
//===- BuiltinAttributes.cpp - MLIR Builtin Attribute Classes -------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinAttributes.h"
#include "AttributeDetail.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinDialect.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Dialect.h"
#include "mlir/IR/DialectResourceBlobManager.h"
#include "mlir/IR/IntegerSet.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpImplementation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/SymbolTable.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Types.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APSInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Sequence.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TypeSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
#include <optional>

#define DEBUG_TYPE


/// Tablegen Attribute Definitions

#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinAttributes.cpp.inc"

// BuiltinDialect

void BuiltinDialect::registerAttributes() {}

// DictionaryAttr

/// Helper function that does either an in place sort or sorts from source array
/// into destination. If inPlace then storage is both the source and the
/// destination, else value is the source and storage destination. Returns
/// whether source was sorted.
template <bool inPlace>
static bool dictionaryAttrSort(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> value,
                               SmallVectorImpl<NamedAttribute> &storage) {}

/// Returns an entry with a duplicate name from the given sorted array of named
/// attributes. Returns std::nullopt if all elements have unique names.
static std::optional<NamedAttribute>
findDuplicateElement(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> value) {}

bool DictionaryAttr::sort(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> value,
                          SmallVectorImpl<NamedAttribute> &storage) {}

bool DictionaryAttr::sortInPlace(SmallVectorImpl<NamedAttribute> &array) {}

DictionaryAttr::findDuplicate(SmallVectorImpl<NamedAttribute> &array,
                              bool isSorted) {}

DictionaryAttr DictionaryAttr::get(MLIRContext *context,
                                   ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> value) {}
/// Construct a dictionary with an array of values that is known to already be
/// sorted by name and uniqued.
DictionaryAttr DictionaryAttr::getWithSorted(MLIRContext *context,
                                             ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> value) {}

/// Return the specified attribute if present, null otherwise.
Attribute DictionaryAttr::get(StringRef name) const {}
Attribute DictionaryAttr::get(StringAttr name) const {}

/// Return the specified named attribute if present, std::nullopt otherwise.
std::optional<NamedAttribute> DictionaryAttr::getNamed(StringRef name) const {}
std::optional<NamedAttribute> DictionaryAttr::getNamed(StringAttr name) const {}

/// Return whether the specified attribute is present.
bool DictionaryAttr::contains(StringRef name) const {}
bool DictionaryAttr::contains(StringAttr name) const {}

DictionaryAttr::iterator DictionaryAttr::begin() const {}
DictionaryAttr::iterator DictionaryAttr::end() const {}
size_t DictionaryAttr::size() const {}

DictionaryAttr DictionaryAttr::getEmptyUnchecked(MLIRContext *context) {}

// StridedLayoutAttr

/// Prints a strided layout attribute.
void StridedLayoutAttr::print(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const {}

/// Returns true if this layout is static, i.e. the strides and offset all have
/// a known value > 0.
bool StridedLayoutAttr::hasStaticLayout() const {}

/// Returns the strided layout as an affine map.
AffineMap StridedLayoutAttr::getAffineMap() const {}

/// Checks that the type-agnostic strided layout invariants are satisfied.
StridedLayoutAttr::verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
                          int64_t offset, ArrayRef<int64_t> strides) {}

/// Checks that the type-specific strided layout invariants are satisfied.
LogicalResult StridedLayoutAttr::verifyLayout(
    ArrayRef<int64_t> shape,
    function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError) const {}

// StringAttr

StringAttr StringAttr::getEmptyStringAttrUnchecked(MLIRContext *context) {}

/// Twine support for StringAttr.
StringAttr StringAttr::get(MLIRContext *context, const Twine &twine) {}

/// Twine support for StringAttr.
StringAttr StringAttr::get(const Twine &twine, Type type) {}

StringRef StringAttr::getValue() const {}

Type StringAttr::getType() const {}

Dialect *StringAttr::getReferencedDialect() const {}

// FloatAttr

double FloatAttr::getValueAsDouble() const {}
double FloatAttr::getValueAsDouble(APFloat value) {}

