

# RUN: rm -rf %t; split-file %s %t

# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin %t/main.s -o %t/main.o
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin %t/foo.s -o %t/foo.o
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin %t/seg.s -o %t/seg.o

# RUN: %lld -lSystem %t/main.o %t/foo.o -o %t.out \
# RUN:    -rename_section __FOO __bar __BAZ __quux \
# RUN:    -rename_section __WHAT __ever __FOO __bar \
# RUN:    -u 'section$start$__UFLAG_SEG$__uflag_sect' \
# RUN:    -U 'section$start$__DYNAMIC$__lookup' \
# RUN:    -U 'section$start$__DYNAMIC$__unref' \
# RUN:    -e 'section$start$__TEXT$__text'
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --syms --section-headers %t.out > %t-dump.txt
# RUN: llvm-objdump --no-print-imm-hex --macho -d --no-symbolic-operands --no-show-raw-insn %t.out >> %t-dump.txt
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --function-starts %t.out >> %t-dump.txt
# RUN: FileCheck %s < %t-dump.txt

## Setting the entry point to the start of the __text section should
## set it to _main, since that's the first function in that section.
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --syms --all-headers %t.out \
# RUN:   | FileCheck --check-prefix=MAINENTRY %s
# MAINENTRY:      [[#%x, MAINADDR:]] g     F __TEXT,__text _main
# MAINENTRY-NEXT: entryoff [[#%d, MAINADDR - 0x100000000]]

## Nothing should change if we reorder two functions in the text segment.
## (Reorder some section$start/end symbols too for good measure.)
# RUN: %lld -lSystem %t/main.o %t/foo.o -o %t.ordered.out \
# RUN:    -order_file %t/order.txt \
# RUN:    -rename_section __FOO __bar __BAZ __quux \
# RUN:    -rename_section __WHAT __ever __FOO __bar \
# RUN:    -u 'section$start$__UFLAG_SEG$__uflag_sect' \
# RUN:    -U 'section$start$__DYNAMIC$__lookup' \
# RUN:    -U 'section$start$__DYNAMIC$__unref' \
# RUN:    -e 'section$start$__TEXT$__text'
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --syms --section-headers %t.ordered.out > %t-ordered-dump.txt
# RUN: llvm-objdump --no-print-imm-hex --macho -d --no-symbolic-operands --no-show-raw-insn %t.ordered.out >> %t-ordered-dump.txt
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --function-starts %t.out >> %t-ordered-dump.txt
# RUN: FileCheck %s < %t-ordered-dump.txt

## `-undefined dynamic_lookup` also shouldn't change anything.
# RUN: %lld -lSystem %t/main.o %t/foo.o -o %t.dl.out -undefined dynamic_lookup \
# RUN:    -rename_section __FOO __bar __BAZ __quux \
# RUN:    -rename_section __WHAT __ever __FOO __bar \
# RUN:    -u 'section$start$__UFLAG_SEG$__uflag_sect' \
# RUN:    -U 'section$start$__DYNAMIC$__lookup' \
# RUN:    -U 'section$start$__DYNAMIC$__unref' \
# RUN:    -e 'section$start$__TEXT$__text'
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --syms --section-headers %t.dl.out > %t-dump.dl.txt
# RUN: llvm-objdump --no-print-imm-hex --macho -d --no-symbolic-operands --no-show-raw-insn %t.dl.out >> %t-dump.dl.txt
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --function-starts %t.out >> %t-dump.dl.txt
# RUN: FileCheck %s < %t-dump.dl.txt

## ...except that the entry point is now _otherfun instead of _main since
## _otherfun is now at the start of the __text section.
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --syms --all-headers %t.ordered.out \
# RUN:   | FileCheck --check-prefix=OTHERENTRY %s
# OTHERENTRY:      [[#%x, OTHERADDR:]] g     F __TEXT,__text _otherfun
# OTHERENTRY-NEXT: entryoff [[#%d, OTHERADDR - 0x100000000]]

## Test that the link succeeds with dead-stripping enabled too.
# RUN: %lld -dead_strip -lSystem %t/main.o -o %t/stripped.out
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --syms --section-headers %t/stripped.out > %t-stripped-dump.txt
# RUN: llvm-objdump --no-print-imm-hex --macho -d --no-symbolic-operands --no-show-raw-insn %t/stripped.out >> %t-stripped-dump.txt
# RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=STRIP %s < %t-stripped-dump.txt

