// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -fsyntax-only -Wmicrosoft -verify -fms-extensions
// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -fsyntax-only -Wmicrosoft -verify -fms-extensions -fexperimental-new-constant-interpreter
using size_t = __SIZE_TYPE__;
// Test array initialization
void array_init() {
const char a[] = __FUNCTION__; // expected-warning{{initializing an array from a '__FUNCTION__' predefined identifier is a Microsoft extension}}
const char b[] = __FUNCDNAME__; // expected-warning{{initializing an array from a '__FUNCDNAME__' predefined identifier is a Microsoft extension}}
const char c[] = __FUNCSIG__; // expected-warning{{initializing an array from a '__FUNCSIG__' predefined identifier is a Microsoft extension}}
const char d[] = __func__; // expected-warning{{initializing an array from a '__func__' predefined identifier is a Microsoft extension}}
const char e[] = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; // expected-warning{{initializing an array from a '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__' predefined identifier is a Microsoft extension}}
const wchar_t f[] = L__FUNCTION__; // expected-warning{{initializing an array from a 'L__FUNCTION__' predefined identifier is a Microsoft extension}}
const wchar_t g[] = L__FUNCSIG__; // expected-warning{{initializing an array from a 'L__FUNCSIG__' predefined identifier is a Microsoft extension}}
// Test function local identifiers outside of a function
const char* g_function = __FUNCTION__; // expected-warning{{predefined identifier is only valid inside function}}
const char* g_function_lconcat = "" __FUNCTION__; // expected-warning{{predefined identifier is only valid inside function}} \
// expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
const char* g_function_rconcat = __FUNCTION__ ""; // expected-warning{{predefined identifier is only valid inside function}} \
// expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
namespace NS
const char* function = __FUNCTION__; // expected-warning{{predefined identifier is only valid inside function}}
const char* function_lconcat = "" __FUNCTION__; // expected-warning{{predefined identifier is only valid inside function}} \
// expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
const char* function_rconcat = __FUNCTION__ ""; // expected-warning{{predefined identifier is only valid inside function}} \
// expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
struct S
static constexpr const char* function = __FUNCTION__; // expected-warning{{predefined identifier is only valid inside function}}
static constexpr const char* function_lconcat = "" __FUNCTION__; // expected-warning{{predefined identifier is only valid inside function}} \
// expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
static constexpr const char* function_rconcat = __FUNCTION__ ""; // expected-warning{{predefined identifier is only valid inside function}} \
// expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
template<class T, class U>
constexpr bool is_same = false;
template<class T>
constexpr bool is_same<T, T> = true;
template<typename T, size_t N>
constexpr bool equal(const T (&a)[N], const T (&b)[N]) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
if (a[i] != b[i])
return false;
return true;
#define ASSERT_EQ(X, Y) static_assert(equal(X, Y), "")
#define ASSERT_EQ_TY(X, Y) static_assert(is_same<decltype((X)[0]), decltype((Y)[0])>, "")
#define _WIDE(s) L##s
#define WIDE(s) _WIDE(s)
// Test value
extern "C" void test_value() {
ASSERT_EQ(__FUNCTION__, "test_value");
ASSERT_EQ(__FUNCSIG__, "void __cdecl test_value(void)");
ASSERT_EQ(WIDE(__FUNCTION__), L"test_value");
ASSERT_EQ(WIDE(__FUNCSIG__), L"void __cdecl test_value(void)");
namespace PR13206 {
template<class T> class A {
void method() {
ASSERT_EQ(L__FUNCTION__, L"method");
void test_template_value() {
A<int> x;
// Test concatenation
extern "C" void test_concat() {
ASSERT_EQ("left_" __FUNCTION__, "left_test_concat"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ("left_" __FUNCDNAME__, "left_test_concat"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCDNAME__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ("left " __FUNCSIG__, "left void __cdecl test_concat(void)"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCSIG__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ(__FUNCTION__ "_right", "test_concat_right"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ(__FUNCDNAME__ "_right", "test_concat_right"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCDNAME__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ(__FUNCSIG__ " right", "void __cdecl test_concat(void) right"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCSIG__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ("left_" __FUNCTION__ "_right", "left_test_concat_right"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ("left_" __FUNCDNAME__ "_right", "left_test_concat_right"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCDNAME__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ("left " __FUNCSIG__ " right", "left void __cdecl test_concat(void) right"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCSIG__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ(__FUNCTION__ "/" __FUNCSIG__, "test_concat/void __cdecl test_concat(void)"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}} \
// expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCSIG__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
extern "C" void test_wide_concat() {
// test L"" + ""
ASSERT_EQ(L"" __FUNCTION__, L__FUNCTION__); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ(L"" __FUNCSIG__, L__FUNCSIG__); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCSIG__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
