
//===- AffineExpr.cpp - MLIR Affine Expr Classes --------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>

#include "AffineExprDetail.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineExpr.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineExprVisitor.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h"
#include "mlir/IR/IntegerSet.h"
#include "mlir/Support/TypeID.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include <numeric>
#include <optional>



MLIRContext *AffineExpr::getContext() const {}

AffineExprKind AffineExpr::getKind() const {}

/// Walk all of the AffineExprs in `e` in postorder. This is a private factory
/// method to help handle lambda walk functions. Users should use the regular
/// (non-static) `walk` method.
template <typename WalkRetTy>
WalkRetTy mlir::AffineExpr::walk(AffineExpr e,
                                 function_ref<WalkRetTy(AffineExpr)> callback) {}
// Explicitly instantiate for the two supported return types.
template void mlir::AffineExpr::walk(AffineExpr e,
                                     function_ref<void(AffineExpr)> callback);
template WalkResult
mlir::AffineExpr::walk(AffineExpr e,
                       function_ref<WalkResult(AffineExpr)> callback);

// Dispatch affine expression construction based on kind.
AffineExpr mlir::getAffineBinaryOpExpr(AffineExprKind kind, AffineExpr lhs,
                                       AffineExpr rhs) {}

/// This method substitutes any uses of dimensions and symbols (e.g.
/// dim#0 with dimReplacements[0]) and returns the modified expression tree.
AffineExpr::replaceDimsAndSymbols(ArrayRef<AffineExpr> dimReplacements,
                                  ArrayRef<AffineExpr> symReplacements) const {}

AffineExpr AffineExpr::replaceDims(ArrayRef<AffineExpr> dimReplacements) const {}

AffineExpr::replaceSymbols(ArrayRef<AffineExpr> symReplacements) const {}

/// Replace dims[offset ... numDims)
/// by dims[offset + shift ... shift + numDims).
AffineExpr AffineExpr::shiftDims(unsigned numDims, unsigned shift,
                                 unsigned offset) const {}

/// Replace symbols[offset ... numSymbols)
/// by symbols[offset + shift ... shift + numSymbols).
AffineExpr AffineExpr::shiftSymbols(unsigned numSymbols, unsigned shift,
                                    unsigned offset) const {}

/// Sparse replace method. Return the modified expression tree.
AffineExpr::replace(const DenseMap<AffineExpr, AffineExpr> &map) const {}

/// Sparse replace method. Return the modified expression tree.
AffineExpr AffineExpr::replace(AffineExpr expr, AffineExpr replacement) const {}
/// Returns true if this expression is made out of only symbols and
/// constants (no dimensional identifiers).
bool AffineExpr::isSymbolicOrConstant() const {}

/// Returns true if this is a pure affine expression, i.e., multiplication,
/// floordiv, ceildiv, and mod is only allowed w.r.t constants.
bool AffineExpr::isPureAffine() const {}

// Returns the greatest known integral divisor of this affine expression.
int64_t AffineExpr::getLargestKnownDivisor() const {}

bool AffineExpr::isMultipleOf(int64_t factor) const {}

bool AffineExpr::isFunctionOfDim(unsigned position) const {}

bool AffineExpr::isFunctionOfSymbol(unsigned position) const {}

AffineBinaryOpExpr::AffineBinaryOpExpr(AffineExpr::ImplType *ptr)
AffineExpr AffineBinaryOpExpr::getLHS() const {}
AffineExpr AffineBinaryOpExpr::getRHS() const {}

AffineDimExpr::AffineDimExpr(AffineExpr::ImplType *ptr) :{}
unsigned AffineDimExpr::getPosition() const {}

/// Returns true if the expression is divisible by the given symbol with
/// position `symbolPos`. The argument `opKind` specifies here what kind of
/// division or mod operation called this division. It helps in implementing the
/// commutative property of the floordiv and ceildiv operations. If the argument
///`exprKind` is floordiv and `expr` is also a binary expression of a floordiv
/// operation, then the commutative property can be used otherwise, the floordiv
/// operation is not divisible. The same argument holds for ceildiv operation.
static bool isDivisibleBySymbol(AffineExpr expr, unsigned symbolPos,
                                AffineExprKind opKind) {}

/// Divides the given expression by the given symbol at position `symbolPos`. It
/// considers the divisibility condition is checked before calling itself. A
/// null expression is returned whenever the divisibility condition fails.
static AffineExpr symbolicDivide(AffineExpr expr, unsigned symbolPos,
                                 AffineExprKind opKind) {}

/// Populate `result` with all summand operands of given (potentially nested)
/// addition. If the given expression is not an addition, just populate the
/// expression itself.
/// Example: Add(Add(7, 8), Mul(9, 10)) will return [7, 8, Mul(9, 10)].
static void getSummandExprs(AffineExpr expr, SmallVector<AffineExpr> &result) {}

