
//===- AsyncToLLVM.cpp - Convert Async to LLVM dialect --------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "mlir/Conversion/AsyncToLLVM/AsyncToLLVM.h"

#include "mlir/Conversion/ConvertToLLVM/ToLLVMInterface.h"
#include "mlir/Conversion/FuncToLLVM/ConvertFuncToLLVM.h"
#include "mlir/Conversion/LLVMCommon/ConversionTarget.h"
#include "mlir/Conversion/LLVMCommon/Pattern.h"
#include "mlir/Conversion/LLVMCommon/TypeConverter.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Arith/IR/Arith.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Async/IR/Async.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Func/IR/FuncOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Func/Transforms/FuncConversions.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/LLVMIR/FunctionCallUtils.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/LLVMIR/LLVMDialect.h"
#include "mlir/IR/ImplicitLocOpBuilder.h"
#include "mlir/IR/TypeUtilities.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/DialectConversion.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TypeSwitch.h"

namespace mlir {
#include "mlir/Conversion/Passes.h.inc"
} // namespace mlir

#define DEBUG_TYPE


// Async Runtime C API declaration.

static constexpr const char *kAddRef =;
static constexpr const char *kDropRef =;
static constexpr const char *kCreateToken =;
static constexpr const char *kCreateValue =;
static constexpr const char *kCreateGroup =;
static constexpr const char *kEmplaceToken =;
static constexpr const char *kEmplaceValue =;
static constexpr const char *kSetTokenError =;
static constexpr const char *kSetValueError =;
static constexpr const char *kIsTokenError =;
static constexpr const char *kIsValueError =;
static constexpr const char *kIsGroupError =;
static constexpr const char *kAwaitToken =;
static constexpr const char *kAwaitValue =;
static constexpr const char *kAwaitGroup =;
static constexpr const char *kExecute =;
static constexpr const char *kGetValueStorage =;
static constexpr const char *kAddTokenToGroup =;
static constexpr const char *kAwaitTokenAndExecute =;
static constexpr const char *kAwaitValueAndExecute =;
static constexpr const char *kAwaitAllAndExecute =;
static constexpr const char *kGetNumWorkerThreads =;

namespace {
/// Async Runtime API function types.
/// Because we can't create API function signature for type parametrized
/// async.getValue type, we use opaque pointers (!llvm.ptr) instead. After
/// lowering all async data types become opaque pointers at runtime.
struct AsyncAPI {};
} // namespace

/// Adds Async Runtime C API declarations to the module.
static void addAsyncRuntimeApiDeclarations(ModuleOp module) {}

// Coroutine resume function wrapper.

static constexpr const char *kResume =;

/// A function that takes a coroutine handle and calls a `llvm.coro.resume`
/// intrinsics. We need this function to be able to pass it to the async
/// runtime execute API.
static void addResumeFunction(ModuleOp module) {}

// Convert Async dialect types to LLVM types.

namespace {
/// AsyncRuntimeTypeConverter only converts types from the Async dialect to
/// their runtime type (opaque pointers) and does not convert any other types.
class AsyncRuntimeTypeConverter : public TypeConverter {};

/// Base class for conversion patterns requiring AsyncRuntimeTypeConverter
/// as type converter. Allows access to it via the 'getTypeConverter'
/// convenience method.
template <typename SourceOp>
class AsyncOpConversionPattern : public OpConversionPattern<SourceOp> {};

} // namespace

// Convert async.coro.id to @llvm.coro.id intrinsic.

namespace {
class CoroIdOpConversion : public AsyncOpConversionPattern<CoroIdOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert async.coro.begin to @llvm.coro.begin intrinsic.

namespace {
class CoroBeginOpConversion : public AsyncOpConversionPattern<CoroBeginOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert async.coro.free to @llvm.coro.free intrinsic.

namespace {
class CoroFreeOpConversion : public AsyncOpConversionPattern<CoroFreeOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert async.coro.end to @llvm.coro.end intrinsic.

namespace {
class CoroEndOpConversion : public OpConversionPattern<CoroEndOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert async.coro.save to @llvm.coro.save intrinsic.

namespace {
class CoroSaveOpConversion : public OpConversionPattern<CoroSaveOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert async.coro.suspend to @llvm.coro.suspend intrinsic.

