! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
! Test name conflicts with type-bound generics
module m
type base1(k)
integer, kind :: k = 4
real x
procedure, nopass :: tbp => sub
generic :: gen => tbp
end type
type, extends(base1) :: ext1
procedure, nopass :: sub
!ERROR: Type parameter, component, or procedure binding 'base1' already defined in this type
generic :: base1 => sub
!ERROR: Type bound generic procedure 'k' may not have the same name as a non-generic symbol inherited from an ancestor type
generic :: k => sub
!ERROR: Type bound generic procedure 'x' may not have the same name as a non-generic symbol inherited from an ancestor type
generic :: x => sub
!ERROR: Type bound generic procedure 'tbp' may not have the same name as a non-generic symbol inherited from an ancestor type
generic :: tbp => sub
generic :: gen => sub ! ok
end type
subroutine sub