/// Return "true" if `candidate` is a negated expression, i.e., Mul(-1, expr).
/// If so, also return the non-negated expression via `expr`.
static bool isNegatedAffineExpr(AffineExpr candidate, AffineExpr &expr) {}

/// Return "true" if `lhs` % `rhs` is guaranteed to evaluate to zero based on
/// the fact that `lhs` contains another modulo expression that ensures that
/// `lhs` is divisible by `rhs`. This is a common pattern in the resulting IR
/// after loop peeling.
/// Example: lhs = ub - ub % step
///          rhs = step
///       => (ub - ub % step) % step is guaranteed to evaluate to 0.
static bool isModOfModSubtraction(AffineExpr lhs, AffineExpr rhs,
                                  unsigned numDims, unsigned numSymbols) {}

/// Simplify a semi-affine expression by handling modulo, floordiv, or ceildiv
/// operations when the second operand simplifies to a symbol and the first
/// operand is divisible by that symbol. It can be applied to any semi-affine
/// expression. Returned expression can either be a semi-affine or pure affine
/// expression.
static AffineExpr simplifySemiAffine(AffineExpr expr, unsigned numDims,
                                     unsigned numSymbols) {}

static AffineExpr getAffineDimOrSymbol(AffineExprKind kind, unsigned position,
                                       MLIRContext *context) {}

AffineExpr mlir::getAffineDimExpr(unsigned position, MLIRContext *context) {}

AffineSymbolExpr::AffineSymbolExpr(AffineExpr::ImplType *ptr)
unsigned AffineSymbolExpr::getPosition() const {}

AffineExpr mlir::getAffineSymbolExpr(unsigned position, MLIRContext *context) {}

AffineConstantExpr::AffineConstantExpr(AffineExpr::ImplType *ptr)
int64_t AffineConstantExpr::getValue() const {}

bool AffineExpr::operator==(int64_t v) const {}

AffineExpr mlir::getAffineConstantExpr(int64_t constant, MLIRContext *context) {}

mlir::getAffineConstantExprs(ArrayRef<int64_t> constants,
                             MLIRContext *context) {}

/// Simplify add expression. Return nullptr if it can't be simplified.
static AffineExpr simplifyAdd(AffineExpr lhs, AffineExpr rhs) {}

AffineExpr AffineExpr::operator+(int64_t v) const {}
AffineExpr AffineExpr::operator+(AffineExpr other) const {}

/// Simplify a multiply expression. Return nullptr if it can't be simplified.
static AffineExpr simplifyMul(AffineExpr lhs, AffineExpr rhs) {}

AffineExpr AffineExpr::operator*(int64_t v) const {}
AffineExpr AffineExpr::operator*(AffineExpr other) const {}

// Unary minus, delegate to operator*.
AffineExpr AffineExpr::operator-() const {}

// Delegate to operator+.
AffineExpr AffineExpr::operator-(int64_t v) const {}
AffineExpr AffineExpr::operator-(AffineExpr other) const {}

static AffineExpr simplifyFloorDiv(AffineExpr lhs, AffineExpr rhs) {}

AffineExpr AffineExpr::floorDiv(uint64_t v) const {}
AffineExpr AffineExpr::floorDiv(AffineExpr other) const {}

static AffineExpr simplifyCeilDiv(AffineExpr lhs, AffineExpr rhs) {}

AffineExpr AffineExpr::ceilDiv(uint64_t v) const {}
AffineExpr AffineExpr::ceilDiv(AffineExpr other) const {}

static AffineExpr simplifyMod(AffineExpr lhs, AffineExpr rhs) {}

AffineExpr AffineExpr::operator%(uint64_t v) const {}
AffineExpr AffineExpr::operator%(AffineExpr other) const {}

AffineExpr AffineExpr::compose(AffineMap map) const {}
raw_ostream &mlir::operator<<(raw_ostream &os, AffineExpr expr) {}

/// Constructs an affine expression from a flat ArrayRef. If there are local
/// identifiers (neither dimensional nor symbolic) that appear in the sum of
/// products expression, `localExprs` is expected to have the AffineExpr
/// for it, and is substituted into. The ArrayRef `flatExprs` is expected to be
/// in the format [dims, symbols, locals, constant term].
AffineExpr mlir::getAffineExprFromFlatForm(ArrayRef<int64_t> flatExprs,
                                           unsigned numDims,
                                           unsigned numSymbols,
                                           ArrayRef<AffineExpr> localExprs,
                                           MLIRContext *context) {}

