
#include "mlir/Analysis/Presburger/Barvinok.h"
#include "./Utils.h"
#include "Parser.h"
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>


/// The following are 3 randomly generated vectors with 4
/// entries each and define a cone's H-representation
/// using these numbers. We check that the dual contains
/// the same numbers.
/// We do the same in the reverse case.
TEST(BarvinokTest, getDual) {}

/// We randomly generate a nxn matrix to use as a cone
/// with n inequalities in n variables and check for
/// the determinant being equal to the index.
TEST(BarvinokTest, getIndex) {}

// The following cones and vertices are randomly generated
// (s.t. the cones are unimodular) and the generating functions
// are computed. We check that the results contain the correct
// matrices.
TEST(BarvinokTest, unimodularConeGeneratingFunction) {}

// The following vectors are randomly generated.
// We then check that the output of the function has non-zero
// dot product with all non-null vectors.
TEST(BarvinokTest, getNonOrthogonalVector) {}

// The following polynomials are randomly generated and the
// coefficients are computed by hand.
// Although the function allows the coefficients of the numerator
// to be arbitrary quasipolynomials, we stick to constants for simplicity,
// as the relevant arithmetic operations on quasipolynomials
// are tested separately.
TEST(BarvinokTest, getCoefficientInRationalFunction) {}

TEST(BarvinokTest, computeNumTermsCone) {}

/// We define some simple polyhedra with unimodular tangent cones and verify
/// that the returned generating functions correspond to those calculated by
/// hand.
TEST(BarvinokTest, computeNumTermsPolytope) {}