
//===- DataLayoutInterfaces.cpp - Data Layout Interface Implementation ----===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "mlir/Interfaces/DataLayoutInterfaces.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinDialect.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"

#include "llvm/ADT/TypeSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"


// Default implementations

/// Reports that the given type is missing the data layout information and
/// exits.
[[noreturn]] static void reportMissingDataLayout(Type type) {}

/// Returns the bitwidth of the index type if specified in the param list.
/// Assumes 64-bit index otherwise.
static uint64_t getIndexBitwidth(DataLayoutEntryListRef params) {}

mlir::detail::getDefaultTypeSize(Type type, const DataLayout &dataLayout,
                                 ArrayRef<DataLayoutEntryInterface> params) {}

mlir::detail::getDefaultTypeSizeInBits(Type type, const DataLayout &dataLayout,
                                       DataLayoutEntryListRef params) {}

static DataLayoutEntryInterface
findEntryForIntegerType(IntegerType intType,
                        ArrayRef<DataLayoutEntryInterface> params) {}

constexpr const static uint64_t kDefaultBitsInByte =;

static uint64_t extractABIAlignment(DataLayoutEntryInterface entry) {}

static uint64_t
getIntegerTypeABIAlignment(IntegerType intType,
                           ArrayRef<DataLayoutEntryInterface> params) {}

static uint64_t
getFloatTypeABIAlignment(FloatType fltType, const DataLayout &dataLayout,
                         ArrayRef<DataLayoutEntryInterface> params) {}

uint64_t mlir::detail::getDefaultABIAlignment(
    Type type, const DataLayout &dataLayout,
    ArrayRef<DataLayoutEntryInterface> params) {}

static uint64_t extractPreferredAlignment(DataLayoutEntryInterface entry) {}

static uint64_t
getIntegerTypePreferredAlignment(IntegerType intType,
                                 const DataLayout &dataLayout,
                                 ArrayRef<DataLayoutEntryInterface> params) {}

static uint64_t
getFloatTypePreferredAlignment(FloatType fltType, const DataLayout &dataLayout,
                               ArrayRef<DataLayoutEntryInterface> params) {}

uint64_t mlir::detail::getDefaultPreferredAlignment(
    Type type, const DataLayout &dataLayout,
    ArrayRef<DataLayoutEntryInterface> params) {}

std::optional<uint64_t> mlir::detail::getDefaultIndexBitwidth(
    Type type, const DataLayout &dataLayout,
    ArrayRef<DataLayoutEntryInterface> params) {}

// Returns the endianness if specified in the given entry. If the entry is empty
// the default endianness represented by an empty attribute is returned.
Attribute mlir::detail::getDefaultEndianness(DataLayoutEntryInterface entry) {}

// Returns the memory space used for alloca operations if specified in the
// given entry. If the entry is empty the default memory space represented by
// an empty attribute is returned.
mlir::detail::getDefaultAllocaMemorySpace(DataLayoutEntryInterface entry) {}

// Returns the memory space used for the program memory space.  if
// specified in the given entry. If the entry is empty the default
// memory space represented by an empty attribute is returned.
mlir::detail::getDefaultProgramMemorySpace(DataLayoutEntryInterface entry) {}

// Returns the memory space used for global the global memory space. if
// specified in the given entry. If the entry is empty the default memory
// space represented by an empty attribute is returned.
mlir::detail::getDefaultGlobalMemorySpace(DataLayoutEntryInterface entry) {}

// Returns the stack alignment if specified in the given entry. If the entry is
// empty the default alignment zero is returned.
mlir::detail::getDefaultStackAlignment(DataLayoutEntryInterface entry) {}

mlir::detail::getDevicePropertyValue(DataLayoutEntryInterface entry) {}

mlir::detail::filterEntriesForType(DataLayoutEntryListRef entries,
                                   TypeID typeID) {}

mlir::detail::filterEntryForIdentifier(DataLayoutEntryListRef entries,
                                       StringAttr id) {}

static DataLayoutSpecInterface getSpec(Operation *operation) {}

static TargetSystemSpecInterface getTargetSystemSpec(Operation *operation) {}

/// Populates `opsWithLayout` with the list of proper ancestors of `leaf` that
/// are either modules or implement the `DataLayoutOpInterface`.
static void
collectParentLayouts(Operation *leaf,
                     SmallVectorImpl<DataLayoutSpecInterface> &specs,
                     SmallVectorImpl<Location> *opLocations = nullptr) {}

/// Returns a layout spec that is a combination of the layout specs attached
/// to the given operation and all its ancestors.
static DataLayoutSpecInterface getCombinedDataLayout(Operation *leaf) {}

LogicalResult mlir::detail::verifyDataLayoutOp(Operation *op) {}

llvm::TypeSize mlir::detail::divideCeil(llvm::TypeSize numerator,
                                        uint64_t denominator) {}

// DataLayout

template <typename OpTy>
void checkMissingLayout(DataLayoutSpecInterface originalLayout, OpTy op) {}

mlir::DataLayout::DataLayout() :{}

mlir::DataLayout::DataLayout(DataLayoutOpInterface op)

mlir::DataLayout::DataLayout(ModuleOp op)

mlir::DataLayout mlir::DataLayout::closest(Operation *op) {}

void mlir::DataLayout::checkValid() const {}

/// Looks up the value for the given type key in the given cache. If there is no
/// such value in the cache, compute it using the given callback and put it in
/// the cache before returning.
template <typename T>
static T cachedLookup(Type t, DenseMap<Type, T> &cache,
                      function_ref<T(Type)> compute) {}

llvm::TypeSize mlir::DataLayout::getTypeSize(Type t) const {}

llvm::TypeSize mlir::DataLayout::getTypeSizeInBits(Type t) const {}

uint64_t mlir::DataLayout::getTypeABIAlignment(Type t) const {}

uint64_t mlir::DataLayout::getTypePreferredAlignment(Type t) const {}

std::optional<uint64_t> mlir::DataLayout::getTypeIndexBitwidth(Type t) const {}

mlir::Attribute mlir::DataLayout::getEndianness() const {}

mlir::Attribute mlir::DataLayout::getAllocaMemorySpace() const {}

mlir::Attribute mlir::DataLayout::getProgramMemorySpace() const {}

mlir::Attribute mlir::DataLayout::getGlobalMemorySpace() const {}

uint64_t mlir::DataLayout::getStackAlignment() const {}

std::optional<Attribute> mlir::DataLayout::getDevicePropertyValue(
    TargetSystemSpecInterface::DeviceID deviceID,
    StringAttr propertyName) const {}

// DataLayoutSpecInterface

void DataLayoutSpecInterface::bucketEntriesByType(
    DenseMap<TypeID, DataLayoutEntryList> &types,
    DenseMap<StringAttr, DataLayoutEntryInterface> &ids) {}

LogicalResult mlir::detail::verifyDataLayoutSpec(DataLayoutSpecInterface spec,
                                                 Location loc) {}

mlir::detail::verifyTargetSystemSpec(TargetSystemSpecInterface spec,
                                     Location loc) {}

#include "mlir/Interfaces/DataLayoutAttrInterface.cpp.inc"
#include "mlir/Interfaces/DataLayoutOpInterface.cpp.inc"
#include "mlir/Interfaces/DataLayoutTypeInterface.cpp.inc"