
// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -emit-llvm -triple spir-unknown-unknown -o - | FileCheck %s

typedef __attribute__(( ext_vector_type(3) )) char char3;
typedef __attribute__(( ext_vector_type(4) )) char char4;
typedef __attribute__(( ext_vector_type(16) )) char char16;
typedef __attribute__(( ext_vector_type(3) )) int int3;

//CHECK: define{{.*}} spir_func <3 x i8> @f1(<4 x i8> noundef %[[x:.*]])
//CHECK: %[[astype:.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i8> %[[x]], <4 x i8> poison, <3 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2>
//CHECK: ret <3 x i8> %[[astype]]
char3 f1(char4 x) {
  return  __builtin_astype(x, char3);

//CHECK: define{{.*}} spir_func <4 x i8> @f2(<3 x i8> noundef %[[x:.*]])
//CHECK: %[[astype:.*]] = shufflevector <3 x i8> %[[x]], <3 x i8> poison, <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 poison>
//CHECK: ret <4 x i8> %[[astype]]
char4 f2(char3 x) {
  return __builtin_astype(x, char4);

//CHECK: define{{.*}} spir_func <3 x i8> @f3(i32 noundef %[[x:.*]])
//CHECK: %[[cast:.*]] = bitcast i32 %[[x]] to <4 x i8>
//CHECK: %[[astype:.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i8> %[[cast]], <4 x i8> poison, <3 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2>
//CHECK: ret <3 x i8> %[[astype]]
char3 f3(int x) {
  return __builtin_astype(x, char3);

//CHECK: define{{.*}} spir_func noundef <4 x i8> @f4(i32 noundef %[[x:.*]])
//CHECK: %[[astype:.*]] = bitcast i32 %[[x]] to <4 x i8>
//CHECK-NOT: shufflevector
//CHECK: ret <4 x i8> %[[astype]]
char4 f4(int x) {
  return __builtin_astype(x, char4);

//CHECK: define{{.*}} spir_func i32 @f5(<3 x i8> noundef %[[x:.*]])
//CHECK: %[[shuffle:.*]] = shufflevector <3 x i8> %[[x]], <3 x i8> poison, <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 poison>
//CHECK: %[[astype:.*]] = bitcast <4 x i8> %[[shuffle]] to i32
//CHECK: ret i32 %[[astype]]
int f5(char3 x) {
  return __builtin_astype(x, int);

//CHECK: define{{.*}} spir_func noundef i32 @f6(<4 x i8> noundef %[[x:.*]])
//CHECK: %[[astype:.*]] = bitcast <4 x i8> %[[x]] to i32
//CHECK-NOT: shufflevector
//CHECK: ret i32 %[[astype]]
int f6(char4 x) {
  return __builtin_astype(x, int);

//CHECK: define{{.*}} spir_func noundef <3 x i8> @f7(<3 x i8> noundef returned %[[x:.*]])
//CHECK-NOT: bitcast
//CHECK-NOT: shufflevector
//CHECK: ret <3 x i8> %[[x]]
char3 f7(char3 x) {
  return __builtin_astype(x, char3);

//CHECK: define{{.*}} spir_func <3 x i32> @f8(<16 x i8> noundef %[[x:.*]])
//CHECK: %[[cast:.*]] = bitcast <16 x i8> %[[x]] to <4 x i32>
//CHECK: %[[astype:.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i32> %[[cast]], <4 x i32> poison, <3 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2>
//CHECK: ret <3 x i32> %[[astype]]
int3 f8(char16 x) {
  return __builtin_astype(x, int3);

//CHECK: define{{.*}} spir_func noundef ptr addrspace(1) @addr_cast(ptr noundef readnone %[[x:.*]])
//CHECK: %[[cast:.*]] ={{.*}} addrspacecast ptr %[[x]] to ptr addrspace(1)
//CHECK: ret ptr addrspace(1) %[[cast]]
global int* addr_cast(int *x) {
  return __builtin_astype(x, global int*);

//CHECK: define{{.*}} spir_func noundef ptr addrspace(1) @int_to_ptr(i32 noundef %[[x:.*]])
//CHECK: %[[cast:.*]] = inttoptr i32 %[[x]] to ptr addrspace(1)
//CHECK: ret ptr addrspace(1) %[[cast]]
global int* int_to_ptr(int x) {
  return __builtin_astype(x, global int*);

//CHECK: define{{.*}} spir_func noundef i32 @ptr_to_int(ptr noundef %[[x:.*]])
//CHECK: %[[cast:.*]] = ptrtoint ptr %[[x]] to i32
//CHECK: ret i32 %[[cast]]
int ptr_to_int(int *x) {
  return __builtin_astype(x, int);

//CHECK: define{{.*}} spir_func <3 x i8> @ptr_to_char3(ptr noundef %[[x:.*]])
//CHECK: %[[cast1:.*]] = ptrtoint ptr %[[x]] to i32
//CHECK: %[[cast2:.*]] = bitcast i32 %[[cast1]] to <4 x i8>
//CHECK: %[[astype:.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i8> %[[cast2]], <4 x i8> poison, <3 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2>
//CHECK: ret <3 x i8> %[[astype]]
char3 ptr_to_char3(int *x) {
  return  __builtin_astype(x, char3);

//CHECK: define{{.*}} spir_func ptr @char3_to_ptr(<3 x i8> noundef %[[x:.*]])
//CHECK: %[[astype:.*]] = shufflevector <3 x i8> %[[x]], <3 x i8> poison, <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 poison>
//CHECK: %[[cast1:.*]] = bitcast <4 x i8> %[[astype]] to i32
//CHECK: %[[cast2:.*]] = inttoptr i32 %[[cast1]] to ptr
//CHECK: ret ptr %[[cast2]]
int* char3_to_ptr(char3 x) {
  return __builtin_astype(x, int*);