
//===--- ParsePragma.cpp - Language specific pragma parsing ---------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements the language specific #pragma handlers.

#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/Basic/PragmaKinds.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Token.h"
#include "clang/Parse/LoopHint.h"
#include "clang/Parse/ParseDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Parse/Parser.h"
#include "clang/Parse/RAIIObjectsForParser.h"
#include "clang/Sema/EnterExpressionEvaluationContext.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Scope.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaCUDA.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaCodeCompletion.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaRISCV.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include <optional>

namespace {

struct PragmaAlignHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaGCCVisibilityHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaOptionsHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaPackHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaClangSectionHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaMSStructHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaUnusedHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaWeakHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaRedefineExtnameHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaOpenCLExtensionHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaFPContractHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

// Pragma STDC implementations.

/// PragmaSTDC_FENV_ACCESSHandler - "\#pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS ...".
struct PragmaSTDC_FENV_ACCESSHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

/// PragmaSTDC_CX_LIMITED_RANGEHandler - "\#pragma STDC CX_LIMITED_RANGE ...".
struct PragmaSTDC_CX_LIMITED_RANGEHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

/// Handler for "\#pragma STDC FENV_ROUND ...".
struct PragmaSTDC_FENV_ROUNDHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

/// PragmaSTDC_UnknownHandler - "\#pragma STDC ...".
struct PragmaSTDC_UnknownHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaFPHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

// A pragma handler to be the base of the NoOpenMPHandler and NoOpenACCHandler,
// which are identical other than the name given to them, and the diagnostic
// emitted.
template <diag::kind IgnoredDiag>
struct PragmaNoSupportHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaNoOpenMPHandler
    : public PragmaNoSupportHandler<diag::warn_pragma_omp_ignored> {};

struct PragmaNoOpenACCHandler
    : public PragmaNoSupportHandler<diag::warn_pragma_acc_ignored> {};

// A pragma handler to be the base for the OpenMPHandler and OpenACCHandler,
// which are identical other than the tokens used for the start/end of a pragma
// section, and some diagnostics.
template <tok::TokenKind StartTok, tok::TokenKind EndTok,
          diag::kind UnexpectedDiag>
struct PragmaSupportHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaOpenMPHandler
    : public PragmaSupportHandler<tok::annot_pragma_openmp,
                                  diag::err_omp_unexpected_directive> {};

struct PragmaOpenACCHandler
    : public PragmaSupportHandler<tok::annot_pragma_openacc,
                                  diag::err_acc_unexpected_directive> {};

/// PragmaCommentHandler - "\#pragma comment ...".
struct PragmaCommentHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaDetectMismatchHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaFloatControlHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaMSPointersToMembers : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaMSVtorDisp : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaMSPragma : public PragmaHandler {};

/// PragmaOptimizeHandler - "\#pragma clang optimize on/off".
struct PragmaOptimizeHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaLoopHintHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaUnrollHintHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaMSRuntimeChecksHandler : public EmptyPragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaMSIntrinsicHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

// "\#pragma fenv_access (on)".
struct PragmaMSFenvAccessHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaForceCUDAHostDeviceHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

/// PragmaAttributeHandler - "\#pragma clang attribute ...".
struct PragmaAttributeHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaMaxTokensHereHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaMaxTokensTotalHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

struct PragmaRISCVHandler : public PragmaHandler {};

void markAsReinjectedForRelexing(llvm::MutableArrayRef<clang::Token> Toks) {}
}  // end namespace

void Parser::initializePragmaHandlers() {}

void Parser::resetPragmaHandlers() {}

/// Handle the annotation token produced for #pragma unused(...)
/// Each annot_pragma_unused is followed by the argument token so e.g.
/// "#pragma unused(x,y)" becomes:
/// annot_pragma_unused 'x' annot_pragma_unused 'y'
void Parser::HandlePragmaUnused() {}

