//===-- lib/Semantics/definable.cpp ---------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "definable.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/tools.h"
#include "flang/Semantics/tools.h"
using namespace Fortran::parser::literals;
namespace Fortran::semantics {
template <typename... A>
static parser::Message BlameSymbol(parser::CharBlock at,
const parser::MessageFixedText &text, const Symbol &original, A &&...x) {
parser::Message message{at, text, original.name(), std::forward<A>(x)...};
evaluate::AttachDeclaration(message, original);
return message;
static bool IsPointerDummyOfPureFunction(const Symbol &x) {
return IsPointerDummy(x) && FindPureProcedureContaining(x.owner()) &&
x.owner().symbol() && IsFunction(*x.owner().symbol());
// See C1594, first paragraph. These conditions enable checks on both
// left-hand and right-hand sides in various circumstances.
const char *WhyBaseObjectIsSuspicious(const Symbol &x, const Scope &scope) {
if (IsHostAssociatedIntoSubprogram(x, scope)) {
return "host-associated";
} else if (IsUseAssociated(x, scope)) {
return "USE-associated";
} else if (IsPointerDummyOfPureFunction(x)) {
return "a POINTER dummy argument of a pure function";
} else if (IsIntentIn(x)) {
return "an INTENT(IN) dummy argument";
} else if (FindCommonBlockContaining(x)) {
return "in a COMMON block";
} else {
return nullptr;
// Checks C1594(1,2); false if check fails
static std::optional<parser::Message> CheckDefinabilityInPureScope(
SourceName at, const Symbol &original, const Symbol &ultimate,
const Scope &context, const Scope &pure) {
if (pure.symbol()) {
if (const char *why{WhyBaseObjectIsSuspicious(ultimate, context)}) {
return BlameSymbol(at,
"'%s' may not be defined in pure subprogram '%s' because it is %s"_en_US,
original, pure.symbol()->name(), why);
return std::nullopt;
// True when the object being defined is not a subobject of the base
// object, e.g. X%PTR = 1., X%PTR%PTR2 => T (but not X%PTR => T).
// F'2023 9.4.2p5
static bool DefinesComponentPointerTarget(
const evaluate::DataRef &dataRef, DefinabilityFlags flags) {
if (const evaluate::Component *
[](const SymbolRef &) -> const evaluate::Component * {
return nullptr;
[](const evaluate::Component &component) { return &component; },
[](const evaluate::ArrayRef &aRef) {
return aRef.base().UnwrapComponent();
[](const evaluate::CoarrayRef &aRef)
-> const evaluate::Component * { return nullptr; },
dataRef.u)}) {
const Symbol &compSym{component->GetLastSymbol()};
if (IsPointer(compSym) ||
(flags.test(DefinabilityFlag::AcceptAllocatable) &&
IsAllocatable(compSym))) {
if (!flags.test(DefinabilityFlag::PointerDefinition)) {
return true;
return DefinesComponentPointerTarget(component->base(), flags);
} else {
return false;
// Check the leftmost (or only) symbol from a data-ref or expression.
