! REQUIRES: openmp_runtime
! RUN: %python %S/../test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1 %openmp_flags -fopenmp-version=50
! Semantic checks on hint clauses, as they appear on atomic constructs
program sample
use omp_lib
integer :: x, y
logical :: z
real :: k
integer :: p(1)
integer, parameter :: a = 1
!$omp atomic hint(1) write
y = 2
!$omp atomic read hint(2)
y = x
!ERROR: Hint clause value is not a valid OpenMP synchronization value
!$omp atomic hint(3)
y = y + 10
!$omp atomic update hint(5)
y = x + y
!ERROR: Hint clause value is not a valid OpenMP synchronization value
!$omp atomic hint(7) capture
y = x
x = y
!$omp end atomic
!ERROR: Hint clause must have non-negative constant integer expression
!ERROR: Must be a constant value
!$omp atomic update hint(x)
y = y * 1
!$omp atomic read hint(4)
y = x
!$omp atomic hint(8)
x = x * y
!$omp atomic write hint(omp_sync_hint_uncontended)
x = 10 * y
!$omp atomic hint(omp_lock_hint_speculative)
x = y + x
!ERROR: Hint clause must have non-negative constant integer expression
!ERROR: Must be a constant value
!$omp atomic hint(omp_sync_hint_uncontended + omp_sync_hint) read
y = x
!$omp atomic hint(omp_sync_hint_nonspeculative)
y = y * 9
!$omp atomic hint(omp_sync_hint_none) read
y = x
!$omp atomic read hint(omp_sync_hint_uncontended + omp_lock_hint_speculative)
y = x
!$omp atomic hint(omp_lock_hint_nonspeculative + omp_lock_hint_uncontended)
x = x * y
!$omp atomic write hint(omp_lock_hint_contended + omp_sync_hint_speculative)
x = 10 * y
!$omp atomic hint(omp_lock_hint_contended + omp_sync_hint_nonspeculative)
x = y + x
!ERROR: Hint clause value is not a valid OpenMP synchronization value
!$omp atomic hint(omp_sync_hint_uncontended + omp_sync_hint_contended) read
y = x
!ERROR: Hint clause value is not a valid OpenMP synchronization value
!$omp atomic hint(omp_sync_hint_nonspeculative + omp_lock_hint_speculative)
y = y * 9
!ERROR: Hint clause must have non-negative constant integer expression
!$omp atomic hint(1.0) read
y = x
!ERROR: Hint clause must have non-negative constant integer expression
!ERROR: Operands of + must be numeric; have LOGICAL(4) and INTEGER(4)
!$omp atomic hint(z + omp_sync_hint_nonspeculative) read
y = x
!ERROR: Hint clause must have non-negative constant integer expression
!ERROR: Must be a constant value
!$omp atomic hint(k + omp_sync_hint_speculative) read
y = x
!ERROR: Hint clause must have non-negative constant integer expression
!ERROR: Must be a constant value
!$omp atomic hint(p(1) + omp_sync_hint_uncontended) write
x = 10 * y
!$omp atomic write hint(a)
!ERROR: RHS expression on atomic assignment statement cannot access 'x'
x = y + x
!$omp atomic hint(abs(-1)) write
x = 7
!$omp atomic hint(omp_sync_hint_uncontended + omp_sync_hint_uncontended + omp_sync_hint_speculative) write
x = 7
end program