## -u 'section$start$*' does not cause an undefined symbol error. This matches ld64.
# RUN: %lld -dead_strip -lSystem %t/main.o -u 'section$start$__FOO$__notexist' -o %t/stripped1.out
# RUN: llvm-objdump --section-headers %t/stripped1.out | FileCheck --check-prefix=STRIP2 %s

## (Fun fact: `-e 'section$start$__TEXT$__text -dead_strip` strips
## everything in the text section because markLive runs well before
## section$start symbols are replaced, so the entry point is just
## an undefined symbol that keeps nothing alive, and then later it
## sets the entry point to the start of the now-empty text section
## and the output program crashes when running. This matches ld64's
## behavior.)

# STRIP-LABEL: Sections:
# STRIP-NEXT:  Idx Name           Size     VMA              Type
# STRIP-NEXT:  0 __text           {{[0-9a-f]*}} [[#%x, TEXTSTART:]] TEXT
# STRIP-NEXT:  1 __cstring        00000000      [[#%x, CSTRINGSTART:]] DATA
# STRIP-NEXT:  2 __data           00000000
# STRIP-NEXT:  3 __llvm_orderfile 00000000
# STRIP-NEXT:  4 __mybss          00000000
# STRIP-NEXT:  5 __bar            00000000
# STRIP-NEXT:  6 __ever           00000000
# STRIP-NEXT:  7 __lookup         00000000
# STRIP-NEXT:  8 symbol           00000000
# STRIP-NEXT:  9 __quux           00000000

# STRIP-NOT:   section$start$__FOO$__bar

# STRIP-LABEL: _main:
# STRIP:      [[#%x, PC1:]]:
# STRIP-SAME: leaq [[#%d, TEXTSTART - PC1 - 7]](%rip), %rax
# STRIP-NEXT: [[#%x, PC2:]]:
# STRIP-SAME: leaq [[#%d, CSTRINGSTART - PC2 - 7]](%rip), %rbx

# STRIP2-LABEL: Sections:
# STRIP2-NEXT:  Idx Name           Size     VMA              Type
# STRIP2-NEXT:  0 __text           {{[0-9a-f]*}} [[#%x, TEXTSTART:]] TEXT
# STRIP2-NEXT:  1 __cstring        00000000      [[#%x, CSTRINGSTART:]] DATA
# STRIP2-NEXT:  2 __data           00000000
# STRIP2-NEXT:  3 __llvm_orderfile 00000000
# STRIP2-NEXT:  4 __mybss          00000000
# STRIP2-NEXT:  5 __bar            00000000
# STRIP2-NEXT:  6 __notexist       00000000
# STRIP2-NEXT:  7 __ever           00000000
# STRIP2-NEXT:  8 __lookup         00000000
# STRIP2-NEXT:  9 symbol           00000000
# STRIP2-NEXT:  10 __quux          00000000

# CHECK-LABEL: Sections:
# CHECK-NEXT:  Idx Name           Size     VMA              Type
# CHECK:       0 __text           {{[0-9a-f]*}} [[#%x, TEXTSTART:]] TEXT
# CHECK:       1 __aftertext      {{[0-9a-f]*}} [[#%x, TEXTEND:]]
# CHECK:       2 __cstring        {{[0-9a-f]*}} [[#%x, CSTRINGSTART:]] DATA
# CHECK:       3 __aftercstring   {{[0-9a-f]*}} [[#%x, CSTRINGEND:]]
# CHECK:       4 __data           00000008      [[#%x, DATASTART:]] DATA
# CHECK:       5 __llvm_orderfile 00000000      [[#%x, LLVMORDERFILESTART:]] DATA
# CHECK:       6 __mybss          00008000      [[#%x, MYBSSSTART:]] BSS
# CHECK:       7 __quux           0000002a      [[#%x, QUUXSTART:]]
# CHECK:       8 __bar            00000059      [[#%x, BARSTART:]]
# CHECK:       9 __uflag_sect     00000000
# CHECK:       10 __lookup        00000000
# CHECK-NOT:   symbol
# CHECK-NOT:   __unref

# CHECK-NOT: section$start$__TEXT$__text
# CHECK-NOT: section$end$__TEXT$__text
# CHECK-NOT: section$start$__TEXT$__cstring
# CHECK-NOT: section$end$__TEXT$__cstring
# CHECK-NOT: section$start$__DATA$__data
# CHECK-NOT: section$end$__DATA$__data
# CHECK-NOT: section$start$__DATA$__llvm_orderfile
# CHECK-NOT: section$end$__DATA$__llvm_orderfile
# CHECK-NOT: section$start$__DYNAMIC$__lookup
# CHECK-NOT: section$start$__DYNAMIC$__unref
# CHECK: section$end$ACTUAL$symbol
# CHECK: section$start$ACTUAL$symbol

