
! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1

module mod1
  attributes(global) subroutine sub1(adev)
    real :: adev(10)
    integer :: tid
    tid = threadIdx%x
! Use to crash the compiler. Make sure we have the proper semantic error.
!ERROR: Actual argument for 'i=' has bad type 'REAL(4)'
    adev(tid + 1) = scale(real(tid), 2.0) 
  end subroutine sub1
end module

subroutine sub1()
  real, device :: adev(10), bdev(10)
  real :: ahost(10)

!ERROR: More than one reference to a CUDA object on the right hand side of the assigment
  ahost = adev + bdev

  ahost = adev + adev

end subroutine

logical function compare_h(a,b)
!ERROR: Derived type 'h' not found
  type(h) :: a, b
!ERROR: 'a' is not an object of derived type; it is implicitly typed
!ERROR: 'b' is not an object of derived type; it is implicitly typed
  compare_h = (a%h .eq. b%h)

attributes(global) subroutine sub2()
  if (threadIdx%x == 1) print *, "I'm number one"
end subroutine