
//===- IRPrinting.cpp -----------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "PassDetail.h"
#include "mlir/IR/SymbolTable.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/PassManager.h"
#include "mlir/Support/FileUtilities.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ToolOutputFile.h"


namespace {
// IRPrinter

class IRPrinterInstrumentation : public PassInstrumentation {};
} // namespace

static void printIR(Operation *op, bool printModuleScope, raw_ostream &out,
                    OpPrintingFlags flags) {}

/// Instrumentation hooks.
void IRPrinterInstrumentation::runBeforePass(Pass *pass, Operation *op) {}

void IRPrinterInstrumentation::runAfterPass(Pass *pass, Operation *op) {}

void IRPrinterInstrumentation::runAfterPassFailed(Pass *pass, Operation *op) {}

// IRPrinterConfig

/// Initialize the configuration.
PassManager::IRPrinterConfig::IRPrinterConfig(bool printModuleScope,
                                              bool printAfterOnlyOnChange,
                                              bool printAfterOnlyOnFailure,
                                              OpPrintingFlags opPrintingFlags)
PassManager::IRPrinterConfig::~IRPrinterConfig() = default;

/// A hook that may be overridden by a derived config that checks if the IR
/// of 'operation' should be dumped *before* the pass 'pass' has been
/// executed. If the IR should be dumped, 'printCallback' should be invoked
/// with the stream to dump into.
void PassManager::IRPrinterConfig::printBeforeIfEnabled(
    Pass *pass, Operation *operation, PrintCallbackFn printCallback) {}

/// A hook that may be overridden by a derived config that checks if the IR
/// of 'operation' should be dumped *after* the pass 'pass' has been
/// executed. If the IR should be dumped, 'printCallback' should be invoked
/// with the stream to dump into.
void PassManager::IRPrinterConfig::printAfterIfEnabled(
    Pass *pass, Operation *operation, PrintCallbackFn printCallback) {}

// PassManager

namespace {
/// Simple wrapper config that allows for the simpler interface defined above.
struct BasicIRPrinterConfig : public PassManager::IRPrinterConfig {};
} // namespace

/// Return pairs of (sanitized op name, symbol name) for `op` and all parent
/// operations. Op names are sanitized by replacing periods with underscores.
/// The pairs are returned in order of outer-most to inner-most (ancestors of
/// `op` first, `op` last). This information is used to construct the directory
/// tree for the `FileTreeIRPrinterConfig` below.
/// The counter for `op` will be incremented by this call.
static std::pair<SmallVector<std::pair<std::string, StringRef>>, std::string>
getOpAndSymbolNames(Operation *op, StringRef passName,
                    llvm::DenseMap<Operation *, unsigned> &counters) {}

static LogicalResult createDirectoryOrPrintErr(llvm::StringRef dirPath) {}

/// Creates  directories (if required) and opens an output file for the
/// FileTreeIRPrinterConfig.
static std::unique_ptr<llvm::ToolOutputFile>
createTreePrinterOutputPath(Operation *op, llvm::StringRef passArgument,
                            llvm::StringRef rootDir,
                            llvm::DenseMap<Operation *, unsigned> &counters) {}

namespace {
/// A configuration that prints the IR before/after each pass to a set of files
/// in the specified directory. The files are organized into subdirectories that
/// mirror the nesting structure of the IR.
struct FileTreeIRPrinterConfig : public PassManager::IRPrinterConfig {};

} // namespace

/// Add an instrumentation to print the IR before and after pass execution,
/// using the provided configuration.
void PassManager::enableIRPrinting(std::unique_ptr<IRPrinterConfig> config) {}

/// Add an instrumentation to print the IR before and after pass execution.
void PassManager::enableIRPrinting(
    std::function<bool(Pass *, Operation *)> shouldPrintBeforePass,
    std::function<bool(Pass *, Operation *)> shouldPrintAfterPass,
    bool printModuleScope, bool printAfterOnlyOnChange,
    bool printAfterOnlyOnFailure, raw_ostream &out,
    OpPrintingFlags opPrintingFlags) {}

/// Add an instrumentation to print the IR before and after pass execution.
void PassManager::enableIRPrintingToFileTree(
    std::function<bool(Pass *, Operation *)> shouldPrintBeforePass,
    std::function<bool(Pass *, Operation *)> shouldPrintAfterPass,
    bool printModuleScope, bool printAfterOnlyOnChange,
    bool printAfterOnlyOnFailure, StringRef printTreeDir,
    OpPrintingFlags opPrintingFlags) {}