
RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm32-unknown-unknown %p/Inputs/start.s -o %t.o

# Check for error on `--global-base` with `-shared` and `-pie`
RUN: not wasm-ld --global-base=2048 --experimental-pic -shared -o %t.wasm %t.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=SHARED-ERROR
RUN: not wasm-ld --global-base=2048 --experimental-pic -pie -o %t.wasm %t.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=SHARED-ERROR
SHARED-ERROR: error: --global-base may not be used with -shared/-pie

# Check for error on `--global-base` which is lower than that end of the stack
# when `--stack-first` is used.
RUN: not wasm-ld --global-base=2048 --stack-first -o %t.wasm %t.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STACK-ERROR
STACK-ERROR: error: --global-base cannot be less than stack size when --stack-first is used

RUN: wasm-ld --export=__global_base --export=__data_end --allow-undefined -o %t.wasm %t.o
RUN: obj2yaml %t.wasm | FileCheck %s  -check-prefix=CHECK-1024
CHECK-1024:       - Type:            GLOBAL
CHECK-1024-NEXT:    Globals:
CHECK-1024-NEXT:      - Index:           0
CHECK-1024-NEXT:        Type:            I32
CHECK-1024-NEXT:        Mutable:         true
CHECK-1024-NEXT:        InitExpr:
CHECK-1024-NEXT:          Opcode:          I32_CONST
CHECK-1024-NEXT:          Value:           66560
CHECK-1024-NEXT:      - Index:           1
CHECK-1024-NEXT:        Type:            I32
CHECK-1024-NEXT:        Mutable:         false
CHECK-1024-NEXT:        InitExpr:
CHECK-1024-NEXT:          Opcode:          I32_CONST
CHECK-1024-NEXT:          Value:           1024
CHECK-1024-NEXT:      - Index:           2
CHECK-1024-NEXT:        Type:            I32
CHECK-1024-NEXT:        Mutable:         false
CHECK-1024-NEXT:        InitExpr:
CHECK-1024-NEXT:          Opcode:          I32_CONST
CHECK-1024-NEXT:          Value:           1024

CHECK-1024:       - Type:            EXPORT
CHECK-1024:           - Name:            __data_end
CHECK-1024-NEXT:        Kind:            GLOBAL
CHECK-1024-NEXT:        Index:           1
CHECK-1024-NEXT:      - Name:            __global_base
CHECK-1024-NEXT:        Kind:            GLOBAL
CHECK-1024-NEXT:        Index:           2

RUN: wasm-ld --export=__global_base --export=__data_end --allow-undefined --global-base=16777216 -o %t.wasm %t.o
RUN: obj2yaml %t.wasm | FileCheck %s  -check-prefix=CHECK-16777216
CHECK-16777216:       - Type:            GLOBAL
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:    Globals:
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:      - Index:           0
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:        Type:            I32
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:        Mutable:         true
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:        InitExpr:
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:          Opcode:          I32_CONST
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:          Value:           16842752
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:      - Index:           1
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:        Type:            I32
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:        Mutable:         false
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:        InitExpr:
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:          Opcode:          I32_CONST
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:          Value:           16777216
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:      - Index:           2
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:        Type:            I32
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:        Mutable:         false
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:        InitExpr:
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:          Opcode:          I32_CONST
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:          Value:           16777216

CHECK-16777216:       - Type:            EXPORT
CHECK-16777216:           - Name:            __data_end
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:        Kind:            GLOBAL
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:        Index:           1
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:      - Name:            __global_base
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:        Kind:            GLOBAL
CHECK-16777216-NEXT:        Index:           2