void Parser::HandlePragmaVisibility() {}

void Parser::HandlePragmaPack() {}

void Parser::HandlePragmaMSStruct() {}

void Parser::HandlePragmaAlign() {}

void Parser::HandlePragmaDump() {}

void Parser::HandlePragmaWeak() {}

void Parser::HandlePragmaWeakAlias() {}

void Parser::HandlePragmaRedefineExtname() {}

void Parser::HandlePragmaFPContract() {}

void Parser::HandlePragmaFloatControl() {}

void Parser::HandlePragmaFEnvAccess() {}

void Parser::HandlePragmaFEnvRound() {}

void Parser::HandlePragmaCXLimitedRange() {}

StmtResult Parser::HandlePragmaCaptured()

namespace {
  enum OpenCLExtState : char {};

void Parser::HandlePragmaOpenCLExtension() {}

void Parser::HandlePragmaMSPointersToMembers() {}

void Parser::HandlePragmaMSVtorDisp() {}

void Parser::HandlePragmaMSPragma() {}

bool Parser::HandlePragmaMSSection(StringRef PragmaName,
                                   SourceLocation PragmaLocation) {}

bool Parser::HandlePragmaMSSegment(StringRef PragmaName,
                                   SourceLocation PragmaLocation) {}

// #pragma init_seg({ compiler | lib | user | "section-name" [, func-name]} )
bool Parser::HandlePragmaMSInitSeg(StringRef PragmaName,
                                   SourceLocation PragmaLocation) {}

// #pragma strict_gs_check(pop)
// #pragma strict_gs_check(push, "on" | "off")
// #pragma strict_gs_check("on" | "off")
bool Parser::HandlePragmaMSStrictGuardStackCheck(
    StringRef PragmaName, SourceLocation PragmaLocation) {}

bool Parser::HandlePragmaMSAllocText(StringRef PragmaName,
                                     SourceLocation PragmaLocation) {}

static std::string PragmaLoopHintString(Token PragmaName, Token Option) {}

bool Parser::HandlePragmaLoopHint(LoopHint &Hint) {}

namespace {
struct PragmaAttributeInfo {};

#include "clang/Parse/AttrSubMatchRulesParserStringSwitches.inc"

} // end anonymous namespace

static StringRef getIdentifier(const Token &Tok) {}

static bool isAbstractAttrMatcherRule(attr::SubjectMatchRule Rule) {}

static void diagnoseExpectedAttributeSubjectSubRule(
    Parser &PRef, attr::SubjectMatchRule PrimaryRule, StringRef PrimaryRuleName,
    SourceLocation SubRuleLoc) {}

static void diagnoseUnknownAttributeSubjectSubRule(
    Parser &PRef, attr::SubjectMatchRule PrimaryRule, StringRef PrimaryRuleName,
    StringRef SubRuleName, SourceLocation SubRuleLoc) {}

bool Parser::ParsePragmaAttributeSubjectMatchRuleSet(
    attr::ParsedSubjectMatchRuleSet &SubjectMatchRules, SourceLocation &AnyLoc,
    SourceLocation &LastMatchRuleEndLoc) {}

namespace {

/// Describes the stage at which attribute subject rule parsing was interrupted.
enum class MissingAttributeSubjectRulesRecoveryPoint {};

getAttributeSubjectRulesRecoveryPointForToken(const Token &Tok) {}

/// Creates a diagnostic for the attribute subject rule parsing diagnostic that
/// suggests the possible attribute subject rules in a fix-it together with
/// any other missing tokens.
DiagnosticBuilder createExpectedAttributeSubjectRulesTokenDiagnostic(
    unsigned DiagID, ParsedAttributes &Attrs,
    MissingAttributeSubjectRulesRecoveryPoint Point, Parser &PRef) {}

} // end anonymous namespace

void Parser::HandlePragmaAttribute() {}

// #pragma GCC visibility comes in two variants:
//   'push' '(' [visibility] ')'
//   'pop'
void PragmaGCCVisibilityHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                              PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                              Token &VisTok) {}

