
//===- ASTMatchersInternal.h - Structural query framework -------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
//  Implements the base layer of the matcher framework.
//  Matchers are methods that return a Matcher<T> which provides a method
//  Matches(...) which is a predicate on an AST node. The Matches method's
//  parameters define the context of the match, which allows matchers to recurse
//  or store the current node as bound to a specific string, so that it can be
//  retrieved later.
//  In general, matchers have two parts:
//  1. A function Matcher<T> MatcherName(<arguments>) which returns a Matcher<T>
//     based on the arguments and optionally on template type deduction based
//     on the arguments. Matcher<T>s form an implicit reverse hierarchy
//     to clang's AST class hierarchy, meaning that you can use a Matcher<Base>
//     everywhere a Matcher<Derived> is required.
//  2. An implementation of a class derived from MatcherInterface<T>.
//  The matcher functions are defined in ASTMatchers.h. To make it possible
//  to implement both the matcher function and the implementation of the matcher
//  interface in one place, ASTMatcherMacros.h defines macros that allow
//  implementing a matcher in a single place.
//  This file contains the base classes needed to construct the actual matchers.


#include "clang/AST/ASTTypeTraits.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclFriend.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprObjC.h"
#include "clang/AST/NestedNameSpecifier.h"
#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "clang/AST/TemplateName.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/AST/TypeLoc.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "clang/Basic/OperatorKinds.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

namespace clang {

class ASTContext;

namespace ast_matchers {

class BoundNodes;

namespace internal {

/// A type-list implementation.
/// A "linked list" of types, accessible by using the ::head and ::tail
/// typedefs.
template <typename... Ts> struct TypeList {}; // Empty sentinel type list.

TypeList<T1, Ts...>;

/// The empty type list.

/// Helper meta-function to determine if some type \c T is present or
///   a parent type in the list.
template <typename AnyTypeList, typename T> struct TypeListContainsSuperOf {};
TypeListContainsSuperOf<EmptyTypeList, T>;

/// Variadic function object.
/// Most of the functions below that use VariadicFunction could be implemented
/// using plain C++11 variadic functions, but the function object allows us to
/// capture it on the dynamic matcher registry.
template <typename ResultT, typename ArgT,
          ResultT (*Func)(ArrayRef<const ArgT *>)>
struct VariadicFunction {};

/// Unifies obtaining the underlying type of a regular node through
/// `getType` and a TypedefNameDecl node through `getUnderlyingType`.
inline QualType getUnderlyingType(const Expr &Node) {}

inline QualType getUnderlyingType(const ValueDecl &Node) {}
inline QualType getUnderlyingType(const TypedefNameDecl &Node) {}
inline QualType getUnderlyingType(const FriendDecl &Node) {}
inline QualType getUnderlyingType(const CXXBaseSpecifier &Node) {}

/// Unifies obtaining a `TypeSourceInfo` from different node types.
template <typename T,
              TypeList<CXXBaseSpecifier, CXXCtorInitializer,
                       CXXTemporaryObjectExpr, CXXUnresolvedConstructExpr,
                       CompoundLiteralExpr, DeclaratorDecl, ObjCPropertyDecl,
                       TemplateArgumentLoc, TypedefNameDecl>,
              T>::value> * = nullptr>
inline TypeSourceInfo *GetTypeSourceInfo(const T &Node) {}
template <typename T,
              TypeList<CXXFunctionalCastExpr, ExplicitCastExpr>, T>::value> * =
inline TypeSourceInfo *GetTypeSourceInfo(const T &Node) {}
inline TypeSourceInfo *GetTypeSourceInfo(const BlockDecl &Node) {}
inline TypeSourceInfo *GetTypeSourceInfo(const CXXNewExpr &Node) {}

/// Unifies obtaining the FunctionProtoType pointer from both
/// FunctionProtoType and FunctionDecl nodes..
inline const FunctionProtoType *
getFunctionProtoType(const FunctionProtoType &Node) {}

inline const FunctionProtoType *getFunctionProtoType(const FunctionDecl &Node) {}

