! Test interface that lowering handles small interface mismatch with
! type bound procedures.
! RUN: bbc -emit-hlfir %s -o - -I nw | FileCheck %s
module dispatch_mismatch
type t
integer :: i
end type
type, extends(t) :: t2
procedure :: proc => foo
end type
subroutine foo(x)
import :: t2
class(t2) :: x
end subroutine
end interface
end module
subroutine foo(x)
use dispatch_mismatch, only : t
! mistmatch compared to the interface, but OK from an ABI
! point of view, and OKI because args compatible with t2 are
! compatible with t.
class(t) :: x
end subroutine
subroutine test(x)
use dispatch_mismatch, only : t2
class(t2) :: x
call x%proc()
end subroutine
!CHECK-LABEL: func.func @_QPtest(
!CHECK: %[[X:.*]]:2 = hlfir.declare %{{.*}} {uniq_name = "_QFtestEx"}
!CHECK: %[[CAST:.*]] = fir.convert %[[X]]#0 : (!fir.class<!fir.type<_QMdispatch_mismatchTt2{t:!fir.type<_QMdispatch_mismatchTt{i:i32}>}>>) -> !fir.class<!fir.type<_QMdispatch_mismatchTt{i:i32}>>
!CHECK: fir.dispatch "proc"(%[[X]]#0 : !fir.class<!fir.type<_QMdispatch_mismatchTt2{t:!fir.type<_QMdispatch_mismatchTt{i:i32}>}>>) (%[[CAST]] : !fir.class<!fir.type<_QMdispatch_mismatchTt{i:i32}>>) {pass_arg_pos = 0 : i32}