// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify=expected -fopenmp -ferror-limit 100 -o - -std=c++11 %s -Wuninitialized
void bad() {
#pragma omp target data ompx_attribute() // expected-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'ompx_attribute' in directive '#pragma omp target data'}}
#pragma omp target data ompx_attribute(__attribute__((launch_bounds(1, 2)))) // expected-error {{unexpected OpenMP clause 'ompx_attribute' in directive '#pragma omp target data'}} expected-error {{expected at least one 'map', 'use_device_ptr', or 'use_device_addr' clause for '#pragma omp target data'}}
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute()
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute(__attribute__(()))
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute(__attribute__((pure))) // expected-warning {{'ompx_attribute' clause only allows 'amdgpu_flat_work_group_size', 'amdgpu_waves_per_eu', and 'launch_bounds'; 'pure' is ignored}}
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute(__attribute__((pure,amdgpu_waves_per_eu(1, 2), const))) // expected-warning {{'ompx_attribute' clause only allows 'amdgpu_flat_work_group_size', 'amdgpu_waves_per_eu', and 'launch_bounds'; 'pure' is ignored}} expected-warning {{'ompx_attribute' clause only allows 'amdgpu_flat_work_group_size', 'amdgpu_waves_per_eu', and 'launch_bounds'; 'const' is ignored}}
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute(__attribute__((amdgpu_waves_per_eu()))) // expected-error {{'amdgpu_waves_per_eu' attribute takes at least 1 argument}}
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute(__attribute__((amdgpu_waves_per_eu(1, 2, 3)))) // expected-error {{'amdgpu_waves_per_eu' attribute takes no more than 2 arguments}}
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute(__attribute__((amdgpu_flat_work_group_size(1)))) // expected-error {{'amdgpu_flat_work_group_size' attribute requires exactly 2 arguments}}
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute(__attribute__((amdgpu_flat_work_group_size(1, 2, 3,)))) // expected-error {{expected expression}}
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute([[clang::amdgpu_waves_per_eu(1, 2, 3)]]) // expected-error {{'amdgpu_waves_per_eu' attribute takes no more than 2 arguments}}
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute([[clang::unknown]]) // expected-warning {{'ompx_attribute' clause only allows 'amdgpu_flat_work_group_size', 'amdgpu_waves_per_eu', and 'launch_bounds'; 'unknown' is ignored}}
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute(baz) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute(__attribute__((launch_bounds(1))))
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute(__attribute__((launch_bounds(bad)))) // expected-error {{'launch_bounds' attribute requires parameter 0 to be an integer constant}}
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute(__attribute__((launch_bounds(1, // expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute(__attribute__((launch_bounds(1, 2 // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute(__attribute__((launch_bounds(1, 2) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute(__attribute__((launch_bounds(1, 2)) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute(__attribute__((launch_bounds(1, 2))) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute(__attribute__((launch_bounds(1, -3)))) // expected-warning {{'launch_bounds' attribute parameter 1 is negative and will be ignored}}
#pragma omp target ompx_attribute(__attribute__((amdgpu_waves_per_eu(10, 1)))) // expected-error {{'amdgpu_waves_per_eu' attribute argument is invalid: min must not be greater than max}}