
## Check a common case for BOLT address translation tables. These tables are used
## to translate profile activity happening in a bolted binary back to the
## original binary, so you can run BOLT again, with updated profile collected
## in a production environment that only runs bolted binaries. As BOLT only
## takes no-bolt binaries as inputs, this translation is necessary to cover
## this scenario.
# RUN: yaml2obj %p/Inputs/blarge.yaml &> %t.exe
# RUN: llvm-bolt %t.exe -o %t.out --data %p/Inputs/blarge.fdata \
# RUN:   --reorder-blocks=normal --split-functions --enable-bat 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
# RUN: llvm-bat-dump %t.out --dump-all \
# RUN:   --translate=0x401180 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-BAT-DUMP
## In this test we focus on function usqrt at address 0x401170. This is a
## non-reloc binary case, so we don't expect this address to change, that's
## why we hardcode its address here. This address also comes hardcoded in the
## blarge.yaml input file.
## This is the layout of the function before BOLT reorder blocks:
##    BB Layout   : .LBB02, .Ltmp39, .LFT1, .Ltmp38, .LFT2
## This is the layout of the function after BOLT reorder blocks:
##    BB Layout   : .LBB02, .Ltmp38, .Ltmp39, .LFT2, .LFT3
## .Ltmp38 is originally at offset 0x39 but gets moved to 0xc (see full dump
## below).
## We check that BAT is able to translate references happening in .Ltmp38 to
## its original offset.

## This binary has 3 functions with profile, all of them are split, so 6 maps.
## BAT creates one map per function fragment.
# CHECK:      BOLT: 3 out of 7 functions were overwritten.
# CHECK:      BOLT-INFO: Wrote 6 BAT maps
# CHECK:      BOLT-INFO: Wrote 3 function and 58 basic block hashes
# CHECK:      BOLT-INFO: BAT section size (bytes): 940
# usqrt mappings (hot part). We match against any key (left side containing
# the bolted binary offsets) because BOLT may change where it puts instructions
# depending on whether it is relaxing a branch or not. But the original input
# binary offsets (right side) should be the same because these addresses are
# hardcoded in the blarge.yaml file.
# CHECK-BAT-DUMP:      Function Address: 0x401170, hash: 0xace6cbc638b31983
# CHECK-BAT-DUMP-NEXT: 0x0 -> 0x0 hash: 0x36007ba1d80c0000
# CHECK-BAT-DUMP-NEXT: 0x8 -> 0x8 (branch)
# CHECK-BAT-DUMP-NEXT: 0x{{.*}} -> 0x39 hash: 0x5c06705524800039
# CHECK-BAT-DUMP-NEXT: 0x{{.*}} -> 0x3d (branch)
# CHECK-BAT-DUMP-NEXT: 0x{{.*}} -> 0x10 hash: 0xd70d7a64320e0010
# CHECK-BAT-DUMP-NEXT: 0x{{.*}} -> 0x30 (branch)
# CHECK-BAT-DUMP: 3 cold mappings
# Now check that the translation 0x401180 maps back to its correct
# input offset (offset 3d in the usqrt input function).
# COM: CHECK-BAT-DUMP: Translating addresses according to parsed BAT tables:
#      CHECK-BAT-DUMP: 0x401180 -> usqrt + 0x3d

# -------------------------
# Full dump for reference (this is not checked):
# -------------------------

Binary Function "usqrt" after finalize-functions
  Number      : 7
  State       : CFG finalized
  Address     : 0x401170
  Size        : 0x43
  MaxSize     : 0x43
  Offset      : 0xcb0
  Section     : .text
  Orc Section : .local.text.usqrt
  LSDA        : 0x0
  IsSimple    : 1
  IsMultiEntry: 0
  IsSplit     : 1
  BB Count    : 5
  Hash        : a6468f132ec176ca
  BB Layout   : .LBB02, .Ltmp38, .Ltmp39, .LFT2, .LFT3
  Exec Count  : 199
  Profile Acc : 100.0%

.LBB02 (4 instructions, align : 1)
  Entry Point
  Exec Count : 199
  CFI State : 0
  Input offset: 0
    00000000:   movl    $0x20, %r8d
    00000006:   xorl    %eax, %eax
    00000008:   xorl    %edx, %edx # Offset: 8
    0000000a:   jmp     .Ltmp39
  Successors: .Ltmp39 (mispreds: 0, count: 0)

.Ltmp38 (2 instructions, align : 1)
  Exec Count : 4711
  CFI State : 0
  Input offset: 39
  Predecessors: .Ltmp39, .LFT2
    0000000c:   subl    $0x1, %r8d
    00000010:   je      .LFT3 # Offset: 61
  Successors: .LFT3 (mispreds: 0, count: 0), .Ltmp39 (mispreds: 33, count: 4711)

.Ltmp39 (10 instructions, align : 1)
  Exec Count : 4711
  CFI State : 0
  Input offset: 10
  Predecessors: .Ltmp38, .LBB02
    00000012:   movq    %rdi, %rcx
    00000015:   addq    %rax, %rax
    00000018:   shlq    $0x2, %rdi
    0000001c:   andl    $0xc0000000, %ecx
    00000022:   shrq    $0x1e, %rcx
    00000026:   leaq    (%rcx,%rdx,4), %rdx
    0000002a:   leaq    0x1(%rax,%rax), %rcx
    0000002f:   cmpq    %rcx, %rdx
    00000032:   jb      .Ltmp38 # Offset: 48
    00000034:   jmp     .LFT2
  Successors: .Ltmp38 (mispreds: 171, count: 2886), .LFT2 (mispreds: 0, count: 0)

-------   HOT-COLD SPLIT POINT   -------

.LFT2 (3 instructions, align : 1)
  Exec Count : 0
  CFI State : 0
  Input offset: 32
  Predecessors: .Ltmp39
    00000036:   subq    %rcx, %rdx
    00000039:   addq    $0x1, %rax # Offset: 53
    0000003d:   jmp     .Ltmp38
  Successors: .Ltmp38 (mispreds: 0, count: 0)

.LFT3 (2 instructions, align : 1)
  Exec Count : 0
  CFI State : 0
  Input offset: 3f
  Predecessors: .Ltmp38
    0000003f:   movq    %rax, (%rsi)
    00000042:   retq # Offset: 66

DWARF CFI Instructions:
End of Function "usqrt"