
//===- Parser.cpp - Matcher expression parser -----------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Recursive parser implementation for the matcher expression grammar.

#include "Parser.h"

#include <vector>

namespace mlir::query::matcher::internal {

// Simple structure to hold information for one token from the parser.
struct Parser::TokenInfo {};

const char *const Parser::TokenInfo::ID_Extract =;

class Parser::CodeTokenizer {};

Parser::Sema::~Sema() = default;

std::vector<ArgKind> Parser::Sema::getAcceptedCompletionTypes(
    llvm::ArrayRef<std::pair<MatcherCtor, unsigned>> context) {}

Parser::Sema::getMatcherCompletions(llvm::ArrayRef<ArgKind> acceptedTypes) {}

// Entry for the scope of a parser
struct Parser::ScopedContextEntry {};

// Parse and validate expressions starting with an identifier.
// This function can parse named values and matchers. In case of failure, it
// will try to determine the user's intent to give an appropriate error message.
bool Parser::parseIdentifierPrefixImpl(VariantValue *value) {}

bool Parser::parseChainedExpression(std::string &argument) {}

// Parse the arguments of a matcher
bool Parser::parseMatcherArgs(std::vector<ParserValue> &args, MatcherCtor ctor,
                              const TokenInfo &nameToken, TokenInfo &endToken) {}

// Parse and validate a matcher expression.
bool Parser::parseMatcherExpressionImpl(const TokenInfo &nameToken,
                                        const TokenInfo &openToken,
                                        std::optional<MatcherCtor> ctor,
                                        VariantValue *value) {}

// If the prefix of this completion matches the completion token, add it to
// completions minus the prefix.
void Parser::addCompletion(const TokenInfo &compToken,
                           const MatcherCompletion &completion) {}

Parser::getNamedValueCompletions(llvm::ArrayRef<ArgKind> acceptedTypes) {}

void Parser::addExpressionCompletions() {}

// Parse an <Expresssion>
bool Parser::parseExpressionImpl(VariantValue *value) {}

Parser::Parser(CodeTokenizer *tokenizer, const Registry &matcherRegistry,
               const NamedValueMap *namedValues, Diagnostics *error)

Parser::RegistrySema::~RegistrySema() = default;

Parser::RegistrySema::lookupMatcherCtor(llvm::StringRef matcherName) {}

VariantMatcher Parser::RegistrySema::actOnMatcherExpression(
    MatcherCtor ctor, SourceRange nameRange, llvm::StringRef functionName,
    llvm::ArrayRef<ParserValue> args, Diagnostics *error) {}

std::vector<ArgKind> Parser::RegistrySema::getAcceptedCompletionTypes(
    llvm::ArrayRef<std::pair<MatcherCtor, unsigned>> context) {}

std::vector<MatcherCompletion> Parser::RegistrySema::getMatcherCompletions(
    llvm::ArrayRef<ArgKind> acceptedTypes) {}

bool Parser::parseExpression(llvm::StringRef &code,
                             const Registry &matcherRegistry,
                             const NamedValueMap *namedValues,
                             VariantValue *value, Diagnostics *error) {}

Parser::completeExpression(llvm::StringRef &code, unsigned completionOffset,
                           const Registry &matcherRegistry,
                           const NamedValueMap *namedValues) {}

std::optional<DynMatcher> Parser::parseMatcherExpression(
    llvm::StringRef &code, const Registry &matcherRegistry,
    const NamedValueMap *namedValues, Diagnostics *error) {}

} // namespace mlir::query::matcher::internal