
//===- SCFToControlFlow.cpp - SCF to CF conversion ------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements a pass to convert scf.for, scf.if and loop.terminator
// ops into standard CFG ops.

#include "mlir/Conversion/SCFToControlFlow/SCFToControlFlow.h"

#include "mlir/Dialect/Arith/IR/Arith.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/ControlFlow/IR/ControlFlowOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/LLVMIR/LLVMDialect.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SCF/IR/SCF.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/Transforms.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/IRMapping.h"
#include "mlir/IR/MLIRContext.h"
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/DialectConversion.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/Passes.h"

namespace mlir {
#include "mlir/Conversion/Passes.h.inc"
} // namespace mlir


namespace {

struct SCFToControlFlowPass
    : public impl::SCFToControlFlowBase<SCFToControlFlowPass> {};

// Create a CFG subgraph for the loop around its body blocks (if the body
// contained other loops, they have been already lowered to a flow of blocks).
// Maintain the invariants that a CFG subgraph created for any loop has a single
// entry and a single exit, and that the entry/exit blocks are respectively
// first/last blocks in the parent region.  The original loop operation is
// replaced by the initialization operations that set up the initial value of
// the loop induction variable (%iv) and computes the loop bounds that are loop-
// invariant for affine loops.  The operations following the original scf.for
// are split out into a separate continuation (exit) block. A condition block is
// created before the continuation block. It checks the exit condition of the
// loop and branches either to the continuation block, or to the first block of
// the body. The condition block takes as arguments the values of the induction
// variable followed by loop-carried values. Since it dominates both the body
// blocks and the continuation block, loop-carried values are visible in all of
// those blocks. Induction variable modification is appended to the last block
// of the body (which is the exit block from the body subgraph thanks to the
// invariant we maintain) along with a branch that loops back to the condition
// block. Loop-carried values are the loop terminator operands, which are
// forwarded to the branch.
//      +---------------------------------+
//      |   <code before the ForOp>       |
//      |   <definitions of %init...>     |
//      |   <compute initial %iv value>   |
//      |   cf.br cond(%iv, %init...)        |
//      +---------------------------------+
//             |
//  -------|   |
//  |      v   v
//  |   +--------------------------------+
//  |   | cond(%iv, %init...):           |
//  |   |   <compare %iv to upper bound> |
//  |   |   cf.cond_br %r, body, end        |
//  |   +--------------------------------+
//  |          |               |
//  |          |               -------------|
//  |          v                            |
//  |   +--------------------------------+  |
//  |   | body-first:                    |  |
//  |   |   <%init visible by dominance> |  |
//  |   |   <body contents>              |  |
//  |   +--------------------------------+  |
//  |                   |                   |
//  |                  ...                  |
//  |                   |                   |
//  |   +--------------------------------+  |
//  |   | body-last:                     |  |
//  |   |   <body contents>              |  |
//  |   |   <operands of yield = %yields>|  |
//  |   |   %new_iv =<add step to %iv>   |  |
//  |   |   cf.br cond(%new_iv, %yields)    |  |
//  |   +--------------------------------+  |
//  |          |                            |
//  |-----------        |--------------------
//                      v
//      +--------------------------------+
//      | end:                           |
//      |   <code after the ForOp>       |
//      |   <%init visible by dominance> |
//      +--------------------------------+
struct ForLowering : public OpRewritePattern<ForOp> {};

// Create a CFG subgraph for the scf.if operation (including its "then" and
// optional "else" operation blocks).  We maintain the invariants that the
// subgraph has a single entry and a single exit point, and that the entry/exit
// blocks are respectively the first/last block of the enclosing region. The
// operations following the scf.if are split into a continuation (subgraph
// exit) block. The condition is lowered to a chain of blocks that implement the
// short-circuit scheme. The "scf.if" operation is replaced with a conditional
// branch to either the first block of the "then" region, or to the first block
// of the "else" region. In these blocks, "scf.yield" is unconditional branches
// to the post-dominating block. When the "scf.if" does not return values, the
// post-dominating block is the same as the continuation block. When it returns
// values, the post-dominating block is a new block with arguments that
// correspond to the values returned by the "scf.if" that unconditionally
// branches to the continuation block. This allows block arguments to dominate
// any uses of the hitherto "scf.if" results that they replaced. (Inserting a
// new block allows us to avoid modifying the argument list of an existing
// block, which is illegal in a conversion pattern). When the "else" region is
// empty, which is only allowed for "scf.if"s that don't return values, the
// condition branches directly to the continuation block.
// CFG for a scf.if with else and without results.
//      +--------------------------------+
//      | <code before the IfOp>         |
//      | cf.cond_br %cond, %then, %else    |
//      +--------------------------------+
//             |              |
//             |              --------------|
//             v                            |
//      +--------------------------------+  |
//      | then:                          |  |
//      |   <then contents>              |  |
//      |   cf.br continue                  |  |
//      +--------------------------------+  |
//             |                            |
//   |----------               |-------------
//   |                         V
//   |  +--------------------------------+
//   |  | else:                          |
//   |  |   <else contents>              |
//   |  |   cf.br continue                  |
//   |  +--------------------------------+
//   |         |
//   ------|   |
//         v   v
//      +--------------------------------+
//      | continue:                      |
//      |   <code after the IfOp>        |
//      +--------------------------------+
// CFG for a scf.if with results.
//      +--------------------------------+
//      | <code before the IfOp>         |
//      | cf.cond_br %cond, %then, %else    |
//      +--------------------------------+
//             |              |
//             |              --------------|
//             v                            |
//      +--------------------------------+  |
//      | then:                          |  |
//      |   <then contents>              |  |
//      |   cf.br dom(%args...)             |  |
//      +--------------------------------+  |
//             |                            |
//   |----------               |-------------
//   |                         V
//   |  +--------------------------------+
//   |  | else:                          |
//   |  |   <else contents>              |
//   |  |   cf.br dom(%args...)             |
//   |  +--------------------------------+
//   |         |
//   ------|   |
//         v   v
//      +--------------------------------+
//      | dom(%args...):                 |
//      |   cf.br continue                  |
//      +--------------------------------+
//             |
//             v
//      +--------------------------------+
//      | continue:                      |
//      | <code after the IfOp>          |
//      +--------------------------------+
struct IfLowering : public OpRewritePattern<IfOp> {};