static std::optional<parser::Message> WhyNotDefinableBase(parser::CharBlock at,
const Scope &scope, DefinabilityFlags flags, const Symbol &original,
bool isWholeSymbol, bool isComponentPointerTarget) {
const Symbol &ultimate{original.GetUltimate()};
bool isPointerDefinition{flags.test(DefinabilityFlag::PointerDefinition)};
bool acceptAllocatable{flags.test(DefinabilityFlag::AcceptAllocatable)};
bool isTargetDefinition{!isPointerDefinition && IsPointer(ultimate)};
if (const auto *association{ultimate.detailsIf<AssocEntityDetails>()}) {
if (!IsVariable(association->expr())) {
return BlameSymbol(at,
"'%s' is construct associated with an expression"_en_US, original);
} else if (evaluate::HasVectorSubscript(association->expr().value())) {
return BlameSymbol(at,
"Construct association '%s' has a vector subscript"_en_US, original);
} else if (auto dataRef{evaluate::ExtractDataRef(
*association->expr(), true, true)}) {
return WhyNotDefinableBase(at, scope, flags, dataRef->GetFirstSymbol(),
isWholeSymbol &&
isComponentPointerTarget ||
DefinesComponentPointerTarget(*dataRef, flags));
if (isTargetDefinition || isComponentPointerTarget) {
} else if (!isPointerDefinition && !IsVariableName(ultimate)) {
return BlameSymbol(at, "'%s' is not a variable"_en_US, original);
} else if (IsProtected(ultimate) && IsUseAssociated(original, scope)) {
return BlameSymbol(at, "'%s' is protected in this scope"_en_US, original);
} else if (IsIntentIn(ultimate) &&
(!IsPointer(ultimate) || (isWholeSymbol && isPointerDefinition))) {
return BlameSymbol(
at, "'%s' is an INTENT(IN) dummy argument"_en_US, original);
} else if (acceptAllocatable && IsAllocatable(ultimate) &&
!flags.test(DefinabilityFlag::SourcedAllocation)) {
// allocating a function result doesn't count as a def'n
// unless there's SOURCE=
} else if (!flags.test(DefinabilityFlag::DoNotNoteDefinition)) {
if (const Scope * pure{FindPureProcedureContaining(scope)}) {
// Additional checking for pure subprograms.
if (!isTargetDefinition || isComponentPointerTarget) {
if (auto msg{CheckDefinabilityInPureScope(
at, original, ultimate, scope, *pure)}) {
return msg;
if (const Symbol *
ultimate, *pure, isPointerDefinition)}) {
return BlameSymbol(at,
"'%s' is externally visible via '%s' and not definable in a pure subprogram"_en_US,
original, visible->name());
if (const Scope * deviceContext{FindCUDADeviceContext(&scope)}) {
bool isOwnedByDeviceCode{deviceContext->Contains(ultimate.owner())};
if (isPointerDefinition && !acceptAllocatable) {
return BlameSymbol(at,
"'%s' is a pointer and may not be associated in a device subprogram"_err_en_US,
} else if (auto cudaDataAttr{GetCUDADataAttr(&ultimate)}) {
if (*cudaDataAttr == common::CUDADataAttr::Constant) {
return BlameSymbol(at,
"'%s' has ATTRIBUTES(CONSTANT) and is not definable in a device subprogram"_err_en_US,
} else if (acceptAllocatable && !isOwnedByDeviceCode) {
return BlameSymbol(at,
"'%s' is a host-associated allocatable and is not definable in a device subprogram"_err_en_US,
} else if (*cudaDataAttr != common::CUDADataAttr::Device &&
*cudaDataAttr != common::CUDADataAttr::Managed &&
*cudaDataAttr != common::CUDADataAttr::Shared) {
return BlameSymbol(at,
"'%s' is not device or managed or shared data and is not definable in a device subprogram"_err_en_US,
} else if (!isOwnedByDeviceCode) {
return BlameSymbol(at,
"'%s' is a host variable and is not definable in a device subprogram"_err_en_US,
return std::nullopt;
static std::optional<parser::Message> WhyNotDefinableLast(parser::CharBlock at,
const Scope &scope, DefinabilityFlags flags, const Symbol &original) {
const Symbol &ultimate{original.GetUltimate()};
if (const auto *association{ultimate.detailsIf<AssocEntityDetails>()};
association &&
(association->rank().has_value() ||
!flags.test(DefinabilityFlag::PointerDefinition))) {
if (auto dataRef{
evaluate::ExtractDataRef(*association->expr(), true, true)}) {
return WhyNotDefinableLast(at, scope, flags, dataRef->GetLastSymbol());