# CHECK-LABEL: _main:

## The CHECK-SAMEs work around FileCheck's
## "error: numeric variable 'PC2' defined earlier in the same CHECK directive"
## limitation.
## The 7s are the length of a leaq instruction.
## section$start$__TEXT$__text / section$end$__TEXT$__text

# CHECK:      [[#%x, PC1:]]:
# CHECK-SAME: leaq [[#%d, TEXTSTART - PC1 - 7]](%rip), %rax
# CHECK-NEXT: [[#%x, PC2:]]:
# CHECK-SAME: leaq [[#%d, TEXTEND - PC2 - 7]](%rip), %rbx

## section$start$__TEXT$__cstring / section$end$__TEXT$__cstring
# CHECK:      [[#%x, PC3:]]:
# CHECK-SAME: leaq [[#%d, CSTRINGSTART - PC3 - 7]](%rip), %rax
# CHECK-NEXT: [[#%x, PC4:]]:
# CHECK-SAME: leaq [[#%d, CSTRINGEND - PC4 - 7]](%rip), %rbx

## section$start$__DATA$__data / section$end$__DATA$__data
# CHECK:      [[#%x, PC5:]]:
# CHECK-SAME: leaq [[#%d, DATASTART - PC5 - 7]](%rip), %rax
# CHECK-NEXT: [[#%x, PC6:]]:
# CHECK-SAME: leaq [[#%d, DATASTART + 8 - PC6 - 7]](%rip), %rbx

## section$start$__MYBSS$__mybss / section$end$__MYBSS$__mybss
# CHECK:      [[#%x, PC7:]]:
# CHECK-SAME: leaq [[#%d, MYBSSSTART - PC7 - 7]](%rip), %rax
# CHECK-NEXT: [[#%x, PC8:]]:
# CHECK-SAME: leaq [[#%d, MYBSSSTART + 0x8000 - PC8 - 7]](%rip), %rbx

## section$start$__DATA$__llvm_orderfile / section$end$__DATA$__llvm_orderfile
## This section has size 0.
# CHECK:      [[#%x, PC9:]]:
# CHECK-SAME: leaq [[#%d, LLVMORDERFILESTART - PC9 - 7]](%rip), %rax
# CHECK-NEXT: [[#%x, PC10:]]:
# CHECK-SAME: leaq [[#%d, LLVMORDERFILESTART - PC10 - 7]](%rip), %rbx

## Section-rename tests.
## Input section __FOO/__bar is renamed to output section
## __BAZ/__quux by a -rename_section flag.
## section$start$__FOO$__bar ends up referring to the __BAZ/__quux section.
# CHECK:      [[#%x, PC11:]]:
# CHECK-SAME: leaq [[#%d, QUUXSTART - PC11 - 7]](%rip), %rax
# CHECK-NEXT: [[#%x, PC12:]]:
# CHECK-SAME: leaq [[#%d, QUUXSTART + 42 - PC12 - 7]](%rip), %rbx
## section$start$__BAZ$__quux also refers to the __BAZ/__quux section.
# CHECK:      [[#%x, PC13:]]:
# CHECK-SAME: leaq [[#%d, QUUXSTART - PC13 - 7]](%rip), %rax
# CHECK-NEXT: [[#%x, PC14:]]:
# CHECK-SAME: leaq [[#%d, QUUXSTART + 42 - PC14 - 7]](%rip), %rbx
## Input section __WHAT/__ever is renamed to output section
## __FOO/__bar by a -rename_section flag.
## section$start$__WHAT$__ever ends up referring to the __FOO/__bar section.
# CHECK:      [[#%x, PC15:]]:
# CHECK-SAME: leaq [[#%d, BARSTART - PC15 - 7]](%rip), %rax
# CHECK-NEXT: [[#%x, PC16:]]:
# CHECK-SAME: leaq [[#%d, BARSTART + 89 - PC16 - 7]](%rip), %rbx

## The function_starts section should not have an entry for the
## section$end$__TEXT$__text symbol.
# CHECK: [[#%.16x, TEXTSTART]]
# CHECK-NOT: [[#%.16x, TEXTEND]]