LogicalResult FloatAttr::verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
                                Type type, APFloat value) {}

// SymbolRefAttr

SymbolRefAttr SymbolRefAttr::get(MLIRContext *ctx, StringRef value,
                                 ArrayRef<FlatSymbolRefAttr> nestedRefs) {}

FlatSymbolRefAttr SymbolRefAttr::get(MLIRContext *ctx, StringRef value) {}

FlatSymbolRefAttr SymbolRefAttr::get(StringAttr value) {}

FlatSymbolRefAttr SymbolRefAttr::get(Operation *symbol) {}

StringAttr SymbolRefAttr::getLeafReference() const {}

// IntegerAttr

int64_t IntegerAttr::getInt() const {}

int64_t IntegerAttr::getSInt() const {}

uint64_t IntegerAttr::getUInt() const {}

/// Return the value as an APSInt which carries the signed from the type of
/// the attribute.  This traps on signless integers types!
APSInt IntegerAttr::getAPSInt() const {}

LogicalResult IntegerAttr::verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
                                  Type type, APInt value) {}

BoolAttr IntegerAttr::getBoolAttrUnchecked(IntegerType type, bool value) {}

// BoolAttr

bool BoolAttr::getValue() const {}

bool BoolAttr::classof(Attribute attr) {}

// OpaqueAttr

LogicalResult OpaqueAttr::verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
                                 StringAttr dialect, StringRef attrData,
                                 Type type) {}

// DenseElementsAttr Utilities

const char DenseIntOrFPElementsAttrStorage::kSplatTrue =;
const char DenseIntOrFPElementsAttrStorage::kSplatFalse =;

/// Get the bitwidth of a dense element type within the buffer.
/// DenseElementsAttr requires bitwidths greater than 1 to be aligned by 8.
static size_t getDenseElementStorageWidth(size_t origWidth) {}
static size_t getDenseElementStorageWidth(Type elementType) {}

/// Set a bit to a specific value.
static void setBit(char *rawData, size_t bitPos, bool value) {}

/// Return the value of the specified bit.
static bool getBit(const char *rawData, size_t bitPos) {}

/// Copy actual `numBytes` data from `value` (APInt) to char array(`result`) for
/// BE format.
static void copyAPIntToArrayForBEmachine(APInt value, size_t numBytes,
                                         char *result) {}

/// Copy `numBytes` data from `inArray`(char array) to `result`(APINT) for BE
/// format.
static void copyArrayToAPIntForBEmachine(const char *inArray, size_t numBytes,
                                         APInt &result) {}

/// Writes value to the bit position `bitPos` in array `rawData`.
static void writeBits(char *rawData, size_t bitPos, APInt value) {}

/// Reads the next `bitWidth` bits from the bit position `bitPos` in array
/// `rawData`.
static APInt readBits(const char *rawData, size_t bitPos, size_t bitWidth) {}

/// Returns true if 'values' corresponds to a splat, i.e. one element, or has
/// the same element count as 'type'.
template <typename Values>
static bool hasSameElementsOrSplat(ShapedType type, const Values &values) {}

// DenseElementsAttr Iterators

// AttributeElementIterator

    DenseElementsAttr attr, size_t index)

Attribute DenseElementsAttr::AttributeElementIterator::operator*() const {}

// BoolElementIterator

    DenseElementsAttr attr, size_t dataIndex)

bool DenseElementsAttr::BoolElementIterator::operator*() const {}

// IntElementIterator

    DenseElementsAttr attr, size_t dataIndex)

APInt DenseElementsAttr::IntElementIterator::operator*() const {}

// ComplexIntElementIterator

    DenseElementsAttr attr, size_t dataIndex)

DenseElementsAttr::ComplexIntElementIterator::operator*() const {}

// DenseArrayAttr

DenseArrayAttr::verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
                       Type elementType, int64_t size, ArrayRef<char> rawData) {}

namespace {
/// Instantiations of this class provide utilities for interacting with native
/// data types in the context of DenseArrayAttr.
template <size_t width,
          IntegerType::SignednessSemantics signedness = IntegerType::Signless>
struct DenseArrayAttrIntUtil {};
template <typename T>
struct DenseArrayAttrUtil;

