

## Test that we correctly handle symbol relocations in the compact unwind
## section.

## llvm-mc does not emit such relocations for compact unwind, but `ld -r` does.
## As such, these yaml files were from an object file produced with 'ld -r',
## specifically:
##  // foo.s
## .globl _foo
## .text
## .p2align 2
## _foo:
##   .cfi_startproc
##   .cfi_personality 155, ___gxx_personality_v0
##   .cfi_lsda 16, _exception0
##   .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
##   ret
##   .cfi_endproc
## .section __TEXT,__gcc_except_tab
## _exception0:
##   .space 0
## llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-apple-macos10.15 -o foo1.o foo.s
## ld -r -o foo.o foo1.o

# RUN: rm -rf %t; mkdir -p %t
# RUN: yaml2obj %s -o %t/foo.o
# RUN: %lld -dylib -lc++ %t/foo.o -o %t/foo
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --syms --unwind-info %t/foo | FileCheck %s

# CHECK-DAG:  [[#%x,FOO:]]         g     F __TEXT,__text _foo
# CHECK-DAG:  [[#%x,EXCEPT0:]]     l     O __TEXT,__gcc_except_tab _exception0

# CHECK:      LSDA descriptors:
# CHECK-NEXT: [0]: function offset=0x[[#%.8x,FOO]], LSDA offset=0x[[#%.8x,EXCEPT0]]

--- !mach-o
  magic:           0xFEEDFACF
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  - cmd:             LC_SEGMENT_64
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    filesize:        112
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      - sectname:        __text
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      - sectname:        __eh_frame
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      n_type:          0xE
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    - ' '
    - _foo
    - ___gxx_personality_v0
    - _exception0
    - EH_Frame1
    - func.eh