## Test segment$start and segment$end.

# RUN: %lld -lSystem %t/seg.o -o %t.seg.out \
# RUN:    -rename_segment __FOO __BAZ \
# RUN:    -rename_segment __WHAT __FOO \
# RUN:    -u 'segment$start$__UFLAG_SEG' \
# RUN:    -e 'segment$start$__TEXT'
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --syms %t.seg.out > %t-seg-dump.txt
## llvm-objdump can't dump segment names; use lld-otool for this.
# RUN: llvm-otool -l %t.seg.out | grep -A6 LC_SEGMENT >> %t-seg-dump.txt
# RUN: llvm-objdump --no-print-imm-hex --macho -d --no-symbolic-operands --no-show-raw-insn %t.seg.out >> %t-seg-dump.txt
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --function-starts %t.out >> %t-seg-dump.txt
# RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix=SEG < %t-seg-dump.txt

# SEG-NOT: segment$start$__TEXT
# SEG-NOT: segment$end$__TEXT
# SEG-NOT: segment$start$__FOO
# SEG-NOT: segment$end$__FOO
# SEG-NOT: segment$start$__BAZ
# SEG-NOT: segment$end$__BAZ
# SEG-NOT: segment$start$__WHAT
# SEG-NOT: segment$end$__WHAT
# SEG-NOT: segment$start$__UFLAG_SEG
# SEG-NOT: segment$start$__UFLAG_SEG
# SEG-DAG: segment$end$REGULAR
# SEG-DAG: segment$start$REGULAR

# SEG:           cmd LC_SEGMENT_64
# SEG-NEXT:  cmdsize
# SEG-NEXT:  segname __PAGEZERO

# SEG:           cmd LC_SEGMENT_64
# SEG-NEXT:  cmdsize
# SEG-NEXT:  segname __TEXT
# SEG-NEXT:   vmaddr 0x[[#%x, TEXTSTART:]]
# SEG-NEXT:   vmsize 0x[[#%x, TEXTSIZE:]]

# SEG:           cmd LC_SEGMENT_64
# SEG-NEXT:  cmdsize
# SEG-NEXT:  segname __BAZ
# SEG-NEXT:   vmaddr 0x[[#%x, BAZSTART:]]
# SEG-NEXT:   vmsize 0x[[#%x, BAZSIZE:]]

# SEG:           cmd LC_SEGMENT_64
# SEG-NEXT:  cmdsize
# SEG-NEXT:  segname __FOO
# SEG-NEXT:   vmaddr 0x[[#%x, FOOSTART:]]
# SEG-NEXT:   vmsize 0x[[#%x, FOOSIZE:]]

# SEG:           cmd LC_SEGMENT_64
# SEG-NEXT:  cmdsize
# SEG-NEXT:  segname __UFLAG_SEG
# SEG-NEXT:   vmaddr 0x[[#%x, UFLAGSTART:]]
# SEG-NEXT:   vmsize 0x0000000000000000

# SEG:           cmd LC_SEGMENT_64
# SEG-NEXT:  cmdsize
# SEG-NEXT:  segname ASDF
# SEG-NEXT:   vmaddr 0x[[#%x, ASDFSTART:]]
# SEG-NEXT:   vmsize 0x0000000000000000

# SEG: _main:

## segment$start$__TEXT / segment$end$__TEXT
# SEG:      [[#%x, PC1:]]:
# SEG-SAME: leaq [[#%d, TEXTSTART - PC1 - 7]](%rip), %rax
# SEG-NEXT: [[#%x, PC2:]]:
# SEG-SAME: leaq [[#%d, TEXTSTART + TEXTSIZE - PC2 - 7]](%rip), %rbx

## segment$start$__FOO / segment$end$__FOO, which is renamed to __BAZ
# SEG:      [[#%x, PC3:]]:
# SEG-SAME: leaq [[#%d, BAZSTART - PC3 - 7]](%rip), %rax
# SEG-NEXT: [[#%x, PC4:]]:
# SEG-SAME: leaq [[#%d, BAZSTART + BAZSIZE - PC4 - 7]](%rip), %rbx

## segment$start$__BAZ / segment$end$__BAZ
# SEG:      [[#%x, PC5:]]:
# SEG-SAME: leaq [[#%d, BAZSTART - PC5 - 7]](%rip), %rax
# SEG-NEXT: [[#%x, PC6:]]:
# SEG-SAME: leaq [[#%d, BAZSTART + BAZSIZE - PC6 - 7]](%rip), %rbx

