
//===--- OpenMPKinds.h - OpenMP enums ---------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// Defines some OpenMP-specific enums and functions.


#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Sequence.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPConstants.h"

namespace clang {

/// OpenMP directives.

/// OpenMP clauses.

/// OpenMP attributes for 'schedule' clause.
enum OpenMPScheduleClauseKind {};

/// OpenMP modifiers for 'schedule' clause.
enum OpenMPScheduleClauseModifier {};

/// OpenMP modifiers for 'device' clause.
enum OpenMPDeviceClauseModifier {};

/// OpenMP attributes for 'depend' clause.
enum OpenMPDependClauseKind {};

/// OpenMP attributes for 'linear' clause.
enum OpenMPLinearClauseKind {};

/// OpenMP mapping kind for 'map' clause.
enum OpenMPMapClauseKind {};

/// OpenMP modifier kind for 'map' clause.
enum OpenMPMapModifierKind {};

/// Number of allowed map-type-modifiers.
static constexpr unsigned NumberOfOMPMapClauseModifiers =;

/// OpenMP modifier kind for 'to' or 'from' clause.
enum OpenMPMotionModifierKind {};

/// Number of allowed motion-modifiers.
static constexpr unsigned NumberOfOMPMotionModifiers =;

/// OpenMP attributes for 'dist_schedule' clause.
enum OpenMPDistScheduleClauseKind {};

/// OpenMP attributes for 'defaultmap' clause.
enum OpenMPDefaultmapClauseKind {};

/// OpenMP modifiers for 'defaultmap' clause.
enum OpenMPDefaultmapClauseModifier {};

/// OpenMP attributes for 'atomic_default_mem_order' clause.
enum OpenMPAtomicDefaultMemOrderClauseKind {};

/// OpenMP attributes for 'at' clause.
enum OpenMPAtClauseKind {};

/// OpenMP attributes for 'severity' clause.
enum OpenMPSeverityClauseKind {};

/// OpenMP device type for 'device_type' clause.
enum OpenMPDeviceType {};

/// OpenMP 'lastprivate' clause modifier.
enum OpenMPLastprivateModifier {};

/// OpenMP attributes for 'order' clause.
enum OpenMPOrderClauseKind {};

/// OpenMP modifiers for 'order' clause.
enum OpenMPOrderClauseModifier {};

/// Scheduling data for loop-based OpenMP directives.
struct OpenMPScheduleTy final {};

/// OpenMP modifiers for 'reduction' clause.
enum OpenMPReductionClauseModifier {};

/// OpenMP adjust-op kinds for 'adjust_args' clause.
enum OpenMPAdjustArgsOpKind {};

/// OpenMP bindings for the 'bind' clause.
enum OpenMPBindClauseKind {};

enum OpenMPGrainsizeClauseModifier {};

enum OpenMPNumTasksClauseModifier {};

/// OpenMP dependence types for 'doacross' clause.
enum OpenMPDoacrossClauseModifier {};

/// Contains 'interop' data for 'append_args' and 'init' clauses.
class Expr;
struct OMPInteropInfo final {};

unsigned getOpenMPSimpleClauseType(OpenMPClauseKind Kind, llvm::StringRef Str,
                                   const LangOptions &LangOpts);
const char *getOpenMPSimpleClauseTypeName(OpenMPClauseKind Kind, unsigned Type);