/// Specialization for boolean elements to print 'true' and 'false' literals for
/// elements.
template <>
struct DenseArrayAttrUtil<bool> : public DenseArrayAttrIntUtil<1> {};

/// Specialization for 8-bit integers to ensure values are printed as integers
/// and not characters.
template <>
struct DenseArrayAttrUtil<int8_t> : public DenseArrayAttrIntUtil<8> {};
template <>
struct DenseArrayAttrUtil<int16_t> : public DenseArrayAttrIntUtil<16> {};
template <>
struct DenseArrayAttrUtil<int32_t> : public DenseArrayAttrIntUtil<32> {};
template <>
struct DenseArrayAttrUtil<int64_t> : public DenseArrayAttrIntUtil<64> {};

/// Specialization for 32-bit floats.
template <>
struct DenseArrayAttrUtil<float> {};

/// Specialization for 64-bit floats.
template <>
struct DenseArrayAttrUtil<double> {};
} // namespace

template <typename T>
void DenseArrayAttrImpl<T>::print(AsmPrinter &printer) const {}

template <typename T>
void DenseArrayAttrImpl<T>::printWithoutBraces(raw_ostream &os) const {}

template <typename T>
void DenseArrayAttrImpl<T>::print(raw_ostream &os) const {}

/// Parse a DenseArrayAttr without the braces: `1, 2, 3`
template <typename T>
Attribute DenseArrayAttrImpl<T>::parseWithoutBraces(AsmParser &parser,
                                                    Type odsType) {}

/// Parse a DenseArrayAttr: `[ 1, 2, 3 ]`
template <typename T>
Attribute DenseArrayAttrImpl<T>::parse(AsmParser &parser, Type odsType) {}

/// Conversion from DenseArrayAttr<T> to ArrayRef<T>.
operator ArrayRef<type-parameter-0-0>()

/// Builds a DenseArrayAttr<T> from an ArrayRef<T>.
template <typename T>
DenseArrayAttrImpl<T> DenseArrayAttrImpl<T>::get(MLIRContext *context,
                                                 ArrayRef<T> content) {}

template <typename T>
bool DenseArrayAttrImpl<T>::classof(Attribute attr) {}

namespace mlir {
namespace detail {
// Explicit instantiation for all the supported DenseArrayAttr.
template class DenseArrayAttrImpl<bool>;
template class DenseArrayAttrImpl<int8_t>;
template class DenseArrayAttrImpl<int16_t>;
template class DenseArrayAttrImpl<int32_t>;
template class DenseArrayAttrImpl<int64_t>;
template class DenseArrayAttrImpl<float>;
template class DenseArrayAttrImpl<double>;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace mlir

// DenseElementsAttr

/// Method for support type inquiry through isa, cast and dyn_cast.
bool DenseElementsAttr::classof(Attribute attr) {}

DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
                                         ArrayRef<Attribute> values) {}

DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
                                         ArrayRef<bool> values) {}

DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
                                         ArrayRef<StringRef> values) {}

/// Constructs a dense integer elements attribute from an array of APInt
/// values. Each APInt value is expected to have the same bitwidth as the
/// element type of 'type'.
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
                                         ArrayRef<APInt> values) {}
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
                                         ArrayRef<std::complex<APInt>> values) {}

// Constructs a dense float elements attribute from an array of APFloat
// values. Each APFloat value is expected to have the same bitwidth as the
// element type of 'type'.
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
                                         ArrayRef<APFloat> values) {}
DenseElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
                       ArrayRef<std::complex<APFloat>> values) {}

/// Construct a dense elements attribute from a raw buffer representing the
/// data for this attribute. Users should generally not use this methods as
/// the expected buffer format may not be a form the user expects.
DenseElementsAttr::getFromRawBuffer(ShapedType type, ArrayRef<char> rawBuffer) {}

/// Returns true if the given buffer is a valid raw buffer for the given type.
bool DenseElementsAttr::isValidRawBuffer(ShapedType type,
                                         ArrayRef<char> rawBuffer,
                                         bool &detectedSplat) {}

