
! Error test -- DO loop uses obsolete loop termination statement (warning)
! See R1131 and C1133

! By default, this is not an error and label do are rewritten to non-label do.
! A warning is generated with -pedantic

! RUN: %flang_fc1 -fdebug-unparse-with-symbols -pedantic %s 2>%t.stderr | FileCheck %s

! CHECK: end do

! The following CHECK-NOT actively uses the fact that the leading zero of labels
! would be removed in the unparse but not the line linked to warnings. We do
! not want to see label do in the unparse only.
! CHECK-NOT: do [1-9]

! RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=ERR --input-file=%t.stderr %s
! ERR: A DO loop should terminate with an END DO or CONTINUE

subroutine foo6(a)
  type whatever
    class(*), allocatable :: x
  end type
  type(whatever) :: a(10)
  do 01 k=1,10
    select type (ax => a(k)%x)
      type is (integer)
        print*, "integer: ", ax
      class default
        print*, "not useable"
01  end select
end subroutine