// #pragma pack(...) comes in the following delicious flavors:
//   pack '(' [integer] ')'
//   pack '(' 'show' ')'
//   pack '(' ('push' | 'pop') [',' identifier] [, integer] ')'
//   pack '(' 'packed' | 'full' | 'twobyte' | 'reset' ')' with -fzos-extensions
void PragmaPackHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                     PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                     Token &PackTok) {}

// #pragma ms_struct on
// #pragma ms_struct off
void PragmaMSStructHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                         PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                         Token &MSStructTok) {}

// #pragma clang section bss="abc" data="" rodata="def" text="" relro=""
void PragmaClangSectionHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                             PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                             Token &FirstToken) {}

// #pragma 'align' '=' {'native','natural','mac68k','power','reset'}
// #pragma 'options 'align' '=' {'native','natural','mac68k','power','reset'}
// #pragma 'align' '(' {'native','natural','mac68k','power','reset'} ')'
static void ParseAlignPragma(Preprocessor &PP, Token &FirstTok,
                             bool IsOptions) {}

void PragmaAlignHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                      PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                      Token &AlignTok) {}

void PragmaOptionsHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                        PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                        Token &OptionsTok) {}

// #pragma unused(identifier)
void PragmaUnusedHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                       PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                       Token &UnusedTok) {}

// #pragma weak identifier
// #pragma weak identifier '=' identifier
void PragmaWeakHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                     PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                     Token &WeakTok) {}

// #pragma redefine_extname identifier identifier
void PragmaRedefineExtnameHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                                PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                                Token &RedefToken) {}

void PragmaFPContractHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                           PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                           Token &Tok) {}

void PragmaOpenCLExtensionHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                                PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                                Token &Tok) {}

/// Handle '#pragma omp ...' when OpenMP is disabled and '#pragma acc ...' when
/// OpenACC is disabled.
template <diag::kind IgnoredDiag>
void PragmaNoSupportHandler<IgnoredDiag>::HandlePragma(
    Preprocessor &PP, PragmaIntroducer Introducer, Token &FirstTok) {}

/// Handle '#pragma omp ...' when OpenMP is enabled, and handle '#pragma acc...'
/// when OpenACC is enabled.
template <tok::TokenKind StartTok, tok::TokenKind EndTok,
          diag::kind UnexpectedDiag>
void PragmaSupportHandler<StartTok, EndTok, UnexpectedDiag>::HandlePragma(
    Preprocessor &PP, PragmaIntroducer Introducer, Token &FirstTok) {}

/// Handle '#pragma pointers_to_members'
// The grammar for this pragma is as follows:
// <inheritance model> ::= ('single' | 'multiple' | 'virtual') '_inheritance'
// #pragma pointers_to_members '(' 'best_case' ')'
// #pragma pointers_to_members '(' 'full_generality' [',' inheritance-model] ')'
// #pragma pointers_to_members '(' inheritance-model ')'
void PragmaMSPointersToMembers::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                             PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                             Token &Tok) {}

/// Handle '#pragma vtordisp'
// The grammar for this pragma is as follows:
// <vtordisp-mode> ::= ('off' | 'on' | '0' | '1' | '2' )
// #pragma vtordisp '(' ['push' ','] vtordisp-mode ')'
// #pragma vtordisp '(' 'pop' ')'
// #pragma vtordisp '(' ')'
void PragmaMSVtorDisp::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                    PragmaIntroducer Introducer, Token &Tok) {}

/// Handle all MS pragmas.  Simply forwards the tokens after inserting
/// an annotation token.
void PragmaMSPragma::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                  PragmaIntroducer Introducer, Token &Tok) {}