/// Check the information for a C++ data type, check if this type is valid for
/// the current attribute. This method is used to verify specific type
/// invariants that the templatized 'getValues' method cannot.
static bool isValidIntOrFloat(Type type, int64_t dataEltSize, bool isInt,
                              bool isSigned) {}

/// Defaults down the subclass implementation.
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::getRawComplex(ShapedType type,
                                                   ArrayRef<char> data,
                                                   int64_t dataEltSize,
                                                   bool isInt, bool isSigned) {}
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::getRawIntOrFloat(ShapedType type,
                                                      ArrayRef<char> data,
                                                      int64_t dataEltSize,
                                                      bool isInt,
                                                      bool isSigned) {}

bool DenseElementsAttr::isValidIntOrFloat(int64_t dataEltSize, bool isInt,
                                          bool isSigned) const {}
bool DenseElementsAttr::isValidComplex(int64_t dataEltSize, bool isInt,
                                       bool isSigned) const {}

/// Returns true if this attribute corresponds to a splat, i.e. if all element
/// values are the same.
bool DenseElementsAttr::isSplat() const {}

/// Return if the given complex type has an integer element type.
static bool isComplexOfIntType(Type type) {}

auto DenseElementsAttr::tryGetComplexIntValues() const
    -> FailureOr<iterator_range_impl<ComplexIntElementIterator>> {}

auto DenseElementsAttr::tryGetFloatValues() const
    -> FailureOr<iterator_range_impl<FloatElementIterator>> {}

auto DenseElementsAttr::tryGetComplexFloatValues() const
    -> FailureOr<iterator_range_impl<ComplexFloatElementIterator>> {}

/// Return the raw storage data held by this attribute.
ArrayRef<char> DenseElementsAttr::getRawData() const {}

ArrayRef<StringRef> DenseElementsAttr::getRawStringData() const {}

/// Return a new DenseElementsAttr that has the same data as the current
/// attribute, but has been reshaped to 'newType'. The new type must have the
/// same total number of elements as well as element type.
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::reshape(ShapedType newType) {}

DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::resizeSplat(ShapedType newType) {}

/// Return a new DenseElementsAttr that has the same data as the current
/// attribute, but has bitcast elements such that it is now 'newType'. The new
/// type must have the same shape and element types of the same bitwidth as the
/// current type.
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::bitcast(Type newElType) {}

DenseElementsAttr::mapValues(Type newElementType,
                             function_ref<APInt(const APInt &)> mapping) const {}

DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::mapValues(
    Type newElementType, function_ref<APInt(const APFloat &)> mapping) const {}

ShapedType DenseElementsAttr::getType() const {}

Type DenseElementsAttr::getElementType() const {}

int64_t DenseElementsAttr::getNumElements() const {}

// DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr

/// Utility method to write a range of APInt values to a buffer.
template <typename APRangeT>
static void writeAPIntsToBuffer(size_t storageWidth, std::vector<char> &data,
                                APRangeT &&values) {}

/// Constructs a dense elements attribute from an array of raw APFloat values.
/// Each APFloat value is expected to have the same bitwidth as the element
/// type of 'type'. 'type' must be a vector or tensor with static shape.
DenseElementsAttr DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(ShapedType type,
                                                   size_t storageWidth,
                                                   ArrayRef<APFloat> values) {}

/// Constructs a dense elements attribute from an array of raw APInt values.
/// Each APInt value is expected to have the same bitwidth as the element type
/// of 'type'.
DenseElementsAttr DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(ShapedType type,
                                                   size_t storageWidth,
                                                   ArrayRef<APInt> values) {}

DenseElementsAttr DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(ShapedType type,
                                                   ArrayRef<char> data) {}

/// Overload of the raw 'get' method that asserts that the given type is of
/// complex type. This method is used to verify type invariants that the
/// templatized 'get' method cannot.
DenseElementsAttr DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRawComplex(ShapedType type,
                                                          ArrayRef<char> data,
                                                          int64_t dataEltSize,
                                                          bool isInt,
                                                          bool isSigned) {}

