
//===- PWMAFunction.h - MLIR PWMAFunction Class------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Support for piece-wise multi-affine functions. These are functions that are
// defined on a domain that is a union of IntegerPolyhedrons, and on each domain
// the value of the function is a tuple of integers, with each value in the
// tuple being an affine expression in the vars of the IntegerPolyhedron.


#include "mlir/Analysis/Presburger/IntegerRelation.h"
#include "mlir/Analysis/Presburger/PresburgerRelation.h"
#include <optional>

namespace mlir {
namespace presburger {

/// Enum representing a binary comparison operator: equal, not equal, less than,
/// less than or equal, greater than, greater than or equal.
enum class OrderingKind {};

/// This class represents a multi-affine function with the domain as Z^d, where
/// `d` is the number of domain variables of the function. For example:
/// (x, y) -> (x + 2, 2*x - 3y + 5, 2*x + y).
/// The output expressions are represented as a matrix with one row for every
/// output, one column for each var including division variables, and an extra
/// column at the end for the constant term.
/// Checking equality of two such functions is supported, as well as finding the
/// value of the function at a specified point.
class MultiAffineFunction {};

/// This class represents a piece-wise MultiAffineFunction. This can be thought
/// of as a list of MultiAffineFunction with disjoint domains, with each having
/// their own affine expressions for their output tuples. For example, we could
/// have a function with two input variables (x, y), defined as
/// f(x, y) = (2*x + y, y - 4)  if x >= 0, y >= 0
///         = (-2*x + y, y + 4) if x < 0,  y < 0
///         = (4, 1)            if x < 0,  y >= 0
/// Note that the domains all have to be *disjoint*. Otherwise, the behaviour of
/// this class is undefined. The domains need not cover all possible points;
/// this represents a partial function and so could be undefined at some points.
/// As in PresburgerSets, the input vars are partitioned into dimension vars and
/// symbolic vars.
/// Support is provided to compare equality of two such functions as well as
/// finding the value of the function at a point.
class PWMAFunction {};

} // namespace presburger
} // namespace mlir