/// Handle the \#pragma float_control extension.
/// The syntax is:
/// \code
///   #pragma float_control(keyword[, setting] [,push])
/// \endcode
/// Where 'keyword' and 'setting' are identifiers.
// 'keyword' can be: precise, except, push, pop
// 'setting' can be: on, off
/// The optional arguments 'setting' and 'push' are supported only
/// when the keyword is 'precise' or 'except'.
void PragmaFloatControlHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                             PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                             Token &Tok) {}

/// Handle the Microsoft \#pragma detect_mismatch extension.
/// The syntax is:
/// \code
///   #pragma detect_mismatch("name", "value")
/// \endcode
/// Where 'name' and 'value' are quoted strings.  The values are embedded in
/// the object file and passed along to the linker.  If the linker detects a
/// mismatch in the object file's values for the given name, a LNK2038 error
/// is emitted.  See MSDN for more details.
void PragmaDetectMismatchHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                               PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                               Token &Tok) {}

/// Handle the microsoft \#pragma comment extension.
/// The syntax is:
/// \code
///   #pragma comment(linker, "foo")
/// \endcode
/// 'linker' is one of five identifiers: compiler, exestr, lib, linker, user.
/// "foo" is a string, which is fully macro expanded, and permits string
/// concatenation, embedded escape characters etc.  See MSDN for more details.
void PragmaCommentHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                        PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                        Token &Tok) {}

// #pragma clang optimize off
// #pragma clang optimize on
void PragmaOptimizeHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                         PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                         Token &FirstToken) {}

namespace {
/// Used as the annotation value for tok::annot_pragma_fp.
struct TokFPAnnotValue {};
} // end anonymous namespace

void PragmaFPHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                   PragmaIntroducer Introducer, Token &Tok) {}

void PragmaSTDC_FENV_ROUNDHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                                PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                                Token &Tok) {}

void Parser::HandlePragmaFP() {}

/// Parses loop or unroll pragma hint value and fills in Info.
static bool ParseLoopHintValue(Preprocessor &PP, Token &Tok, Token PragmaName,
                               Token Option, bool ValueInParens,
                               PragmaLoopHintInfo &Info) {}

/// Handle the \#pragma clang loop directive.
///  #pragma clang 'loop' loop-hints
///  loop-hints:
///    loop-hint loop-hints[opt]
///  loop-hint:
///    'vectorize' '(' loop-hint-keyword ')'
///    'interleave' '(' loop-hint-keyword ')'
///    'unroll' '(' unroll-hint-keyword ')'
///    'vectorize_predicate' '(' loop-hint-keyword ')'
///    'vectorize_width' '(' loop-hint-value ')'
///    'interleave_count' '(' loop-hint-value ')'
///    'unroll_count' '(' loop-hint-value ')'
///    'pipeline' '(' disable ')'
///    'pipeline_initiation_interval' '(' loop-hint-value ')'
///  loop-hint-keyword:
///    'enable'
///    'disable'
///    'assume_safety'
///  unroll-hint-keyword:
///    'enable'
///    'disable'
///    'full'
///  loop-hint-value:
///    constant-expression
/// Specifying vectorize(enable) or vectorize_width(_value_) instructs llvm to
/// try vectorizing the instructions of the loop it precedes. Specifying
/// interleave(enable) or interleave_count(_value_) instructs llvm to try
/// interleaving multiple iterations of the loop it precedes. The width of the
/// vector instructions is specified by vectorize_width() and the number of
/// interleaved loop iterations is specified by interleave_count(). Specifying a
/// value of 1 effectively disables vectorization/interleaving, even if it is
/// possible and profitable, and 0 is invalid. The loop vectorizer currently
/// only works on inner loops.
/// The unroll and unroll_count directives control the concatenation
/// unroller. Specifying unroll(enable) instructs llvm to unroll the loop
/// completely if the trip count is known at compile time and unroll partially
/// if the trip count is not known.  Specifying unroll(full) is similar to
/// unroll(enable) but will unroll the loop only if the trip count is known at
/// compile time.  Specifying unroll(disable) disables unrolling for the
/// loop. Specifying unroll_count(_value_) instructs llvm to try to unroll the
/// loop the number of times indicated by the value.
void PragmaLoopHintHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                         PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                         Token &Tok) {}

