
//== clang/Basic/Sarif.h - SARIF Diagnostics Object Model -------*- C++ -*--==//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// Defines clang::SarifDocumentWriter, clang::SarifRule, clang::SarifResult.
/// The document built can be accessed as a JSON Object.
/// Several value semantic types are also introduced which represent properties
/// of the SARIF standard, such as 'artifact', 'result', 'rule'.
/// A SARIF (Static Analysis Results Interchange Format) document is JSON
/// document that describes in detail the results of running static analysis
/// tools on a project. Each (non-trivial) document consists of at least one
/// "run", which are themselves composed of details such as:
/// * Tool: The tool that was run
/// * Rules: The rules applied during the tool run, represented by
///   \c reportingDescriptor objects in SARIF
/// * Results: The matches for the rules applied against the project(s) being
///   evaluated, represented by \c result objects in SARIF
/// Reference:
/// 1. <a href="https://docs.oasis-open.org/sarif/sarif/v2.1.0/os/sarif-v2.1.0-os.html">The SARIF standard</a>
/// 2. <a href="https://docs.oasis-open.org/sarif/sarif/v2.1.0/os/sarif-v2.1.0-os.html#_Toc34317836">SARIF<pre>reportingDescriptor</pre></a>
/// 3. <a href="https://docs.oasis-open.org/sarif/sarif/v2.1.0/os/sarif-v2.1.0-os.html#_Toc34317638">SARIF<pre>result</pre></a>


#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Version.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <optional>
#include <string>

namespace clang {

class SarifDocumentWriter;
class SourceManager;

namespace detail {

/// \internal
/// An artifact location is SARIF's way of describing the complete location
/// of an artifact encountered during analysis. The \c artifactLocation object
/// typically consists of a URI, and/or an index to reference the artifact it
/// locates.
/// This builder makes an additional assumption: that every artifact encountered
/// by \c clang will be a physical, top-level artifact. Which is why the static
/// creation method \ref SarifArtifactLocation::create takes a mandatory URI
/// parameter. The official standard states that either a \c URI or \c Index
/// must be available in the object, \c clang picks the \c URI as a reasonable
/// default, because it intends to deal in physical artifacts for now.
/// Reference:
/// 1. <a href="https://docs.oasis-open.org/sarif/sarif/v2.1.0/os/sarif-v2.1.0-os.html#_Toc34317427">artifactLocation object</a>
/// 2. \ref SarifArtifact
class SarifArtifactLocation {};

/// \internal
/// An artifact in SARIF is any object (a sequence of bytes) addressable by
/// a URI (RFC 3986). The most common type of artifact for clang's use-case
/// would be source files. SARIF's artifact object is described in detail in
/// section 3.24.
/// Since every clang artifact MUST have a location (there being no nested
/// artifacts), the creation method \ref SarifArtifact::create requires a
/// \ref SarifArtifactLocation object.
/// Reference:
/// 1. <a href="https://docs.oasis-open.org/sarif/sarif/v2.1.0/os/sarif-v2.1.0-os.html#_Toc34317611">artifact object</a>
class SarifArtifact {};

} // namespace detail

enum class ThreadFlowImportance {};

/// The level of severity associated with a \ref SarifResult.
/// Of all the levels, \c None is the only one that is not associated with
/// a failure.
/// A typical mapping for clang's DiagnosticKind to SarifResultLevel would look
/// like:
/// * \c None: \ref clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Level::Remark, \ref clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Level::Ignored
/// * \c Note: \ref clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Level::Note
/// * \c Warning: \ref clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Level::Warning
/// * \c Error could be generated from one of:
///   - \ref clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Level::Warning with \c -Werror
///   - \ref clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Level::Error
///   - \ref clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Level::Fatal when \ref clang::DiagnosticsEngine::ErrorsAsFatal is set.
/// Reference:
/// 1. <a href="https://docs.oasis-open.org/sarif/sarif/v2.1.0/os/sarif-v2.1.0-os.html#_Toc34317648">level property</a>
enum class SarifResultLevel {};

/// A thread flow is a sequence of code locations that specify a possible path
/// through a single thread of execution.
/// A thread flow in SARIF is related to a code flow which describes
/// the progress of one or more programs through one or more thread flows.
/// Reference:
/// 1. <a href="https://docs.oasis-open.org/sarif/sarif/v2.1.0/os/sarif-v2.1.0-os.html#_Toc34317744">threadFlow object</a>
/// 2. <a href="https://docs.oasis-open.org/sarif/sarif/v2.1.0/os/sarif-v2.1.0-os.html#_Toc34317740">codeFlow object</a>
class ThreadFlow {};

/// A SARIF Reporting Configuration (\c reportingConfiguration) object contains
/// properties for a \ref SarifRule that can be configured at runtime before
/// analysis begins.
/// Reference:
/// 1. <a href="https://docs.oasis-open.org/sarif/sarif/v2.1.0/os/sarif-v2.1.0-os.html#_Toc34317852">reportingConfiguration object</a>
class SarifReportingConfiguration {};

/// A SARIF rule (\c reportingDescriptor object) contains information that
/// describes a reporting item generated by a tool. A reporting item is
/// either a result of analysis or notification of a condition encountered by
/// the tool. Rules are arbitrary but are identifiable by a hierarchical
/// rule-id.
/// This builder provides an interface to create SARIF \c reportingDescriptor
/// objects via the \ref SarifRule::create static method.
/// Reference:
/// 1. <a href="https://docs.oasis-open.org/sarif/sarif/v2.1.0/os/sarif-v2.1.0-os.html#_Toc34317836">reportingDescriptor object</a>
class SarifRule {};

/// A SARIF result (also called a "reporting item") is a unit of output
/// produced when one of the tool's \c reportingDescriptor encounters a match
/// on the file being analysed by the tool.
/// This builder provides a \ref SarifResult::create static method that can be
/// used to create an empty shell onto which attributes can be added using the
/// \c setX(...) methods.
/// For example:
/// \code{.cpp}
/// SarifResult result = SarifResult::create(...)
///                         .setRuleId(...)
///                         .setDiagnosticMessage(...);
/// \endcode
/// Reference:
/// 1. <a href="https://docs.oasis-open.org/sarif/sarif/v2.1.0/os/sarif-v2.1.0-os.html#_Toc34317638">SARIF<pre>result</pre></a>
class SarifResult {};

/// This class handles creating a valid SARIF document given various input
/// attributes. However, it requires an ordering among certain method calls:
/// 1. Because every SARIF document must contain at least 1 \c run, callers
///    must ensure that \ref SarifDocumentWriter::createRun is called before
///    any other methods.
/// 2. If SarifDocumentWriter::endRun is called, callers MUST call
///    SarifDocumentWriter::createRun, before invoking any of the result
///    aggregation methods such as SarifDocumentWriter::appendResult etc.
class SarifDocumentWriter {};
} // namespace clang