
// clang-format off
// RUN: %libomptarget-compile-run-and-check-generic
// REQUIRES: ompt

 * Example OpenMP program that shows that if no device init callback
 * is registered, the other callbacks won't be activated.
// clang-format on
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "callbacks.h"
#include "register_no_device_init.h"

int main() {
  int N = 100000;

  int a[N];
  int b[N];

  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
    a[i] = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
    b[i] = i;

#pragma omp target parallel for
    for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
      a[j] = b[j];

#pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for
    for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
      a[j] = b[j];

  int rc = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
    if (a[i] != b[i]) {
      printf("Wrong value: a[%d]=%d\n", i, a[i]);

  if (!rc)

  return rc;
// clang-format off
/// CHECK-NOT: Callback Init:
/// CHECK: Callback Load:
/// CHECK: Callback Target: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] kind=1 endpoint=1
/// CHECK: Callback DataOp: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] optype=1
/// CHECK: Callback DataOp: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] optype=2
/// CHECK: Callback DataOp: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] optype=1
/// CHECK: Callback DataOp: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] optype=2
/// CHECK: Callback Submit: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] req_num_teams=1
/// CHECK: Callback DataOp: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] optype=3
/// CHECK: Callback DataOp: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] optype=3
/// CHECK: Callback DataOp: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] optype=4
/// CHECK: Callback DataOp: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] optype=4
/// CHECK: Callback Target: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] kind=1 endpoint=2

/// CHECK: Callback Target: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] kind=1 endpoint=1
/// CHECK: Callback DataOp: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] optype=1
/// CHECK: Callback DataOp: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] optype=2
/// CHECK: Callback DataOp: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] optype=1
/// CHECK: Callback DataOp: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] optype=2
/// CHECK: Callback Submit: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] req_num_teams=0
/// CHECK: Callback DataOp: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] optype=3
/// CHECK: Callback DataOp: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] optype=3
/// CHECK: Callback DataOp: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] optype=4
/// CHECK: Callback DataOp: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] host_op_id=[[HOST_OP_ID:[0-9]+]] optype=4
/// CHECK: Callback Target: target_id=[[TARGET_ID:[0-9]+]] kind=1 endpoint=2
/// CHECK-NOT: Callback Fini: