
//===- QuantOps.cpp - Quantization Type and Ops Implementation --*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "QuantDialectBytecode.h"
#include "TypeDetail.h"

#include "mlir/Dialect/Quant/IR/Quant.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Quant/IR/QuantTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "mlir/IR/TypeUtilities.h"

#include "mlir/Dialect/Quant/IR/QuantOpsDialect.cpp.inc"

namespace mlir {
namespace quant {

namespace {

// Verify the integrity of per-axis quantization information, if present.
// - quantizedType
//   Any quantized type. Any quantized type with no per-axis quantization is
//   ignored.
// - containerType
//   Original input or result type of the operation using the provided quantized
//   type. Used to ensure that the quantized type appears within a tensor and
//   that the tensor is compatible with per-axis quantization information.
LogicalResult verifyPerAxisQuantization(Operation *op,
                                        QuantizedType quantizedType,
                                        Type containerType) {}

// Common verification logic for 'quant.dcast' and 'quant.qcast' ops.
// - quantizedType
//   Quantized type used in the input ('quant.dcast') or result ('quant.qcast'),
//   whether as a primitive type or in a tensor.
// - floatType
//   Float type used in the input ('quant.qcast') or result ('quant.dcast'),
//   whether as a primitive type or in a tensor.
// - containerType
//   Type of original input or result.
LogicalResult verifyQuantizationOp(Operation *op, QuantizedType quantizedType,
                                   FloatType floatType, Type containerType) {}

}  // namespace

// Dialect

void QuantDialect::initialize() {}

// DequantizeCastOp

LogicalResult DequantizeCastOp::verify() {}

OpFoldResult DequantizeCastOp::fold(FoldAdaptor adaptor) {}

FloatType DequantizeCastOp::getFloatType() {}

QuantizedType DequantizeCastOp::getQuantizedType() {}

// QuantizeCastOp

LogicalResult QuantizeCastOp::verify() {}

OpFoldResult QuantizeCastOp::fold(FoldAdaptor adaptor) {}

FloatType QuantizeCastOp::getFloatType() {}

QuantizedType QuantizeCastOp::getQuantizedType() {}

// StorageCastOp

LogicalResult StorageCastOp::verify() {}

OpFoldResult StorageCastOp::fold(FoldAdaptor adaptor) {}

IntegerType StorageCastOp::getIntegerType() {}

QuantizedType StorageCastOp::getQuantizedType() {}

} // namespace quant
} // namespace mlir

#include "mlir/Dialect/Quant/IR/QuantOps.cpp.inc"