
! RUN: %python %S/test_modfile.py %s %flang_fc1
! Ensure that symbols and types needed to declare procedures and procedure pointers
! are properly imported into interfaces.
module m
  type :: t
  end type
  abstract interface
    subroutine iface
  end interface
  procedure(iface) :: ext
    subroutine subr(p1,p2)
      import ext, t
      procedure(ext) :: p1
      procedure(type(t)), pointer :: p2
    end subroutine
    function fun() result(res)
      import subr
      procedure(subr), pointer :: res
    end function
  end interface
end module

!Expect: m.mod
!module m
!end type
!abstract interface
!subroutine iface()
!end interface
!subroutine subr(p1,p2)
!end interface
!function fun() result(res)
!end interface