/// Unifies obtaining the access specifier from Decl and CXXBaseSpecifier nodes.
inline clang::AccessSpecifier getAccessSpecifier(const Decl &Node) {}

inline clang::AccessSpecifier getAccessSpecifier(const CXXBaseSpecifier &Node) {}

/// Internal version of BoundNodes. Holds all the bound nodes.
class BoundNodesMap {};

/// Creates BoundNodesTree objects.
/// The tree builder is used during the matching process to insert the bound
/// nodes from the Id matcher.
class BoundNodesTreeBuilder {};

class ASTMatchFinder;

/// Generic interface for all matchers.
/// Used by the implementation of Matcher<T> and DynTypedMatcher.
/// In general, implement MatcherInterface<T> or SingleNodeMatcherInterface<T>
/// instead.
class DynMatcherInterface
    : public llvm::ThreadSafeRefCountedBase<DynMatcherInterface> {};

/// Generic interface for matchers on an AST node of type T.
/// Implement this if your matcher may need to inspect the children or
/// descendants of the node or bind matched nodes to names. If you are
/// writing a simple matcher that only inspects properties of the
/// current node and doesn't care about its children or descendants,
/// implement SingleNodeMatcherInterface instead.
template <typename T>
class MatcherInterface : public DynMatcherInterface {};

/// Interface for matchers that only evaluate properties on a single
/// node.
template <typename T>
class SingleNodeMatcherInterface : public MatcherInterface<T> {};

template <typename> class Matcher;

/// Matcher that works on a \c DynTypedNode.
/// It is constructed from a \c Matcher<T> object and redirects most calls to
/// underlying matcher.
/// It checks whether the \c DynTypedNode is convertible into the type of the
/// underlying matcher and then do the actual match on the actual node, or
/// return false if it is not convertible.
class DynTypedMatcher {};

/// Wrapper of a MatcherInterface<T> *that allows copying.
/// A Matcher<Base> can be used anywhere a Matcher<Derived> is
/// required. This establishes an is-a relationship which is reverse
/// to the AST hierarchy. In other words, Matcher<T> is contravariant
/// with respect to T. The relationship is built via a type conversion
/// operator rather than a type hierarchy to be able to templatize the
/// type hierarchy instead of spelling it out.
template <typename T>
class Matcher {};  // class Matcher

/// A convenient helper for creating a Matcher<T> without specifying
/// the template type argument.
template <typename T>
inline Matcher<T> makeMatcher(MatcherInterface<T> *Implementation) {}

/// Interface that allows matchers to traverse the AST.
/// FIXME: Find a better name.
/// This provides three entry methods for each base node type in the AST:
/// - \c matchesChildOf:
///   Matches a matcher on every child node of the given node. Returns true
///   if at least one child node could be matched.
/// - \c matchesDescendantOf:
///   Matches a matcher on all descendant nodes of the given node. Returns true
///   if at least one descendant matched.
/// - \c matchesAncestorOf:
///   Matches a matcher on all ancestors of the given node. Returns true if
///   at least one ancestor matched.
/// FIXME: Currently we only allow Stmt and Decl nodes to start a traversal.
/// In the future, we want to implement this for all nodes for which it makes
/// sense. In the case of matchesAncestorOf, we'll want to implement it for
/// all nodes, as all nodes have ancestors.
class ASTMatchFinder {};

struct ASTChildrenNotSpelledInSourceScope {};

/// Specialization of the conversion functions for QualType.
/// This specialization provides the Matcher<Type>->Matcher<QualType>
/// conversion that the static API does.
template <>
inline Matcher<QualType> DynTypedMatcher::convertTo<QualType>() const {}

/// Finds the first node in a range that matches the given matcher.
template <typename MatcherT, typename IteratorT>
IteratorT matchesFirstInRange(const MatcherT &Matcher, IteratorT Start,
                              IteratorT End, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
                              BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) {}

