! Offloading test checking interaction of an
! derived type mapping of two explicit
! members to target
! REQUIRES: flang, amdgpu
! RUN: %libomptarget-compile-fortran-run-and-check-generic
program main
type :: scalar
integer(4) :: ix = 0
real(4) :: rx = 0.0
complex(4) :: zx = (0,0)
real(4) :: ry = 1.0
end type scalar
type(scalar) :: scalar_struct
!$omp target map(from:scalar_struct%rx, scalar_struct%ry)
scalar_struct%rx = 21.0
scalar_struct%ry = 27.0
!$omp end target
print*, scalar_struct%rx
print*, scalar_struct%ry
end program main
!CHECK: 21.
!CHECK: 27.