/// Handle the loop unroll optimization pragmas.
///  #pragma unroll
///  #pragma unroll unroll-hint-value
///  #pragma unroll '(' unroll-hint-value ')'
///  #pragma nounroll
///  #pragma unroll_and_jam
///  #pragma unroll_and_jam unroll-hint-value
///  #pragma unroll_and_jam '(' unroll-hint-value ')'
///  #pragma nounroll_and_jam
///  unroll-hint-value:
///    constant-expression
/// Loop unrolling hints can be specified with '#pragma unroll' or
/// '#pragma nounroll'. '#pragma unroll' can take a numeric argument optionally
/// contained in parentheses. With no argument the directive instructs llvm to
/// try to unroll the loop completely. A positive integer argument can be
/// specified to indicate the number of times the loop should be unrolled.  To
/// maximize compatibility with other compilers the unroll count argument can be
/// specified with or without parentheses.  Specifying, '#pragma nounroll'
/// disables unrolling of the loop.
void PragmaUnrollHintHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                           PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                           Token &Tok) {}

/// Handle the Microsoft \#pragma intrinsic extension.
/// The syntax is:
/// \code
///  #pragma intrinsic(memset)
///  #pragma intrinsic(strlen, memcpy)
/// \endcode
/// Pragma intrisic tells the compiler to use a builtin version of the
/// function. Clang does it anyway, so the pragma doesn't really do anything.
/// Anyway, we emit a warning if the function specified in \#pragma intrinsic
/// isn't an intrinsic in clang and suggest to include intrin.h.
void PragmaMSIntrinsicHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                            PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                            Token &Tok) {}

bool Parser::HandlePragmaMSFunction(StringRef PragmaName,
                                    SourceLocation PragmaLocation) {}

// #pragma optimize("gsty", on|off)
bool Parser::HandlePragmaMSOptimize(StringRef PragmaName,
                                    SourceLocation PragmaLocation) {}

void PragmaForceCUDAHostDeviceHandler::HandlePragma(
    Preprocessor &PP, PragmaIntroducer Introducer, Token &Tok) {}

/// Handle the #pragma clang attribute directive.
/// The syntax is:
/// \code
///  #pragma clang attribute push (attribute, subject-set)
///  #pragma clang attribute push
///  #pragma clang attribute (attribute, subject-set)
///  #pragma clang attribute pop
/// \endcode
/// There are also 'namespace' variants of push and pop directives. The bare
/// '#pragma clang attribute (attribute, subject-set)' version doesn't require a
/// namespace, since it always applies attributes to the most recently pushed
/// group, regardless of namespace.
/// \code
///  #pragma clang attribute namespace.push (attribute, subject-set)
///  #pragma clang attribute namespace.push
///  #pragma clang attribute namespace.pop
/// \endcode
/// The subject-set clause defines the set of declarations which receive the
/// attribute. Its exact syntax is described in the LanguageExtensions document
/// in Clang's documentation.
/// This directive instructs the compiler to begin/finish applying the specified
/// attribute to the set of attribute-specific declarations in the active range
/// of the pragma.
void PragmaAttributeHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                          PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                          Token &FirstToken) {}

// Handle '#pragma clang max_tokens 12345'.
void PragmaMaxTokensHereHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                              PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                              Token &Tok) {}

// Handle '#pragma clang max_tokens_total 12345'.
void PragmaMaxTokensTotalHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                               PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                               Token &Tok) {}

// Handle '#pragma clang riscv intrinsic vector'.
//        '#pragma clang riscv intrinsic sifive_vector'.
void PragmaRISCVHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                      PragmaIntroducer Introducer,
                                      Token &FirstToken) {}