! RUN: %python %S/../test_errors.py %s %flang -fopenmp
! OpenMP Version 5.2, Sections 3.2.1 & 5.3
subroutine omp_firstprivate(init)
integer :: init
integer :: a(10)
type my_type
integer :: val
end type my_type
type(my_type) :: my_var
!ERROR: A variable that is part of another variable (as an array or structure element) cannot appear in a FIRSTPRIVATE clause
!$omp parallel firstprivate(a(2))
a(2) = init
!$omp end parallel
!ERROR: A variable that is part of another variable (as an array or structure element) cannot appear in a FIRSTPRIVATE clause
!$omp parallel firstprivate(my_var%val)
my_var%val = init
!$omp end parallel
end subroutine