## segment$start$__WHAT / segment$end$__WHAT, which is renamed to __FOO
# SEG:      [[#%x, PC7:]]:
# SEG-SAME: leaq [[#%d, FOOSTART - PC7 - 7]](%rip), %rax
# SEG-NEXT: [[#%x, PC8:]]:
# SEG-SAME: leaq [[#%d, FOOSTART + FOOSIZE - PC8 - 7]](%rip), %rbx

## segment$start$ASDF / segment$end$ASDF
# SEG:      [[#%x, PC9:]]:
# SEG-SAME: leaq [[#%d, ASDFSTART - PC9 - 7]](%rip), %rax
# SEG-NEXT: [[#%x, PC10:]]:
# SEG-SAME: leaq [[#%d, ASDFSTART - PC10 - 7]](%rip), %rbx

#--- order.txt

#--- main.s
.zerofill __MYBSS,__mybss,_zero_foo,0x8000

.globl section$start$ACTUAL$symbol
.globl section$end$ACTUAL$symbol

## Renamed to __BAZ,__quux by -rename_section
.section __FOO,__bar
.space 42

## Renamed to __FOO,__bar by -rename_section
.section __WHAT,__ever
.space 89

.globl _main
  # Basics: start/end of existing, normal sections.

  # For __TEXT/__text, these magic symbols shouldn't be
  # included in __function_starts
  movq section$start$__TEXT$__text@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
  movq section$end$__TEXT$__text@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx

  # __TEXT/__cstring are interesting because they're not ConcatInputSections.
  movq section$start$__TEXT$__cstring@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
  movq section$end$__TEXT$__cstring@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx

  # Vanilla __DATA/__data
  movq section$start$__DATA$__data@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
  movq section$end$__DATA$__data@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx

  # Vanilla zerofill.
  movq section$start$__MYBSS$__mybss@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
  movq section$end$__MYBSS$__mybss@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx

  # Referring to a non-existent section wills it into existence.
  # This is needed for e.g. __DATA/__llvm_orderfile in libclang_rt.profile.
  # This means `-u` can be used as a janky `-sectcreate`.
  movq section$start$__DATA$__llvm_orderfile@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
  movq section$end$__DATA$__llvm_orderfile@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx

  # Section-rename tests.
  movq section$start$__FOO$__bar@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
  movq section$end$__FOO$__bar@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx

  movq section$start$__BAZ$__quux@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
  movq section$end$__BAZ$__quux@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx

  movq section$start$__WHAT$__ever@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
  movq section$end$__WHAT$__ever@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx

  # If there are actual symbols with the magic names, the magic
  # names lose their magic and just refer to those symbols (and
  # no section is implicitly created for them).
  movq section$start$ACTUAL$symbol@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
  movq section$end$ACTUAL$symbol@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx

  # -U section$start is not exported as dynamic_lookup, it just
  # creates a section like -u.
  movq section$start$__DYNAMIC$__lookup@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
  movq section$end$__DYNAMIC$__lookup@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx


.globl _otherfun

.section __TEXT,__aftertext
.fill 1

.asciz "foo"
.asciz "barbaz"

.section __TEXT,__aftercstring
.fill 1

.quad 0x1234


#--- foo.s
.globl section$start$ACTUAL$symbol
.fill 1

.globl section$end$ACTUAL$symbol
.fill 1


#--- seg.s
## Renamed to __BAZ,__bar by -rename_segment
.section __FOO,__bar
.space 1

## Renamed to __FOO,__ever by -rename_segment
.section __WHAT,__ever
.space 1

.globl segment$start$REGULAR

.globl segment$end$REGULAR

.globl _main
  movq segment$start$__TEXT@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
  movq segment$end$__TEXT@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx

  movq segment$start$__FOO@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
  movq segment$end$__FOO@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx

  movq segment$start$__BAZ@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
  movq segment$end$__BAZ@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx

  # (These two lines make ld64 crash linking the .o file.
  # The rest of the test works with ld64 too.)
  movq segment$start$__WHAT@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
  movq segment$end$__WHAT@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx

  # References to non-existing segments create that segment,
  # without any sections in it.
  movq segment$start$ASDF@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
  movq segment$end$ASDF@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx

  # Non-undefined symbols don't create segments.
  callq segment$start$REGULAR
  callq segment$end$REGULAR


.section __TEXT,__fill
.space 578