/// Constructs a semi-affine expression from a flat ArrayRef. If there are
/// local identifiers (neither dimensional nor symbolic) that appear in the sum
/// of products expression, `localExprs` is expected to have the AffineExprs for
/// it, and is substituted into. The ArrayRef `flatExprs` is expected to be in
/// the format [dims, symbols, locals, constant term]. The semi-affine
/// expression is constructed in the sorted order of dimension and symbol
/// position numbers. Note:  local expressions/ids are used for mod, div as well
/// as symbolic RHS terms for terms that are not pure affine.
static AffineExpr getSemiAffineExprFromFlatForm(ArrayRef<int64_t> flatExprs,
                                                unsigned numDims,
                                                unsigned numSymbols,
                                                ArrayRef<AffineExpr> localExprs,
                                                MLIRContext *context) {}

SimpleAffineExprFlattener::SimpleAffineExprFlattener(unsigned numDims,
                                                     unsigned numSymbols)

// In pure affine t = expr * c, we multiply each coefficient of lhs with c.
// In case of semi affine multiplication expressions, t = expr * symbolic_expr,
// introduce a local variable p (= expr * symbolic_expr), and the affine
// expression expr * symbolic_expr is added to `localExprs`.
LogicalResult SimpleAffineExprFlattener::visitMulExpr(AffineBinaryOpExpr expr) {}

LogicalResult SimpleAffineExprFlattener::visitAddExpr(AffineBinaryOpExpr expr) {}

// t = expr mod c   <=>  t = expr - c*q and c*q <= expr <= c*q + c - 1
// A mod expression "expr mod c" is thus flattened by introducing a new local
// variable q (= expr floordiv c), such that expr mod c is replaced with
// 'expr - c * q' and c * q <= expr <= c * q + c - 1 are added to localVarCst.
// In case of semi-affine modulo expressions, t = expr mod symbolic_expr,
// introduce a local variable m (= expr mod symbolic_expr), and the affine
// expression expr mod symbolic_expr is added to `localExprs`.
LogicalResult SimpleAffineExprFlattener::visitModExpr(AffineBinaryOpExpr expr) {}

SimpleAffineExprFlattener::visitCeilDivExpr(AffineBinaryOpExpr expr) {}
SimpleAffineExprFlattener::visitFloorDivExpr(AffineBinaryOpExpr expr) {}

LogicalResult SimpleAffineExprFlattener::visitDimExpr(AffineDimExpr expr) {}

SimpleAffineExprFlattener::visitSymbolExpr(AffineSymbolExpr expr) {}

SimpleAffineExprFlattener::visitConstantExpr(AffineConstantExpr expr) {}

LogicalResult SimpleAffineExprFlattener::addLocalVariableSemiAffine(
    ArrayRef<int64_t> lhs, ArrayRef<int64_t> rhs, AffineExpr localExpr,
    SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &result, unsigned long resultSize) {}

// t = expr floordiv c   <=> t = q, c * q <= expr <= c * q + c - 1
// A floordiv is thus flattened by introducing a new local variable q, and
// replacing that expression with 'q' while adding the constraints
// c * q <= expr <= c * q + c - 1 to localVarCst (done by
// IntegerRelation::addLocalFloorDiv).
// A ceildiv is similarly flattened:
// t = expr ceildiv c   <=> t =  (expr + c - 1) floordiv c
// In case of semi affine division expressions, t = expr floordiv symbolic_expr
// or t = expr ceildiv symbolic_expr, introduce a local variable q (= expr
// floordiv/ceildiv symbolic_expr), and the affine floordiv/ceildiv is added to
// `localExprs`.
LogicalResult SimpleAffineExprFlattener::visitDivExpr(AffineBinaryOpExpr expr,
                                                      bool isCeil) {}

// Add a local identifier (needed to flatten a mod, floordiv, ceildiv expr).
// The local identifier added is always a floordiv of a pure add/mul affine
// function of other identifiers, coefficients of which are specified in
// dividend and with respect to a positive constant divisor. localExpr is the
// simplified tree expression (AffineExpr) corresponding to the quantifier.
void SimpleAffineExprFlattener::addLocalFloorDivId(ArrayRef<int64_t> dividend,
                                                   int64_t divisor,
                                                   AffineExpr localExpr) {}

LogicalResult SimpleAffineExprFlattener::addLocalIdSemiAffine(
    ArrayRef<int64_t> lhs, ArrayRef<int64_t> rhs, AffineExpr localExpr) {}

int SimpleAffineExprFlattener::findLocalId(AffineExpr localExpr) {}

/// Simplify the affine expression by flattening it and reconstructing it.
AffineExpr mlir::simplifyAffineExpr(AffineExpr expr, unsigned numDims,
                                    unsigned numSymbols) {}

std::optional<int64_t> mlir::getBoundForAffineExpr(
    AffineExpr expr, unsigned numDims, unsigned numSymbols,
    ArrayRef<std::optional<int64_t>> constLowerBounds,
    ArrayRef<std::optional<int64_t>> constUpperBounds, bool isUpper) {}