/// Finds the first node in a pointer range that matches the given
/// matcher.
template <typename MatcherT, typename IteratorT>
IteratorT matchesFirstInPointerRange(const MatcherT &Matcher, IteratorT Start,
                                     IteratorT End, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
                                     BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) {}

template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_base_of<FunctionDecl, T>::value>
                          * = nullptr>
inline bool isDefaultedHelper(const T *) {}
inline bool isDefaultedHelper(const FunctionDecl *FD) {}

// Metafunction to determine if type T has a member called getDecl.
template <typename Ty>
class has_getDecl {};

/// Matches overloaded operators with a specific name.
/// The type argument ArgT is not used by this matcher but is used by
/// PolymorphicMatcher and should be StringRef.
template <typename T, typename ArgT>
class HasOverloadedOperatorNameMatcher : public SingleNodeMatcherInterface<T> {};

/// Matches named declarations with a specific name.
/// See \c hasName() and \c hasAnyName() in ASTMatchers.h for details.
class HasNameMatcher : public SingleNodeMatcherInterface<NamedDecl> {};

/// Trampoline function to use VariadicFunction<> to construct a
///        HasNameMatcher.
Matcher<NamedDecl> hasAnyNameFunc(ArrayRef<const StringRef *> NameRefs);

/// Trampoline function to use VariadicFunction<> to construct a
///        hasAnySelector matcher.
Matcher<ObjCMessageExpr> hasAnySelectorFunc(
    ArrayRef<const StringRef *> NameRefs);

/// Matches declarations for QualType and CallExpr.
/// Type argument DeclMatcherT is required by PolymorphicMatcher but
/// not actually used.
template <typename T, typename DeclMatcherT>
class HasDeclarationMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {};

/// IsBaseType<T>::value is true if T is a "base" type in the AST
/// node class hierarchies.
template <typename T>
struct IsBaseType {};
template <typename T>
const bool IsBaseType<T>::value;

/// A "type list" that contains all types.
/// Useful for matchers like \c anything and \c unless.

/// Helper meta-function to extract the argument out of a function of
///   type void(Arg).
template <class T> struct ExtractFunctionArgMeta;
ExtractFunctionArgMeta<void (T)>;

template <class T, class Tuple, std::size_t... I>
constexpr T *new_from_tuple_impl(Tuple &&t, std::index_sequence<I...>) {}

template <class T, class Tuple> constexpr T *new_from_tuple(Tuple &&t) {}

/// Default type lists for ArgumentAdaptingMatcher matchers.

/// All types that are supported by HasDeclarationMatcher above.

/// A Matcher that allows binding the node it matches to an id.
/// BindableMatcher provides a \a bind() method that allows binding the
/// matched node to an id if the match was successful.
template <typename T> class BindableMatcher : public Matcher<T> {};

/// Matches any instance of the given NodeType.
/// This is useful when a matcher syntactically requires a child matcher,
/// but the context doesn't care. See for example: anything().
class TrueMatcher {};

/// Creates a Matcher<T> that matches if all inner matchers match.
template <typename T>
makeAllOfComposite(ArrayRef<const Matcher<T> *> InnerMatchers) {}

/// Creates a Matcher<T> that matches if
/// T is dyn_cast'able into InnerT and all inner matchers match.
/// Returns BindableMatcher, as matchers that use dyn_cast have
/// the same object both to match on and to run submatchers on,
/// so there is no ambiguity with what gets bound.
template <typename T, typename InnerT>
makeDynCastAllOfComposite(ArrayRef<const Matcher<InnerT> *> InnerMatchers) {}

/// A VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<SourceT, TargetT> object is a
/// variadic functor that takes a number of Matcher<TargetT> and returns a
/// Matcher<SourceT> that matches TargetT nodes that are matched by all of the
/// given matchers, if SourceT can be dynamically casted into TargetT.
/// For example:
///   const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, CXXRecordDecl> record;
/// Creates a functor record(...) that creates a Matcher<Decl> given
/// a variable number of arguments of type Matcher<CXXRecordDecl>.
/// The returned matcher matches if the given Decl can by dynamically
/// casted to CXXRecordDecl and all given matchers match.
template <typename SourceT, typename TargetT>
class VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher
    : public VariadicFunction<BindableMatcher<SourceT>, Matcher<TargetT>,
                              makeDynCastAllOfComposite<SourceT, TargetT>> {};

