// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -analyzer-checker=security.PointerSub -analyzer-output=text-minimal -verify %s
typedef int * Ptr;
void f1(void) {
int x, y, z[10];
int d = &y - &x; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that do not point into the same array is undefined behavior}}
d = z - &y; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that do not point into the same array is undefined behavior}}
d = &x - &x; // no-warning (subtraction of any two identical pointers is allowed)
d = (long *)&x - (long *)&x;
d = (&x + 1) - &x; // no-warning ('&x' is like a single-element array)
d = &x - (&x + 1); // no-warning
d = (&x + 0) - &x; // no-warning
d = (z + 10) - z; // no-warning
d = (long long)&y - (long long)&x; // no-warning
long long l = 1;
d = l - (long long)&y; // no-warning
Ptr p1 = &x;
Ptr p2 = &y;
d = p1 - p2; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that do not point into the same array is undefined behavior}}
void f2(void) {
int a[10], b[10], c; // expected-note{{Array at the left-hand side of subtraction}} \
// expected-note2{{Array at the right-hand side of subtraction}}
int *p = &a[2];
int *q = &a[8];
int d = q - p; // no-warning (pointers into the same array)
q = &b[3];
d = q - p; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
d = &a[4] - a; // no-warning
d = &a[2] - p; // no-warning
d = &c - p; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
d = (int *)((char *)(&a[4]) + sizeof(int)) - &a[4]; // no-warning (pointers into the same array data)
d = (int *)((char *)(&a[4]) + 1) - &a[4]; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
long long a1 = (long long)&a[1];
long long b1 = (long long)&b[1];
d = a1 - b1;
void f3(void) {
int a[3][4]; // expected-note{{Array at the left-hand side of subtraction}} \
// expected-note2{{Array at the right-hand side of subtraction}}
int d;
d = &(a[2]) - &(a[1]);
d = a[2] - a[1]; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
d = a[1] - a[1];
d = &(a[1][2]) - &(a[1][0]);
d = &(a[1][2]) - &(a[0][0]); // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
d = (int *)((char *)(&a[2][2]) + sizeof(int)) - &a[2][2]; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
d = (int *)((char *)(&a[2][2]) + 1) - &a[2][2]; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
d = (int (*)[4])((char *)&a[2] + sizeof(int (*)[4])) - &a[2]; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
d = (int (*)[4])((char *)&a[2] + 1) - &a[2]; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
void f4(void) {
int n = 4, m = 3;
int a[n][m];
int (*p)[m] = a; // p == &a[0]
p += 1; // p == &a[1]
// FIXME: This is a known problem with -Wpointer-arith (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/28328)
int d = p - a; // d == 1 // expected-warning{{subtraction of pointers to type 'int[m]' of zero size has undefined behavior}}
// FIXME: This is a known problem with -Wpointer-arith (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/28328)
d = &(a[2]) - &(a[1]); // expected-warning{{subtraction of pointers to type 'int[m]' of zero size has undefined behavior}}
d = a[2] - a[1]; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
struct S {
int a;
int b;
int c[10]; // expected-note2{{Array at the right-hand side of subtraction}}
int d[10]; // expected-note2{{Array at the left-hand side of subtraction}}
void f5(void) {
struct S s;
int y;
int d;
d = &s.b - &s.a; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
d = &s.c[0] - &s.a; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
d = &s.b - &y; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
d = &s.c[3] - &s.c[2];
d = &s.d[3] - &s.c[2]; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
d = s.d - s.c; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
struct S sa[10];
d = &sa[2] - &sa[1];
d = &sa[2].a - &sa[1].b; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
void f6(void) {
long long l = 2;
char *a1 = (char *)&l;
int d = a1[3] - l;
long long la1[3] = {1}; // expected-note{{Array at the right-hand side of subtraction}}
long long la2[3] = {1}; // expected-note{{Array at the left-hand side of subtraction}}
char *pla1 = (char *)la1;
char *pla2 = (char *)la2;
d = pla1[1] - pla1[0];
d = (long long *)&pla1[1] - &l; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
d = &pla2[3] - &pla1[3]; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
void f7(int *p) {
int a[10];
int d = &a[10] - p; // no-warning ('p' is unknown, even if it cannot point into 'a')
void f8(int n) {
int a[10] = {1};
int d = a[n] - a[0]; // no-warning
int f9(const char *p1) {
const char *p2 = p1;
return p1 - p2; // no-warning
int f10(struct S *p1, struct S *p2) {
return &p1->c[5] - &p2->c[5]; // no-warning
struct S1 {
int a;
int b; // expected-note{{Object at the right-hand side of subtraction}}
int f11() {
struct S1 s; // expected-note{{Object at the left-hand side of subtraction}}
return (char *)&s - (char *)&s.b; // expected-warning{{Subtraction of two pointers that}}
struct S2 {
char *p1;
char *p2;
void init_S2(struct S2 *);
int f12() {
struct S2 s;
return s.p1 - s.p2; // no-warning (pointers are unknown)