/// Checks if the specified directive is a directive with an associated
/// loop construct.
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return true - the directive is a loop-associated directive like 'omp simd'
/// or 'omp for' directive, otherwise - false.
bool isOpenMPLoopDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Checks if the specified directive is a worksharing directive.
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return true - the directive is a worksharing directive like 'omp for',
/// otherwise - false.
bool isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Checks if the specified directive is a taskloop directive.
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return true - the directive is a worksharing directive like 'omp taskloop',
/// otherwise - false.
bool isOpenMPTaskLoopDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Checks if the specified directive is a parallel-kind directive.
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return true - the directive is a parallel-like directive like 'omp
/// parallel', otherwise - false.
bool isOpenMPParallelDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Checks if the specified directive is a target code offload directive.
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return true - the directive is a target code offload directive like
/// 'omp target', 'omp target parallel', 'omp target xxx'
/// otherwise - false.
bool isOpenMPTargetExecutionDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Checks if the specified directive is a target data offload directive.
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return true - the directive is a target data offload directive like
/// 'omp target data', 'omp target update', 'omp target enter data',
/// 'omp target exit data'
/// otherwise - false.
bool isOpenMPTargetDataManagementDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Checks if the specified composite/combined directive constitutes a teams
/// directive in the outermost nest.  For example
/// 'omp teams distribute' or 'omp teams distribute parallel for'.
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return true - the directive has teams on the outermost nest, otherwise -
/// false.
bool isOpenMPNestingTeamsDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Checks if the specified directive is a teams-kind directive.  For example,
/// 'omp teams distribute' or 'omp target teams'.
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return true - the directive is a teams-like directive, otherwise - false.
bool isOpenMPTeamsDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Checks if the specified directive is a simd directive.
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return true - the directive is a simd directive like 'omp simd',
/// otherwise - false.
bool isOpenMPSimdDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Checks if the specified directive is a distribute directive.
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return true - the directive is a distribute-directive like 'omp
/// distribute',
/// otherwise - false.
bool isOpenMPDistributeDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Checks if the specified composite/combined directive constitutes a
/// distribute directive in the outermost nest.  For example,
/// 'omp distribute parallel for' or 'omp distribute'.
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return true - the directive has distribute on the outermost nest.
/// otherwise - false.
bool isOpenMPNestingDistributeDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Checks if the specified directive constitutes a 'loop' directive in the
/// outermost nest.  For example, 'omp teams loop' or 'omp loop'.
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return true - the directive has loop on the outermost nest.
/// otherwise - false.
bool isOpenMPGenericLoopDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Checks if the specified clause is one of private clauses like
/// 'private', 'firstprivate', 'reduction' etc..
/// \param Kind Clause kind.
/// \return true - the clause is a private clause, otherwise - false.
bool isOpenMPPrivate(OpenMPClauseKind Kind);

/// Checks if the specified clause is one of threadprivate clauses like
/// 'threadprivate', 'copyin' or 'copyprivate'.
/// \param Kind Clause kind.
/// \return true - the clause is a threadprivate clause, otherwise - false.
bool isOpenMPThreadPrivate(OpenMPClauseKind Kind);

/// Checks if the specified directive kind is one of tasking directives - task,
/// taskloop, taksloop simd, master taskloop, parallel master taskloop, master
/// taskloop simd, or parallel master taskloop simd.
bool isOpenMPTaskingDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind Kind);

/// Checks if the specified directive kind is one of the composite or combined
/// directives that need loop bound sharing across loops outlined in nested
/// functions
bool isOpenMPLoopBoundSharingDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind Kind);

/// Checks if the specified directive is a loop transformation directive.
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return True iff the directive is a loop transformation.
bool isOpenMPLoopTransformationDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Return the captured regions of an OpenMP directive.
void getOpenMPCaptureRegions(
    llvm::SmallVectorImpl<OpenMPDirectiveKind> &CaptureRegions,
    OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Checks if the specified directive is a combined construct for which
/// the first construct is a parallel construct.
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return true - if the above condition is met for this directive
/// otherwise - false.
bool isOpenMPCombinedParallelADirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Checks if the specified target directive, combined or not, needs task based
/// thread_limit
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return true - if the above condition is met for this directive
/// otherwise - false.
bool needsTaskBasedThreadLimit(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Checks if the parameter to the fail clause in "#pragma atomic compare fail"
/// is restricted only to memory order clauses of "OMPC_acquire",
/// "OMPC_relaxed" and "OMPC_seq_cst".
bool checkFailClauseParameter(OpenMPClauseKind FailClauseParameter);

/// Checks if the specified directive is considered as "executable". This
/// combines the OpenMP categories of "executable" and "subsidiary", plus
/// any other directives that should be treated as executable.
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return true - if the above condition is met for this directive
/// otherwise - false.
bool isOpenMPExecutableDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Checks if the specified directive is considered as "informational".
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return true if it is an informational directive, false otherwise.
bool isOpenMPInformationalDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

/// Checks if the specified directive can capture variables.
/// \param DKind Specified directive.
/// \return true - if the above condition is met for this directive
/// otherwise - false.
bool isOpenMPCapturingDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);

template <>
struct llvm::enum_iteration_traits<clang::OpenMPDefaultmapClauseKind> {};