//===-- lib/Evaluate/call.cpp ---------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "flang/Evaluate/call.h"
#include "flang/Common/Fortran.h"
#include "flang/Common/idioms.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/characteristics.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/check-expression.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/expression.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/tools.h"
#include "flang/Semantics/symbol.h"
namespace Fortran::evaluate {
ActualArgument::ActualArgument(Expr<SomeType> &&x) : u_{std::move(x)} {}
ActualArgument::ActualArgument(common::CopyableIndirection<Expr<SomeType>> &&v)
: u_{std::move(v)} {}
ActualArgument::ActualArgument(AssumedType x) : u_{x} {}
ActualArgument::ActualArgument(common::Label x) : u_{x} {}
ActualArgument::~ActualArgument() {}
ActualArgument::AssumedType::AssumedType(const Symbol &symbol)
: symbol_{symbol} {
const semantics::DeclTypeSpec *type{symbol.GetType()};
CHECK(type && type->category() == semantics::DeclTypeSpec::TypeStar);
int ActualArgument::AssumedType::Rank() const { return symbol_->Rank(); }
ActualArgument &ActualArgument::operator=(Expr<SomeType> &&expr) {
u_ = std::move(expr);
return *this;
std::optional<DynamicType> ActualArgument::GetType() const {
if (const Expr<SomeType> *expr{UnwrapExpr()}) {
return expr->GetType();
} else if (std::holds_alternative<AssumedType>(u_)) {
return DynamicType::AssumedType();
} else {
return std::nullopt;
int ActualArgument::Rank() const {
if (const Expr<SomeType> *expr{UnwrapExpr()}) {
return expr->Rank();
} else {
return std::get<AssumedType>(u_).Rank();
bool ActualArgument::operator==(const ActualArgument &that) const {
return keyword_ == that.keyword_ && attrs_ == that.attrs_ && u_ == that.u_;
void ActualArgument::Parenthesize() {
u_ = evaluate::Parenthesize(std::move(DEREF(UnwrapExpr())));
IntrinsicProcedure n, characteristics::Procedure &&chars)
: name{n}, characteristics{
new characteristics::Procedure{std::move(chars)}} {}
SpecificIntrinsic::~SpecificIntrinsic() {}
bool SpecificIntrinsic::operator==(const SpecificIntrinsic &that) const {
return name == that.name && characteristics == that.characteristics;
ProcedureDesignator::ProcedureDesignator(Component &&c)
: u{common::CopyableIndirection<Component>::Make(std::move(c))} {}
bool ProcedureDesignator::operator==(const ProcedureDesignator &that) const {
return u == that.u;
std::optional<DynamicType> ProcedureDesignator::GetType() const {
if (const auto *intrinsic{std::get_if<SpecificIntrinsic>(&u)}) {
if (const auto &result{intrinsic->characteristics.value().functionResult}) {
if (const auto *typeAndShape{result->GetTypeAndShape()}) {
return typeAndShape->type();
} else {
return DynamicType::From(GetSymbol());
return std::nullopt;
int ProcedureDesignator::Rank() const {
if (const Symbol * symbol{GetSymbol()}) {
// Subtle: will be zero for functions returning procedure pointers
return symbol->Rank();
if (const auto *intrinsic{std::get_if<SpecificIntrinsic>(&u)}) {
if (const auto &result{intrinsic->characteristics.value().functionResult}) {
if (const auto *typeAndShape{result->GetTypeAndShape()}) {
return typeAndShape->Rank();
// Otherwise, intrinsic returns a procedure pointer (e.g. NULL(MOLD=pptr))
return 0;
const Symbol *ProcedureDesignator::GetInterfaceSymbol() const {
if (const Symbol * symbol{GetSymbol()}) {
const Symbol &ultimate{symbol->GetUltimate()};
if (const auto *proc{ultimate.detailsIf<semantics::ProcEntityDetails>()}) {
return proc->procInterface();
} else if (const auto *binding{
ultimate.detailsIf<semantics::ProcBindingDetails>()}) {
return &binding->symbol();
} else if (ultimate.has<semantics::SubprogramDetails>()) {
return &ultimate;
return nullptr;
bool ProcedureDesignator::IsElemental() const {
if (const Symbol * interface{GetInterfaceSymbol()}) {
return IsElementalProcedure(*interface);
} else if (const Symbol * symbol{GetSymbol()}) {
return IsElementalProcedure(*symbol);
} else if (const auto *intrinsic{std::get_if<SpecificIntrinsic>(&u)}) {
return intrinsic->characteristics.value().attrs.test(
} else {
DIE("ProcedureDesignator::IsElemental(): no case");
return false;
bool ProcedureDesignator::IsPure() const {
if (const Symbol * interface{GetInterfaceSymbol()}) {
return IsPureProcedure(*interface);
} else if (const Symbol * symbol{GetSymbol()}) {
return IsPureProcedure(*symbol);
} else if (const auto *intrinsic{std::get_if<SpecificIntrinsic>(&u)}) {
return intrinsic->characteristics.value().attrs.test(
} else {
DIE("ProcedureDesignator::IsPure(): no case");
return false;
const SpecificIntrinsic *ProcedureDesignator::GetSpecificIntrinsic() const {
return std::get_if<SpecificIntrinsic>(&u);
const Component *ProcedureDesignator::GetComponent() const {
if (auto *c{std::get_if<common::CopyableIndirection<Component>>(&u)}) {
return &c->value();
} else {
return nullptr;
const Symbol *ProcedureDesignator::GetSymbol() const {
return common::visit(
[](SymbolRef symbol) { return &*symbol; },
[](const common::CopyableIndirection<Component> &c) {
return &c.value().GetLastSymbol();
[](const auto &) -> const Symbol * { return nullptr; },
const SymbolRef *ProcedureDesignator::UnwrapSymbolRef() const {
return std::get_if<SymbolRef>(&u);
std::string ProcedureDesignator::GetName() const {
return common::visit(
[](const SpecificIntrinsic &i) { return i.name; },
[](const Symbol &symbol) { return symbol.name().ToString(); },
[](const common::CopyableIndirection<Component> &c) {
return c.value().GetLastSymbol().name().ToString();
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> ProcedureRef::LEN() const {
if (const auto *intrinsic{std::get_if<SpecificIntrinsic>(&proc_.u)}) {
if (intrinsic->name == "repeat") {
// LEN(REPEAT(ch,n)) == LEN(ch) * n
CHECK(arguments_.size() == 2);
const auto *stringArg{
const auto *nCopiesArg{
CHECK(stringArg && nCopiesArg);
if (auto stringLen{stringArg->LEN()}) {
auto converted{ConvertTo(*stringLen, common::Clone(*nCopiesArg))};
return *std::move(stringLen) * std::move(converted);
// Some other cases (e.g., LEN(CHAR(...))) are handled in
// ProcedureDesignator::LEN() because they're independent of the
// lengths of the actual arguments.
if (auto len{proc_.LEN()}) {
if (IsActuallyConstant(*len)) {
return len;
// TODO: Handle cases where the length of a function result is a
// safe expression in terms of actual argument values, after substituting
// actual argument expressions for INTENT(IN)/VALUE dummy arguments.
return std::nullopt;
int ProcedureRef::Rank() const {
if (IsElemental()) {
for (const auto &arg : arguments_) {
if (arg) {
if (int rank{arg->Rank()}; rank > 0) {
return rank;
return 0;
} else {
return proc_.Rank();
ProcedureRef::~ProcedureRef() {}
void ProcedureRef::Deleter(ProcedureRef *p) { delete p; }
} // namespace Fortran::evaluate