! RUN: not %flang -fsyntax-only -pedantic 2>&1 %s | FileCheck %s
module m
subroutine subr1(f)
character(5) f
print *, f('abcde')
end subroutine
subroutine subr2(f)
character(*) f
print *, f('abcde')
end subroutine
character(5) function explicitLength(x)
character(5), intent(in) :: x
explicitLength = x
end function
character(6) function badExplicitLength(x)
character(5), intent(in) :: x
badExplicitLength = x
end function
real function notChar(x)
character(*), intent(in) :: x
notChar = 0
end function
end module
character(*) function assumedLength(x)
character(*), intent(in) :: x
assumedLength = x
end function
subroutine subr3(f)
character(5) f
print *, f('abcde')
end subroutine
program main
use m
external assumedlength
character(5) :: assumedlength
call subr1(explicitLength)
!CHECK: error: Actual argument function associated with procedure dummy argument 'f=' is not compatible: function results have distinct types: CHARACTER(KIND=1,LEN=5_8) vs CHARACTER(KIND=1,LEN=6_8)
call subr1(badExplicitLength)
call subr1(assumedLength)
!CHECK: error: Actual argument function associated with procedure dummy argument 'f=' is not compatible: function results have distinct types: CHARACTER(KIND=1,LEN=5_8) vs REAL(4)
call subr1(notChar)
call subr2(explicitLength)
call subr2(assumedLength)
!CHECK: error: Actual argument function associated with procedure dummy argument 'f=' is not compatible: function results have distinct types: CHARACTER(KIND=1,LEN=*) vs REAL(4)
call subr2(notChar)
call subr3(explicitLength)
!CHECK: warning: If the procedure's interface were explicit, this reference would be in error
!CHECK: because: Actual argument function associated with procedure dummy argument 'f=' is not compatible: function results have distinct types: CHARACTER(KIND=1,LEN=5_8) vs CHARACTER(KIND=1,LEN=6_8)
call subr3(badExplicitLength)
call subr3(assumedLength)
!CHECK: warning: If the procedure's interface were explicit, this reference would be in error
!CHECK: because: Actual argument function associated with procedure dummy argument 'f=' is not compatible: function results have distinct types: CHARACTER(KIND=1,LEN=5_8) vs REAL(4)
call subr3(notChar)
end program