/// A \c VariadicAllOfMatcher<T> object is a variadic functor that takes
/// a number of \c Matcher<T> and returns a \c Matcher<T> that matches \c T
/// nodes that are matched by all of the given matchers.
/// For example:
///   const VariadicAllOfMatcher<NestedNameSpecifier> nestedNameSpecifier;
/// Creates a functor nestedNameSpecifier(...) that creates a
/// \c Matcher<NestedNameSpecifier> given a variable number of arguments of type
/// \c Matcher<NestedNameSpecifier>.
/// The returned matcher matches if all given matchers match.
template <typename T>
class VariadicAllOfMatcher
    : public VariadicFunction<BindableMatcher<T>, Matcher<T>,
                              makeAllOfComposite<T>> {};

/// VariadicOperatorMatcher related types.
/// @{

/// Polymorphic matcher object that uses a \c
/// DynTypedMatcher::VariadicOperator operator.
/// Input matchers can have any type (including other polymorphic matcher
/// types), and the actual Matcher<T> is generated on demand with an implicit
/// conversion operator.
template <typename... Ps> class VariadicOperatorMatcher {};

/// Overloaded function object to generate VariadicOperatorMatcher
///   objects from arbitrary matchers.
template <unsigned MinCount, unsigned MaxCount>
struct VariadicOperatorMatcherFunc {};

template <typename T, bool IsBaseOf, typename Head, typename Tail>
struct GetCladeImpl {};
GetCladeImpl<T, false, Head, Tail>;

template <typename T, typename... U>
struct GetClade : GetCladeImpl<T, false, T, AllNodeBaseTypes> {};

template <typename CladeType, typename... MatcherTypes>
struct MapAnyOfMatcherImpl {};


template <typename... MatcherTypes> struct MapAnyOfHelper {};

template <template <typename ToArg, typename FromArg> class ArgumentAdapterT,
          typename T, typename ToTypes>
class ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFuncAdaptor {};

/// Converts a \c Matcher<T> to a matcher of desired type \c To by
/// "adapting" a \c To into a \c T.
/// The \c ArgumentAdapterT argument specifies how the adaptation is done.
/// For example:
///   \c ArgumentAdaptingMatcher<HasMatcher, T>(InnerMatcher);
/// Given that \c InnerMatcher is of type \c Matcher<T>, this returns a matcher
/// that is convertible into any matcher of type \c To by constructing
/// \c HasMatcher<To, T>(InnerMatcher).
/// If a matcher does not need knowledge about the inner type, prefer to use
/// PolymorphicMatcher.
template <template <typename ToArg, typename FromArg> class ArgumentAdapterT,
          typename FromTypes = AdaptativeDefaultFromTypes,
          typename ToTypes = AdaptativeDefaultToTypes>
struct ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc {};

template <typename T> class TraversalMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {};

template <typename MatcherType> class TraversalWrapper {};

/// A PolymorphicMatcher<MatcherT, P1, ..., PN> object can be
/// created from N parameters p1, ..., pN (of type P1, ..., PN) and
/// used as a Matcher<T> where a MatcherT<T, P1, ..., PN>(p1, ..., pN)
/// can be constructed.
/// For example:
/// - PolymorphicMatcher<IsDefinitionMatcher>()
///   creates an object that can be used as a Matcher<T> for any type T
///   where an IsDefinitionMatcher<T>() can be constructed.
/// - PolymorphicMatcher<ValueEqualsMatcher, int>(42)
///   creates an object that can be used as a Matcher<T> for any type T
///   where a ValueEqualsMatcher<T, int>(42) can be constructed.
template <template <typename T, typename... Params> class MatcherT,
          typename ReturnTypesF, typename... ParamTypes>
class PolymorphicMatcher {};

/// Matches nodes of type T that have child nodes of type ChildT for
/// which a specified child matcher matches.
/// ChildT must be an AST base type.
template <typename T, typename ChildT>
class HasMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {};