if (flags.test(DefinabilityFlag::PointerDefinition)) {
if (flags.test(DefinabilityFlag::AcceptAllocatable)) {
if (!IsAllocatableOrObjectPointer(&ultimate)) {
return BlameSymbol(
at, "'%s' is neither a pointer nor an allocatable"_en_US, original);
} else if (!IsPointer(ultimate)) {
return BlameSymbol(at, "'%s' is not a pointer"_en_US, original);
return std::nullopt; // pointer assignment - skip following checks
if (IsOrContainsEventOrLockComponent(ultimate)) {
return BlameSymbol(at,
"'%s' is an entity with either an EVENT_TYPE or LOCK_TYPE"_en_US,
if (FindPureProcedureContaining(scope)) {
if (auto dyType{evaluate::DynamicType::From(ultimate)}) {
if (!flags.test(DefinabilityFlag::PolymorphicOkInPure)) {
if (dyType->IsPolymorphic()) { // C1596
return BlameSymbol(
at, "'%s' is polymorphic in a pure subprogram"_en_US, original);
if (const Symbol * impure{HasImpureFinal(ultimate)}) {
return BlameSymbol(at, "'%s' has an impure FINAL procedure '%s'"_en_US,
original, impure->name());
if (const DerivedTypeSpec * derived{GetDerivedTypeSpec(dyType)}) {
if (!flags.test(DefinabilityFlag::PolymorphicOkInPure)) {
if (auto bad{
FindPolymorphicAllocatablePotentialComponent(*derived)}) {
return BlameSymbol(at,
"'%s' has polymorphic component '%s' in a pure subprogram"_en_US,
original, bad.BuildResultDesignatorName());
return std::nullopt;
// Checks a data-ref
static std::optional<parser::Message> WhyNotDefinable(parser::CharBlock at,
const Scope &scope, DefinabilityFlags flags,
const evaluate::DataRef &dataRef) {
auto whyNotBase{
WhyNotDefinableBase(at, scope, flags, dataRef.GetFirstSymbol(),
DefinesComponentPointerTarget(dataRef, flags))};
if (!whyNotBase || !whyNotBase->IsFatal()) {
if (auto whyNotLast{
WhyNotDefinableLast(at, scope, flags, dataRef.GetLastSymbol())}) {
if (whyNotLast->IsFatal() || !whyNotBase) {
return whyNotLast;
return whyNotBase;
std::optional<parser::Message> WhyNotDefinable(parser::CharBlock at,
const Scope &scope, DefinabilityFlags flags, const Symbol &original) {
auto whyNotBase{WhyNotDefinableBase(at, scope, flags, original,
/*isWholeSymbol=*/true, /*isComponentPointerTarget=*/false)};
if (!whyNotBase || !whyNotBase->IsFatal()) {
if (auto whyNotLast{WhyNotDefinableLast(at, scope, flags, original)}) {
if (whyNotLast->IsFatal() || !whyNotBase) {
return whyNotLast;
return whyNotBase;
class DuplicatedSubscriptFinder
: public evaluate::AnyTraverse<DuplicatedSubscriptFinder, bool> {
using Base = evaluate::AnyTraverse<DuplicatedSubscriptFinder, bool>;
explicit DuplicatedSubscriptFinder(evaluate::FoldingContext &foldingContext)
: Base{*this}, foldingContext_{foldingContext} {}
using Base::operator();
bool operator()(const evaluate::ActualArgument &) {
return false; // don't descend into argument expressions
bool operator()(const evaluate::ArrayRef &aRef) {
bool anyVector{false};
for (const auto &ss : aRef.subscript()) {
if (ss.Rank() > 0) {
anyVector = true;
if (const auto *vecExpr{
std::get_if<evaluate::IndirectSubscriptIntegerExpr>(&ss.u)}) {
auto folded{evaluate::Fold(foldingContext_,
if (const auto *con{
folded)}) {
std::set<std::int64_t> values;
for (const auto &j : con->values()) {
if (auto pair{values.emplace(j.ToInt64())}; !pair.second) {
return true; // duplicate
return false;
return anyVector ? false : (*this)(aRef.base());
evaluate::FoldingContext &foldingContext_;
std::optional<parser::Message> WhyNotDefinable(parser::CharBlock at,
const Scope &scope, DefinabilityFlags flags,
const evaluate::Expr<evaluate::SomeType> &expr) {
std::optional<parser::Message> portabilityWarning;
if (auto dataRef{evaluate::ExtractDataRef(expr, true, true)}) {
if (evaluate::HasVectorSubscript(expr)) {
if (flags.test(DefinabilityFlag::VectorSubscriptIsOk)) {
if (auto type{expr.GetType()}) {
if (!type->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic() &&
type->category() == TypeCategory::Derived) {
// Seek the FINAL subroutine that should but cannot be called
// for this definition of an array with a vector-valued subscript.
