
//===- InterfaceAttachmentTest.cpp - Test attaching interfaces ------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This implements the tests for attaching interfaces to attributes and types
// without having to specify them on the attribute or type class directly.

#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinAttributes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinDialect.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"

#include "../../test/lib/Dialect/Test/TestAttributes.h"
#include "../../test/lib/Dialect/Test/TestDialect.h"
#include "../../test/lib/Dialect/Test/TestOps.h"
#include "../../test/lib/Dialect/Test/TestTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OwningOpRef.h"


namespace {

/// External interface model for the integer type. Only provides non-default
/// methods.
struct Model
    : public TestExternalTypeInterface::ExternalModel<Model, IntegerType> {};

/// External interface model for the float type. Provides non-deafult and
/// overrides default methods.
struct OverridingModel
    : public TestExternalTypeInterface::ExternalModel<OverridingModel,
                                                      FloatType> {};

TEST(InterfaceAttachment, Type) {}

/// External interface model for the test type from the test dialect.
struct TestTypeModel
    : public TestExternalTypeInterface::ExternalModel<TestTypeModel,
                                                      test::TestType> {};

TEST(InterfaceAttachment, TypeDelayedContextConstruct) {}

TEST(InterfaceAttachment, TypeDelayedContextAppend) {}

TEST(InterfaceAttachment, RepeatedRegistration) {}

TEST(InterfaceAttachment, TypeBuiltinDelayed) {}

/// The interface provides a default implementation that expects
/// ConcreteType::getWidth to exist, which is the case for IntegerType. So this
/// just derives from the ExternalModel.
struct TestExternalFallbackTypeIntegerModel
    : public TestExternalFallbackTypeInterface::ExternalModel<
          TestExternalFallbackTypeIntegerModel, IntegerType> {};

/// The interface provides a default implementation that expects
/// ConcreteType::getWidth to exist, which is *not* the case for VectorType. Use
/// FallbackModel instead to override this and make sure the code still compiles
/// because we never instantiate the ExternalModel class template with a
/// template argument that would have led to compilation failures.
struct TestExternalFallbackTypeVectorModel
    : public TestExternalFallbackTypeInterface::FallbackModel<
          TestExternalFallbackTypeVectorModel> {};

TEST(InterfaceAttachment, Fallback) {}

/// External model for attribute interfaces.
struct TestExternalIntegerAttrModel
    : public TestExternalAttrInterface::ExternalModel<
          TestExternalIntegerAttrModel, IntegerAttr> {};

TEST(InterfaceAttachment, Attribute) {}

/// External model for an interface attachable to a non-builtin attribute.
struct TestExternalSimpleAAttrModel
    : public TestExternalAttrInterface::ExternalModel<
          TestExternalSimpleAAttrModel, test::SimpleAAttr> {};

TEST(InterfaceAttachmentTest, AttributeDelayed) {}

/// External interface model for the module operation. Only provides non-default
/// methods.
struct TestExternalOpModel
    : public TestExternalOpInterface::ExternalModel<TestExternalOpModel,
                                                    ModuleOp> {};

/// External interface model for the func operation. Provides non-deafult and
/// overrides default methods.
struct TestExternalOpOverridingModel
    : public TestExternalOpInterface::FallbackModel<
          TestExternalOpOverridingModel> {};

TEST(InterfaceAttachment, Operation) {}

template <class ConcreteOp>
struct TestExternalTestOpModel
    : public TestExternalOpInterface::ExternalModel<
          TestExternalTestOpModel<ConcreteOp>, ConcreteOp> {};

TEST(InterfaceAttachment, OperationDelayedContextConstruct) {}

TEST(InterfaceAttachment, OperationDelayedContextAppend) {}

TEST(InterfaceAttachmentTest, PromisedInterfaces) {}

} // namespace