// test Lx + ""
ASSERT_EQ(L__FUNCTION__, L__FUNCTION__ ""); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier 'L__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ(L__FUNCSIG__, L__FUNCSIG__ ""); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier 'L__FUNCSIG__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ(L"left_" L__FUNCTION__, L"left_test_wide_concat"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier 'L__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ(L"left " L__FUNCSIG__, L"left void __cdecl test_wide_concat(void)"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier 'L__FUNCSIG__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ(L__FUNCTION__ L"_right", L"test_wide_concat_right"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier 'L__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ(L__FUNCSIG__ L" right", L"void __cdecl test_wide_concat(void) right"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier 'L__FUNCSIG__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ(L"left_" L__FUNCTION__ L"_right", L"left_test_wide_concat_right"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier 'L__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ(L"left " L__FUNCSIG__ L" right", L"left void __cdecl test_wide_concat(void) right"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier 'L__FUNCSIG__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ(L__FUNCTION__ L"/" L__FUNCSIG__, L"test_wide_concat/void __cdecl test_wide_concat(void)"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier 'L__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}} \
// expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier 'L__FUNCSIG__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
void test_encoding() {
ASSERT_EQ_TY("" __FUNCTION__, ""); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ_TY(L"" __FUNCTION__, L""); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ_TY(L"" L__FUNCTION__, L""); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier 'L__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ_TY("" L__FUNCTION__, L""); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier 'L__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ_TY(u8"" __FUNCTION__, u8""); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ_TY(u"" __FUNCTION__, u""); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ_TY(U"" __FUNCTION__, U""); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ_TY(__FUNCTION__ L"", L""); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ_TY(__FUNCTION__ u8"", u8""); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ_TY(__FUNCTION__ u"", u""); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ_TY(__FUNCTION__ U"", U""); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
extern "C" void test_𐀀() {
ASSERT_EQ(U"" __FUNCTION__, U"test_𐀀"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ(u"" __FUNCTION__, u"test_𐀀"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ(u8"" __FUNCTION__, u8"test_𐀀"); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
template<typename T>
void unused(T);
void test_invalid_encoding() {
unused(u8"" L__FUNCTION__); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier 'L__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}} \
// expected-error{{unsupported non-standard concatenation of string literals}}
unused(u"" L__FUNCTION__); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier 'L__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}} \
// expected-error{{unsupported non-standard concatenation of string literals}}
unused(U"" L__FUNCTION__); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier 'L__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}} \
// expected-error{{unsupported non-standard concatenation of string literals}}
constexpr size_t operator""_len(const char*, size_t len) {
return len;
void test_udliteral() {
static_assert(__FUNCTION__ ""_len == 14, ""); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
void test_static_assert() {
static_assert(true, __FUNCTION__); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
void test_char_injection(decltype(sizeof('"')), decltype(sizeof("()"))) {
unused("" __FUNCSIG__); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCSIG__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
void test_in_struct_init() {
struct {
char F[sizeof(__FUNCTION__)];
} s1 = { __FUNCTION__ }; // expected-warning{{initializing an array from a '__FUNCTION__' predefined identifier is a Microsoft extension}}
struct {
char F[sizeof("F:" __FUNCTION__)]; // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
} s2 = { "F:" __FUNCTION__ }; // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
class C {
struct {
char F[sizeof(__FUNCTION__)];
} s;
} c1 = { { __FUNCTION__ } }; // expected-warning{{initializing an array from a '__FUNCTION__' predefined identifier is a Microsoft extension}}
void test_in_constexpr_struct_init() {
struct {
char F[sizeof(__FUNCTION__)];
} constexpr s1 = { __FUNCTION__ }; // expected-warning{{initializing an array from a '__FUNCTION__' predefined identifier is a Microsoft extension}}
struct {
char F[sizeof("F:" __FUNCTION__)]; // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
} constexpr s2 = { "F:" __FUNCTION__ }; // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ("F:" __FUNCTION__, s2.F); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
class C {
struct {
char F[sizeof("F:" __FUNCTION__)]; // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
} s;
} constexpr c1 = { { "F:" __FUNCTION__ } }; // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}
ASSERT_EQ("F:" __FUNCTION__, c1.s.F); // expected-warning{{expansion of predefined identifier '__FUNCTION__' to a string literal is a Microsoft extension}}