// If there's an elemental FINAL subroutine, all is well; otherwise,
// if there is a FINAL subroutine with a matching or assumed rank
// dummy argument, there's no way to call it.
int rank{expr.Rank()};
const DerivedTypeSpec *spec{&type->GetDerivedTypeSpec()};
while (spec) {
bool anyElemental{false};
const Symbol *anyRankMatch{nullptr};
for (auto ref : FinalsForDerivedTypeInstantiation(*spec)) {
const Symbol &ultimate{ref->GetUltimate()};
anyElemental |= ultimate.attrs().test(Attr::ELEMENTAL);
if (const auto *subp{ultimate.detailsIf<SubprogramDetails>()}) {
if (!subp->dummyArgs().empty()) {
if (const Symbol * arg{subp->dummyArgs()[0]}) {
const auto *object{arg->detailsIf<ObjectEntityDetails>()};
if (arg->Rank() == rank ||
(object && object->IsAssumedRank())) {
anyRankMatch = &*ref;
if (anyRankMatch && !anyElemental) {
if (!portabilityWarning &&
common::UsageWarning::VectorSubscriptFinalization)) {
portabilityWarning = parser::Message{
common::UsageWarning::VectorSubscriptFinalization, at,
"Variable '%s' has a vector subscript and will be finalized by non-elemental subroutine '%s'"_port_en_US,
expr.AsFortran(), anyRankMatch->name()};
const auto *parent{FindParentTypeSpec(*spec)};
spec = parent ? parent->AsDerived() : nullptr;
if (!flags.test(DefinabilityFlag::DuplicatesAreOk) &&
DuplicatedSubscriptFinder{scope.context().foldingContext()}(expr)) {
return parser::Message{at,
"Variable has a vector subscript with a duplicated element"_err_en_US};
} else {
return parser::Message{at,
"Variable '%s' has a vector subscript"_err_en_US, expr.AsFortran()};
if (FindPureProcedureContaining(scope) &&
evaluate::ExtractCoarrayRef(expr)) {
return parser::Message(at,
"A pure subprogram may not define the coindexed object '%s'"_err_en_US,
if (auto whyNotDataRef{WhyNotDefinable(at, scope, flags, *dataRef)}) {
return whyNotDataRef;
} else if (evaluate::IsNullPointer(expr)) {
return parser::Message{
at, "'%s' is a null pointer"_err_en_US, expr.AsFortran()};
} else if (flags.test(DefinabilityFlag::PointerDefinition)) {
if (const auto *procDesignator{
std::get_if<evaluate::ProcedureDesignator>(&expr.u)}) {
// Defining a procedure pointer
if (const Symbol * procSym{procDesignator->GetSymbol()}) {
if (evaluate::ExtractCoarrayRef(expr)) { // C1027
return BlameSymbol(at,
"Procedure pointer '%s' may not be a coindexed object"_err_en_US,
*procSym, expr.AsFortran());
if (const auto *component{procDesignator->GetComponent()}) {
return WhyNotDefinableBase(at, scope, flags,
component->base().GetFirstSymbol(), false,
DefinesComponentPointerTarget(component->base(), flags));
} else {
return WhyNotDefinable(at, scope, flags, *procSym);
return parser::Message{
at, "'%s' is not a definable pointer"_err_en_US, expr.AsFortran()};
} else if (!evaluate::IsVariable(expr)) {
return parser::Message{
at, "'%s' is not a variable or pointer"_err_en_US, expr.AsFortran()};
return portabilityWarning;
} // namespace Fortran::semantics