namespace {

/// Convert async.coro.suspend to the @llvm.coro.suspend intrinsic call, and
/// branch to the appropriate block based on the return code.
/// Before:
///   ^suspended:
///     "opBefore"(...)
///     async.coro.suspend %state, ^suspend, ^resume, ^cleanup
///   ^resume:
///     "op"(...)
///   ^cleanup: ...
///   ^suspend: ...
/// After:
///   ^suspended:
///     "opBefore"(...)
///     %suspend = llmv.intr.coro.suspend ...
///     switch %suspend [-1: ^suspend, 0: ^resume, 1: ^cleanup]
///   ^resume:
///     "op"(...)
///   ^cleanup: ...
///   ^suspend: ...
class CoroSuspendOpConversion : public OpConversionPattern<CoroSuspendOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert async.runtime.create to the corresponding runtime API call.
// To allocate storage for the async values we use getelementptr trick:
// http://nondot.org/sabre/LLVMNotes/SizeOf-OffsetOf-VariableSizedStructs.txt

namespace {
class RuntimeCreateOpLowering : public ConvertOpToLLVMPattern<RuntimeCreateOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert async.runtime.create_group to the corresponding runtime API call.

namespace {
class RuntimeCreateGroupOpLowering
    : public ConvertOpToLLVMPattern<RuntimeCreateGroupOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert async.runtime.set_available to the corresponding runtime API call.

namespace {
class RuntimeSetAvailableOpLowering
    : public OpConversionPattern<RuntimeSetAvailableOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert async.runtime.set_error to the corresponding runtime API call.

namespace {
class RuntimeSetErrorOpLowering
    : public OpConversionPattern<RuntimeSetErrorOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert async.runtime.is_error to the corresponding runtime API call.

namespace {
class RuntimeIsErrorOpLowering : public OpConversionPattern<RuntimeIsErrorOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert async.runtime.await to the corresponding runtime API call.

namespace {
class RuntimeAwaitOpLowering : public OpConversionPattern<RuntimeAwaitOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert async.runtime.await_and_resume to the corresponding runtime API call.

namespace {
class RuntimeAwaitAndResumeOpLowering
    : public AsyncOpConversionPattern<RuntimeAwaitAndResumeOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert async.runtime.resume to the corresponding runtime API call.

namespace {
class RuntimeResumeOpLowering
    : public AsyncOpConversionPattern<RuntimeResumeOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert async.runtime.store to the corresponding runtime API call.

namespace {
class RuntimeStoreOpLowering : public ConvertOpToLLVMPattern<RuntimeStoreOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert async.runtime.load to the corresponding runtime API call.

namespace {
class RuntimeLoadOpLowering : public ConvertOpToLLVMPattern<RuntimeLoadOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert async.runtime.add_to_group to the corresponding runtime API call.

namespace {
class RuntimeAddToGroupOpLowering
    : public OpConversionPattern<RuntimeAddToGroupOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert async.runtime.num_worker_threads to the corresponding runtime API
// call.

namespace {
class RuntimeNumWorkerThreadsOpLowering
    : public OpConversionPattern<RuntimeNumWorkerThreadsOp> {};
} // namespace

// Async reference counting ops lowering (`async.runtime.add_ref` and
// `async.runtime.drop_ref` to the corresponding API calls).

namespace {
template <typename RefCountingOp>
class RefCountingOpLowering : public OpConversionPattern<RefCountingOp> {};

class RuntimeAddRefOpLowering : public RefCountingOpLowering<RuntimeAddRefOp> {};

class RuntimeDropRefOpLowering
    : public RefCountingOpLowering<RuntimeDropRefOp> {};
} // namespace

// Convert return operations that return async values from async regions.

namespace {
class ReturnOpOpConversion : public OpConversionPattern<func::ReturnOp> {};
} // namespace


namespace {
struct ConvertAsyncToLLVMPass
    : public impl::ConvertAsyncToLLVMPassBase<ConvertAsyncToLLVMPass> {};
} // namespace

void ConvertAsyncToLLVMPass::runOnOperation() {}

// Patterns for structural type conversions for the Async dialect operations.

namespace {
class ConvertExecuteOpTypes : public OpConversionPattern<ExecuteOp> {};

// Dummy pattern to trigger the appropriate type conversion / materialization.
class ConvertAwaitOpTypes : public OpConversionPattern<AwaitOp> {};

// Dummy pattern to trigger the appropriate type conversion / materialization.
class ConvertYieldOpTypes : public OpConversionPattern<async::YieldOp> {};
} // namespace

void mlir::populateAsyncStructuralTypeConversionsAndLegality(
    TypeConverter &typeConverter, RewritePatternSet &patterns,
    ConversionTarget &target) {}