
//===- AsyncRuntime.cpp - Async runtime reference implementation ----------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements basic Async runtime API for supporting Async dialect
// to LLVM dialect lowering.

#include "mlir/ExecutionEngine/AsyncRuntime.h"

#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>

#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ThreadPool.h"


// Async runtime API.

namespace mlir {
namespace runtime {
namespace {

// Forward declare class defined below.
class RefCounted;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// AsyncRuntime orchestrates all async operations and Async runtime API is built
// on top of the default runtime instance.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

class AsyncRuntime {};

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// A state of the async runtime value (token, value or group).
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

class State {};

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// A base class for all reference counted objects created by the async runtime.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

class RefCounted {};

} // namespace

// Returns the default per-process instance of an async runtime.
static std::unique_ptr<AsyncRuntime> &getDefaultAsyncRuntimeInstance() {}

static void resetDefaultAsyncRuntime() {}

static AsyncRuntime *getDefaultAsyncRuntime() {}

// Async token provides a mechanism to signal asynchronous operation completion.
struct AsyncToken : public RefCounted {};

// Async value provides a mechanism to access the result of asynchronous
// operations. It owns the storage that is used to store/load the value of the
// underlying type, and a flag to signal if the value is ready or not.
struct AsyncValue : public RefCounted {};

// Async group provides a mechanism to group together multiple async tokens or
// values to await on all of them together (wait for the completion of all
// tokens or values added to the group).
struct AsyncGroup : public RefCounted {};

// Adds references to reference counted runtime object.
extern "C" void mlirAsyncRuntimeAddRef(RefCountedObjPtr ptr, int64_t count) {}

// Drops references from reference counted runtime object.
extern "C" void mlirAsyncRuntimeDropRef(RefCountedObjPtr ptr, int64_t count) {}

// Creates a new `async.token` in not-ready state.
extern "C" AsyncToken *mlirAsyncRuntimeCreateToken() {}

// Creates a new `async.value` in not-ready state.
extern "C" AsyncValue *mlirAsyncRuntimeCreateValue(int64_t size) {}

// Create a new `async.group` in empty state.
extern "C" AsyncGroup *mlirAsyncRuntimeCreateGroup(int64_t size) {}

extern "C" int64_t mlirAsyncRuntimeAddTokenToGroup(AsyncToken *token,
                                                   AsyncGroup *group) {}

// Switches `async.token` to available or error state (terminatl state) and runs
// all awaiters.
static void setTokenState(AsyncToken *token, State state) {}

static void setValueState(AsyncValue *value, State state) {}

extern "C" void mlirAsyncRuntimeEmplaceToken(AsyncToken *token) {}

extern "C" void mlirAsyncRuntimeEmplaceValue(AsyncValue *value) {}

extern "C" void mlirAsyncRuntimeSetTokenError(AsyncToken *token) {}

extern "C" void mlirAsyncRuntimeSetValueError(AsyncValue *value) {}

extern "C" bool mlirAsyncRuntimeIsTokenError(AsyncToken *token) {}

extern "C" bool mlirAsyncRuntimeIsValueError(AsyncValue *value) {}

extern "C" bool mlirAsyncRuntimeIsGroupError(AsyncGroup *group) {}

extern "C" void mlirAsyncRuntimeAwaitToken(AsyncToken *token) {}

extern "C" void mlirAsyncRuntimeAwaitValue(AsyncValue *value) {}

extern "C" void mlirAsyncRuntimeAwaitAllInGroup(AsyncGroup *group) {}

// Returns a pointer to the storage owned by the async value.
extern "C" ValueStorage mlirAsyncRuntimeGetValueStorage(AsyncValue *value) {}

extern "C" void mlirAsyncRuntimeExecute(CoroHandle handle, CoroResume resume) {}

extern "C" void mlirAsyncRuntimeAwaitTokenAndExecute(AsyncToken *token,
                                                     CoroHandle handle,
                                                     CoroResume resume) {}

extern "C" void mlirAsyncRuntimeAwaitValueAndExecute(AsyncValue *value,
                                                     CoroHandle handle,
                                                     CoroResume resume) {}

extern "C" void mlirAsyncRuntimeAwaitAllInGroupAndExecute(AsyncGroup *group,
                                                          CoroHandle handle,
                                                          CoroResume resume) {}

extern "C" int64_t mlirAsyncRuntimGetNumWorkerThreads() {}

// Small async runtime support library for testing.

extern "C" void mlirAsyncRuntimePrintCurrentThreadId() {}

// MLIR ExecutionEngine dynamic library integration.

// Visual Studio had a bug that fails to compile nested generic lambdas
// inside an `extern "C"` function.
//   https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/475494/clexe-error-with-lambda-inside-function-templates.html
// The bug is fixed in VS2019 16.1. Separating the declaration and definition is
// a work around for older versions of Visual Studio.
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(*-identifier-naming): externally called.
__mlir_execution_engine_init(llvm::StringMap<void *> &exportSymbols);

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(*-identifier-naming): externally called.
void __mlir_execution_engine_init(llvm::StringMap<void *> &exportSymbols) {}

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(*-identifier-naming): externally called.
extern "C" MLIR_ASYNC_RUNTIME_EXPORT void __mlir_execution_engine_destroy() {}

} // namespace runtime
} // namespace mlir