! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
! Ensure that INDEX is a usable specific intrinsic procedure.
program test
pure integer function index1(string, substring)
character(*), intent(in) :: string, substring ! ok
pure integer function index2(x1, x2)
character(*), intent(in) :: x1, x2 ! ok
pure integer function index3(string, substring)
character, intent(in) :: string, substring ! not assumed length
pure integer function index4(string, substring, back)
character(*), intent(in) :: string, substring
logical, optional, intent(in) :: back ! not ok
subroutine s0(ix)
procedure(index) :: ix
subroutine s1(ix)
import index1
procedure(index1) :: ix
subroutine s2(ix)
import index2
procedure(index2) :: ix
subroutine s3(ix)
import index3
procedure(index3) :: ix
subroutine s4(ix)
import index4
procedure(index4) :: ix
end interface
procedure(index), pointer :: p0
procedure(index1), pointer :: p1
procedure(index2), pointer :: p2
procedure(index3), pointer :: p3
procedure(index4), pointer :: p4
p0 => index ! ok
p0 => index1 ! ok
p0 => index2 ! ok
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'p0' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'index3': incompatible dummy argument #1: assumed-length character vs explicit-length character
p0 => index3
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'p0' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'index4': distinct numbers of dummy arguments
p0 => index4
p1 => index ! ok
p1 => index1 ! ok
p1 => index2 ! ok
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'p1' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'index3': incompatible dummy argument #1: assumed-length character vs explicit-length character
p1 => index3
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'p1' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'index4': distinct numbers of dummy arguments
p1 => index4
p2 => index ! ok
p2 => index1 ! ok
p2 => index2 ! ok
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'p2' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'index3': incompatible dummy argument #1: assumed-length character vs explicit-length character
p2 => index3
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'p2' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'index4': distinct numbers of dummy arguments
p2 => index4
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'p3' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'index': incompatible dummy argument #1: assumed-length character vs explicit-length character
p3 => index
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'p3' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'index1': incompatible dummy argument #1: assumed-length character vs explicit-length character
p3 => index1
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'p3' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'index2': incompatible dummy argument #1: assumed-length character vs explicit-length character
p3 => index2
p3 => index3 ! ok
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'p3' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'index4': distinct numbers of dummy arguments
p3 => index4
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'p4' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'index': distinct numbers of dummy arguments
p4 => index
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'p4' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'index1': distinct numbers of dummy arguments
p4 => index1
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'p4' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'index2': distinct numbers of dummy arguments
p4 => index2
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'p4' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'index3': distinct numbers of dummy arguments
p4 => index3
p4 => index4 ! ok
call s0(index) ! ok
call s0(index1) ! ok
call s0(index2)
!ERROR: Actual procedure argument has interface incompatible with dummy argument 'ix=': incompatible dummy argument #1: assumed-length character vs explicit-length character
call s0(index3)
!ERROR: Actual procedure argument has interface incompatible with dummy argument 'ix=': distinct numbers of dummy arguments
call s0(index4)
call s1(index) ! ok
call s1(index1) ! ok
call s1(index2) ! ok
!ERROR: Actual procedure argument has interface incompatible with dummy argument 'ix=': incompatible dummy argument #1: assumed-length character vs explicit-length character
call s1(index3)
!ERROR: Actual procedure argument has interface incompatible with dummy argument 'ix=': distinct numbers of dummy arguments
call s1(index4)
call s2(index) ! ok
call s2(index1) ! ok
call s2(index2) ! ok
!ERROR: Actual procedure argument has interface incompatible with dummy argument 'ix=': incompatible dummy argument #1: assumed-length character vs explicit-length character
call s2(index3)
!ERROR: Actual procedure argument has interface incompatible with dummy argument 'ix=': distinct numbers of dummy arguments
call s2(index4)
!ERROR: Actual procedure argument has interface incompatible with dummy argument 'ix=': incompatible dummy argument #1: assumed-length character vs explicit-length character
call s3(index)
!ERROR: Actual procedure argument has interface incompatible with dummy argument 'ix=': incompatible dummy argument #1: assumed-length character vs explicit-length character
call s3(index1)
!ERROR: Actual procedure argument has interface incompatible with dummy argument 'ix=': incompatible dummy argument #1: assumed-length character vs explicit-length character
call s3(index2)
call s3(index3) ! ok
!ERROR: Actual procedure argument has interface incompatible with dummy argument 'ix=': distinct numbers of dummy arguments
call s3(index4)
!ERROR: Actual procedure argument has interface incompatible with dummy argument 'ix=': distinct numbers of dummy arguments
call s4(index)
!ERROR: Actual procedure argument has interface incompatible with dummy argument 'ix=': distinct numbers of dummy arguments
call s4(index1)
!ERROR: Actual procedure argument has interface incompatible with dummy argument 'ix=': distinct numbers of dummy arguments
call s4(index2)
!ERROR: Actual procedure argument has interface incompatible with dummy argument 'ix=': distinct numbers of dummy arguments
call s4(index3)
call s4(index4) ! ok