struct ExecuteRegionLowering : public OpRewritePattern<ExecuteRegionOp> {};

struct ParallelLowering : public OpRewritePattern<mlir::scf::ParallelOp> {};

/// Create a CFG subgraph for this loop construct. The regions of the loop need
/// not be a single block anymore (for example, if other SCF constructs that
/// they contain have been already converted to CFG), but need to be single-exit
/// from the last block of each region. The operations following the original
/// WhileOp are split into a new continuation block. Both regions of the WhileOp
/// are inlined, and their terminators are rewritten to organize the control
/// flow implementing the loop as follows.
///      +---------------------------------+
///      |   <code before the WhileOp>     |
///      |   cf.br ^before(%operands...)      |
///      +---------------------------------+
///             |
///  -------|   |
///  |      v   v
///  |   +--------------------------------+
///  |   | ^before(%bargs...):            |
///  |   |   %vals... = <some payload>    |
///  |   +--------------------------------+
///  |                   |
///  |                  ...
///  |                   |
///  |   +--------------------------------+
///  |   | ^before-last:
///  |   |   %cond = <compute condition>  |
///  |   |   cf.cond_br %cond,               |
///  |   |        ^after(%vals...), ^cont |
///  |   +--------------------------------+
///  |          |               |
///  |          |               -------------|
///  |          v                            |
///  |   +--------------------------------+  |
///  |   | ^after(%aargs...):             |  |
///  |   |   <body contents>              |  |
///  |   +--------------------------------+  |
///  |                   |                   |
///  |                  ...                  |
///  |                   |                   |
///  |   +--------------------------------+  |
///  |   | ^after-last:                   |  |
///  |   |   %yields... = <some payload>  |  |
///  |   |   cf.br ^before(%yields...)       |  |
///  |   +--------------------------------+  |
///  |          |                            |
///  |-----------        |--------------------
///                      v
///      +--------------------------------+
///      | ^cont:                         |
///      |   <code after the WhileOp>     |
///      |   <%vals from 'before' region  |
///      |          visible by dominance> |
///      +--------------------------------+
/// Values are communicated between ex-regions (the groups of blocks that used
/// to form a region before inlining) through block arguments of their
/// entry blocks, which are visible in all other dominated blocks. Similarly,
/// the results of the WhileOp are defined in the 'before' region, which is
/// required to have a single existing block, and are therefore accessible in
/// the continuation block due to dominance.
struct WhileLowering : public OpRewritePattern<WhileOp> {};

/// Optimized version of the above for the case of the "after" region merely
/// forwarding its arguments back to the "before" region (i.e., a "do-while"
/// loop). This avoid inlining the "after" region completely and branches back
/// to the "before" entry instead.
struct DoWhileLowering : public OpRewritePattern<WhileOp> {};

/// Lower an `scf.index_switch` operation to a `cf.switch` operation.
struct IndexSwitchLowering : public OpRewritePattern<IndexSwitchOp> {};

/// Lower an `scf.forall` operation to an `scf.parallel` op, assuming that it
/// has no shared outputs. Ops with shared outputs should be bufferized first.
/// Specialized lowerings for `scf.forall` (e.g., for GPUs) exist in other
/// dialects/passes.
struct ForallLowering : public OpRewritePattern<mlir::scf::ForallOp> {};

} // namespace

LogicalResult ForLowering::matchAndRewrite(ForOp forOp,
                                           PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {}

LogicalResult IfLowering::matchAndRewrite(IfOp ifOp,
                                          PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {}

ExecuteRegionLowering::matchAndRewrite(ExecuteRegionOp op,
                                       PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {}

ParallelLowering::matchAndRewrite(ParallelOp parallelOp,
                                  PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {}

LogicalResult WhileLowering::matchAndRewrite(WhileOp whileOp,
                                             PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {}

DoWhileLowering::matchAndRewrite(WhileOp whileOp,
                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {}

IndexSwitchLowering::matchAndRewrite(IndexSwitchOp op,
                                     PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {}

LogicalResult ForallLowering::matchAndRewrite(ForallOp forallOp,
                                              PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {}

void mlir::populateSCFToControlFlowConversionPatterns(
    RewritePatternSet &patterns) {}

void SCFToControlFlowPass::runOnOperation() {}

std::unique_ptr<Pass> mlir::createConvertSCFToCFPass() {}