/// Overload of the 'getRaw' method that asserts that the given type is of
/// integer type. This method is used to verify type invariants that the
/// templatized 'get' method cannot.
DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRawIntOrFloat(ShapedType type, ArrayRef<char> data,
                                           int64_t dataEltSize, bool isInt,
                                           bool isSigned) {}

void DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::convertEndianOfCharForBEmachine(
    const char *inRawData, char *outRawData, size_t elementBitWidth,
    size_t numElements) {}

void DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::convertEndianOfArrayRefForBEmachine(
    ArrayRef<char> inRawData, MutableArrayRef<char> outRawData,
    ShapedType type) {}

// DenseFPElementsAttr

template <typename Fn, typename Attr>
static ShapedType mappingHelper(Fn mapping, Attr &attr, ShapedType inType,
                                Type newElementType,
                                llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &data) {}

DenseElementsAttr DenseFPElementsAttr::mapValues(
    Type newElementType, function_ref<APInt(const APFloat &)> mapping) const {}

/// Method for supporting type inquiry through isa, cast and dyn_cast.
bool DenseFPElementsAttr::classof(Attribute attr) {}

// DenseIntElementsAttr

DenseElementsAttr DenseIntElementsAttr::mapValues(
    Type newElementType, function_ref<APInt(const APInt &)> mapping) const {}

/// Method for supporting type inquiry through isa, cast and dyn_cast.
bool DenseIntElementsAttr::classof(Attribute attr) {}

// DenseResourceElementsAttr

DenseResourceElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
                               DenseResourceElementsHandle handle) {}

DenseResourceElementsAttr DenseResourceElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
                                                         StringRef blobName,
                                                         AsmResourceBlob blob) {}

// DenseResourceElementsAttrBase

namespace {
/// Instantiations of this class provide utilities for interacting with native
/// data types in the context of DenseResourceElementsAttr.
template <typename T>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil;
template <size_t width, bool isSigned>
struct DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<bool> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<int8_t>
    : public DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil<8, true> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<uint8_t>
    : public DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil<8, false> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<int16_t>
    : public DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil<16, true> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<uint16_t>
    : public DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil<16, false> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<int32_t>
    : public DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil<32, true> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<uint32_t>
    : public DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil<32, false> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<int64_t>
    : public DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil<64, true> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<uint64_t>
    : public DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil<64, false> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<float> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<double> {};
} // namespace

template <typename T>
DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<T>::get(ShapedType type, StringRef blobName,
                                      AsmResourceBlob blob) {}

template <typename T>
DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<T>::tryGetAsArrayRef() const {}

template <typename T>
bool DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<T>::classof(Attribute attr) {}

namespace mlir {
namespace detail {
// Explicit instantiation for all the supported DenseResourceElementsAttr.
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<bool>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<int8_t>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<int16_t>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<int32_t>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<int64_t>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<uint8_t>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<uint16_t>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<uint32_t>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<uint64_t>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<float>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<double>;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace mlir

// SparseElementsAttr

/// Get a zero APFloat for the given sparse attribute.
APFloat SparseElementsAttr::getZeroAPFloat() const {}

/// Get a zero APInt for the given sparse attribute.
APInt SparseElementsAttr::getZeroAPInt() const {}

/// Get a zero attribute for the given attribute type.
Attribute SparseElementsAttr::getZeroAttr() const {}

/// Flatten, and return, all of the sparse indices in this attribute in
/// row-major order.
std::vector<ptrdiff_t> SparseElementsAttr::getFlattenedSparseIndices() const {}

SparseElementsAttr::verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
                           ShapedType type, DenseIntElementsAttr sparseIndices,
                           DenseElementsAttr values) {}

// DistinctAttr

DistinctAttr DistinctAttr::create(Attribute referencedAttr) {}

Attribute DistinctAttr::getReferencedAttr() const {}

// Attribute Utilities

AffineMap mlir::makeStridedLinearLayoutMap(ArrayRef<int64_t> strides,
                                           int64_t offset,
                                           MLIRContext *context) {}