
//===- ExtensibleDialect.h - Extensible dialect -----------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This file is licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the DynamicOpDefinition class, the DynamicTypeDefinition
// class, and the DynamicAttrDefinition class, which represent respectively
// operations, types, and attributes that can be defined at runtime. They can
// be registered at runtime to an extensible dialect, using the
// ExtensibleDialect class defined in this file.
// For a more complete documentation, see
// https://mlir.llvm.org/docs/ExtensibleDialects/ .


#include "mlir/IR/Dialect.h"
#include "mlir/IR/DialectInterface.h"
#include "mlir/IR/MLIRContext.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpDefinition.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OperationSupport.h"
#include "mlir/Support/TypeID.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include <optional>

namespace mlir {
class AsmParser;
class AsmPrinter;
class DynamicAttr;
class DynamicType;
class ExtensibleDialect;
class MLIRContext;
class OptionalParseResult;

namespace detail {
struct DynamicAttrStorage;
struct DynamicTypeStorage;
} // namespace detail

// Dynamic attribute

/// The definition of a dynamic attribute. A dynamic attribute is an attribute
/// that is defined at runtime, and that can be registered at runtime by an
/// extensible dialect (a dialect inheriting ExtensibleDialect). This class
/// stores the parser, the printer, and the verifier of the attribute. Each
/// dynamic attribute definition refers to one instance of this class.
class DynamicAttrDefinition : public SelfOwningTypeID {};

/// This trait is used to determine if an attribute is a dynamic attribute or
/// not; it should only be implemented by dynamic attributes.
/// Note: This is only required because dynamic attributes do not have a
/// static/single TypeID.
namespace AttributeTrait {
template <typename ConcreteType>
class IsDynamicAttr : public TraitBase<ConcreteType, IsDynamicAttr> {};
} // namespace AttributeTrait

/// A dynamic attribute instance. This is an attribute whose definition is
/// defined at runtime.
/// It is possible to check if an attribute is a dynamic attribute using
/// `my_attr.isa<DynamicAttr>()`, and getting the attribute definition of a
/// dynamic attribute using the `DynamicAttr::getAttrDef` method.
/// All dynamic attributes have the same storage, which is an array of
/// attributes.

class DynamicAttr : public Attribute::AttrBase<DynamicAttr, Attribute,
                                               AttributeTrait::IsDynamicAttr> {};

// Dynamic type

/// The definition of a dynamic type. A dynamic type is a type that is
/// defined at runtime, and that can be registered at runtime by an
/// extensible dialect (a dialect inheriting ExtensibleDialect). This class
/// stores the parser, the printer, and the verifier of the type. Each dynamic
/// type definition refers to one instance of this class.
class DynamicTypeDefinition : public SelfOwningTypeID {};

/// This trait is used to determine if a type is a dynamic type or not;
/// it should only be implemented by dynamic types.
/// Note: This is only required because dynamic type do not have a
/// static/single TypeID.
namespace TypeTrait {
template <typename ConcreteType>
class IsDynamicType : public TypeTrait::TraitBase<ConcreteType, IsDynamicType> {};
} // namespace TypeTrait

/// A dynamic type instance. This is a type whose definition is defined at
/// runtime.
/// It is possible to check if a type is a dynamic type using
/// `my_type.isa<DynamicType>()`, and getting the type definition of a dynamic
/// type using the `DynamicType::getTypeDef` method.
/// All dynamic types have the same storage, which is an array of attributes.
class DynamicType
    : public Type::TypeBase<DynamicType, Type, detail::DynamicTypeStorage,
                            TypeTrait::IsDynamicType> {};

// Dynamic operation

/// The definition of a dynamic op. A dynamic op is an op that is defined at
/// runtime, and that can be registered at runtime by an extensible dialect (a
/// dialect inheriting ExtensibleDialect). This class implements the method
/// exposed by the OperationName class, and in addition defines the TypeID of
/// the op that will be defined. Each dynamic operation definition refers to one
/// instance of this class.
class DynamicOpDefinition : public OperationName::Impl {};

// Extensible dialect

/// A dialect that can be extended with new operations/types/attributes at
/// runtime.
class ExtensibleDialect : public mlir::Dialect {};

// Dynamic dialect

/// A dialect that can be defined at runtime. It can be extended with new
/// operations, types, and attributes at runtime.
class DynamicDialect : public SelfOwningTypeID, public ExtensibleDialect {};
} // namespace mlir

namespace llvm {
/// Provide isa functionality for ExtensibleDialect.
/// This is to override the isa functionality for Dialect.
template <>
struct isa_impl<mlir::ExtensibleDialect, mlir::Dialect> {};

/// Provide isa functionality for DynamicDialect.
/// This is to override the isa functionality for Dialect.
template <>
struct isa_impl<mlir::DynamicDialect, mlir::Dialect> {};
} // namespace llvm