! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
! C911 - abstract derived type can be used only when polymorphic
program test
type, abstract :: abstract
integer :: j
end type
type, extends(abstract) :: concrete
integer :: k
class(concrete), allocatable :: a(:)
end type
type(concrete) :: x(2)
call sub1(x(1)) ! ok
call sub2(x) ! ok
call sub1(x(1)%a(1)) ! ok
call sub2(x(1)%a) ! ok
!ERROR: Reference to object with abstract derived type 'abstract' must be polymorphic
call sub1(x(1)%abstract) ! bad
!ERROR: Reference to object with abstract derived type 'abstract' must be polymorphic
call sub2(x%abstract) ! bad
!ERROR: Reference to object with abstract derived type 'abstract' must be polymorphic
call sub1(x(1)%a(1)%abstract) ! bad
!ERROR: Reference to object with abstract derived type 'abstract' must be polymorphic
call sub2(x(1)%a%abstract) ! bad
subroutine sub1(d)
class(abstract) d
end subroutine
subroutine sub2(d)
class(abstract) d(:)
end subroutine