' is reserved because it starts with '__'}}
__some, // expected-warning {{identifier '__some' is reserved because it starts with '__'}}
_Other, // expected-warning {{identifier '_Other' is reserved because it starts with '_' followed by a capital letter}}
_other // no-warning
enum _Menu { // expected-warning {{identifier '_Menu' is reserved because it starts with '_' followed by a capital letter}}
_OtheR_, // expected-warning {{identifier '_OtheR_' is reserved because it starts with '_' followed by a capital letter}}
_other_ // expected-warning {{identifier '_other_' is reserved because it starts with '_' at global scope}}
enum {
__some, // expected-warning {{identifier '__some' is reserved because it starts with '__'}}
_Other, // expected-warning {{identifier '_Other' is reserved because it starts with '_' followed by a capital letter}}
_other // expected-warning {{identifier '_other' is reserved because it starts with '_' at global scope}}
static union {
int _barbeFleurie; // no-warning
using _Barbamama = __barbapapa; // expected-warning {{identifier '_Barbamama' is reserved because it starts with '_' followed by a capital letter}}
int foobar() {
return foo__bar(); // no-warning
namespace {
int _barbatruc; // no-warning
long double operator"" _BarbeBleue(long double) // expected-warning {{identifier '_BarbeBleue' is reserved because it starts with '_' followed by a capital letter}}\
// expected-warning {{identifier '_BarbeBleue' preceded by whitespace in a literal operator declaration is deprecated}}
return 0.;
long double operator""_SacreBleu(long double) // no-warning
return 0.;
long double sacrebleu = operator"" _SacreBleu(1.2); // expected-warning {{identifier '_SacreBleu' is reserved because it starts with '_' followed by a capital letter}} \
// expected-warning {{identifier '_SacreBleu' preceded by whitespace in a literal operator declaration is deprecated}}
long double sangbleu = operator""_SacreBleu(1.2); // no-warning
void operator"" _lowercase(unsigned long long); // expected-warning {{identifier '_lowercase' preceded by whitespace in a literal operator declaration is deprecated}}
void operator""_lowercase(unsigned long long); // no-warning
struct _BarbeRouge { // expected-warning {{identifier '_BarbeRouge' is reserved because it starts with '_' followed by a capital letter}}
} p;
struct _BarbeNoire { // expected-warning {{identifier '_BarbeNoire' is reserved because it starts with '_' followed by a capital letter}}
} * q;
struct Any {
friend void _barbegrise(); // expected-warning {{identifier '_barbegrise' is reserved because it starts with '_' at global scope}}
#define _not_reserved
#define _Reserved // expected-warning {{macro name is a reserved identifier}}
#undef _not_reserved
#undef _Reserved // expected-warning {{macro name is a reserved identifier}}
namespace N {
int _namespace_a;
extern "C" int _namespace_b; // expected-warning {{identifier '_namespace_b' is reserved because it starts with '_' and has C language linkage}}
void _namespace_c();
extern "C" void _namespace_d(); // expected-warning {{identifier '_namespace_d' is reserved because it starts with '_' and has C language linkage}}