
! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
  character(kind=1,len=50) internal_file
  character(kind=1,len=100) msg
  character(20) sign
  character, parameter :: const_internal_file*(*) = "(I6)"
  integer*1 stat1, id1
  integer*2 stat2
  integer*4 stat4
  integer*8 stat8
  integer :: iunit = 10
  integer, parameter :: junit = 11
  integer, pointer :: a(:)
  integer, parameter :: const_id = 66666
  procedure(), pointer :: procptr
  external external
  intrinsic acos

  namelist /nnn/ nn1, nn2

  sign = 'suppress'


  write(*, *)
  write(*, *)
  write(unit=*) 'Ok'
  write(unit=iunit, *)
  write(unit=junit, *)
  write(unit=10) 'Ok'
  write(*, nnn)
  write(10, nnn)
  write(internal_file, *)
  write(internal_file, fmt=*)
  write(internal_file, fmt=1) 'Ok'
  write(internal_file, nnn)
  write(internal_file, nml=nnn)
  write(unit=internal_file, *)
  write(fmt=*, unit=internal_file)
  write(10, advance='yes', fmt=1) 'Ok'
  write(10, *, delim='quote', sign='plus') jj
  write(10, '(A)', advance='no', asynchronous='yes', decimal='comma', &
      err=9, id=id, iomsg=msg, iostat=stat2, round='processor_defined', &
      sign=sign) 'Ok'

  print*, 'Ok'

  allocate(a(2), stat=stat2)
  allocate(a(8), stat=stat8)

  !ERROR: Duplicate UNIT specifier
  write(internal_file, unit=*)

  !ERROR: WRITE statement must have a UNIT specifier

  !ERROR: WRITE statement must not have a BLANK specifier
  !ERROR: WRITE statement must not have a END specifier
  !ERROR: WRITE statement must not have a EOR specifier
  !ERROR: WRITE statement must not have a PAD specifier
  write(*, eor=9, blank='zero', end=9, pad='no')

  !ERROR: If NML appears, REC must not appear
  !ERROR: If NML appears, FMT must not appear
  !ERROR: If NML appears, a data list must not appear
  write(10, nnn, rec=40, fmt=1) 'Ok'

  !ERROR: Internal file variable 'const_internal_file' is not definable
  !BECAUSE: '"(I6)"' is not a variable or pointer
  write(const_internal_file, fmt=*)

  !ERROR: If UNIT=* appears, POS must not appear
  write(*, pos=n, nml=nnn)

  !ERROR: If UNIT=* appears, REC must not appear
  write(*, rec=n)

  !ERROR: If UNIT=internal-file appears, POS must not appear
  write(internal_file, err=9, pos=n, nml=nnn)

  !ERROR: If UNIT=internal-file appears, REC must not appear
  write(internal_file, rec=n, err=9)

  !ERROR: If UNIT=* appears, REC must not appear
  write(*, rec=13) 'Ok'

  !ERROR: I/O unit must be a character variable or a scalar integer expression
  write(unit, *) 'Ok'

  !ERROR: If ADVANCE appears, UNIT=internal-file must not appear
  write(internal_file, advance='yes', fmt=1) 'Ok'

  !ERROR: If ADVANCE appears, an explicit format must also appear
  write(10, advance='yes') 'Ok'

  !ERROR: Invalid ASYNCHRONOUS value 'non'
  write(*, asynchronous='non')

  !ERROR: If ASYNCHRONOUS='YES' appears, UNIT=number must also appear
  write(*, asynchronous='yes')

  !ERROR: If ASYNCHRONOUS='YES' appears, UNIT=number must also appear
  write(internal_file, asynchronous='yes')

  !ERROR: If ID appears, ASYNCHRONOUS='YES' must also appear
  write(10, *, id=id) "Ok"

  !ERROR: If ID appears, ASYNCHRONOUS='YES' must also appear
  write(10, *, id=id, asynchronous='no') "Ok"

  !ERROR: If POS appears, REC must not appear
  write(10, pos=13, rec=13) 'Ok'

  !ERROR: If DECIMAL appears, FMT or NML must also appear
  !ERROR: If ROUND appears, FMT or NML must also appear
  !ERROR: If SIGN appears, FMT or NML must also appear
  !ERROR: Invalid DECIMAL value 'Komma'
  write(10, decimal='Komma', sign='plus', round='down') jj

  !ERROR: If DELIM appears, FMT=* or NML must also appear
  !ERROR: Invalid DELIM value 'Nix'
  write(delim='Nix', fmt='(A)', unit=10) 'Ok'

  !ERROR: ID kind (1) is smaller than default INTEGER kind (4)
  write(id=id1, unit=10, asynchronous='Yes') 'Ok'

  !ERROR: ID variable 'const_id' is not definable
  !BECAUSE: '66666_4' is not a variable or pointer
  write(10, *, asynchronous='yes', id=const_id, iostat=stat2) 'Ok'

  write(*, '(X)')

  !ERROR: Output item must not be a procedure
  print*, procptr
  !ERROR: Output item must not be a procedure
  print*, acos
  !ERROR: Output item must not be a procedure
  print*, external

1 format (A)
9 continue