/// Matches nodes of type T that have child nodes of type ChildT for
/// which a specified child matcher matches. ChildT must be an AST base
/// type.
/// As opposed to the HasMatcher, the ForEachMatcher will produce a match
/// for each child that matches.
template <typename T, typename ChildT>
class ForEachMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {};

/// @}

template <typename T>
inline Matcher<T> DynTypedMatcher::unconditionalConvertTo() const {}

/// Matches nodes of type T that have at least one descendant node of
/// type DescendantT for which the given inner matcher matches.
/// DescendantT must be an AST base type.
template <typename T, typename DescendantT>
class HasDescendantMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {};

/// Matches nodes of type \c T that have a parent node of type \c ParentT
/// for which the given inner matcher matches.
/// \c ParentT must be an AST base type.
template <typename T, typename ParentT>
class HasParentMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {};

/// Matches nodes of type \c T that have at least one ancestor node of
/// type \c AncestorT for which the given inner matcher matches.
/// \c AncestorT must be an AST base type.
template <typename T, typename AncestorT>
class HasAncestorMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {};

/// Matches nodes of type T that have at least one descendant node of
/// type DescendantT for which the given inner matcher matches.
/// DescendantT must be an AST base type.
/// As opposed to HasDescendantMatcher, ForEachDescendantMatcher will match
/// for each descendant node that matches instead of only for the first.
template <typename T, typename DescendantT>
class ForEachDescendantMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {};

/// Matches on nodes that have a getValue() method if getValue() equals
/// the value the ValueEqualsMatcher was constructed with.
template <typename T, typename ValueT>
class ValueEqualsMatcher : public SingleNodeMatcherInterface<T> {};

/// Template specializations to easily write matchers for floating point
/// literals.
template <>
inline bool ValueEqualsMatcher<FloatingLiteral, double>::matchesNode(
    const FloatingLiteral &Node) const {}
template <>
inline bool ValueEqualsMatcher<FloatingLiteral, float>::matchesNode(
    const FloatingLiteral &Node) const {}
template <>
inline bool ValueEqualsMatcher<FloatingLiteral, llvm::APFloat>::matchesNode(
    const FloatingLiteral &Node) const {}

/// Matches nodes of type \c TLoc for which the inner
/// \c Matcher<T> matches.
template <typename TLoc, typename T>
class LocMatcher : public MatcherInterface<TLoc> {};

/// Matches \c TypeLocs based on an inner matcher matching a certain
/// \c QualType.
/// Used to implement the \c loc() matcher.
class TypeLocTypeMatcher : public MatcherInterface<TypeLoc> {};

/// Matches nodes of type \c T for which the inner matcher matches on a
/// another node of type \c T that can be reached using a given traverse
/// function.
template <typename T> class TypeTraverseMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {};

/// Matches nodes of type \c T in a ..Loc hierarchy, for which the inner
/// matcher matches on a another node of type \c T that can be reached using a
/// given traverse function.
template <typename T>
class TypeLocTraverseMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {};

/// Converts a \c Matcher<InnerT> to a \c Matcher<OuterT>, where
/// \c OuterT is any type that is supported by \c Getter.
/// \code Getter<OuterT>::value() \endcode returns a
/// \code InnerTBase (OuterT::*)() \endcode, which is used to adapt a \c OuterT
/// object into a \c InnerT
template <typename InnerTBase,
          template <typename OuterT> class Getter,
          template <typename OuterT> class MatcherImpl,
          typename ReturnTypesF>
class TypeTraversePolymorphicMatcher {};

/// A simple memoizer of T(*)() functions.
/// It will call the passed 'Func' template parameter at most once.
/// Used to support AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION() macro.
template <typename Matcher, Matcher (*Func)()> class MemoizedMatcher {};

// Define the create() method out of line to silence a GCC warning about
// the struct "Func" having greater visibility than its base, which comes from
// using the flag -fvisibility-inlines-hidden.
template <typename InnerTBase, template <typename OuterT> class Getter,
          template <typename OuterT> class MatcherImpl, typename ReturnTypesF>
TypeTraversePolymorphicMatcher<InnerTBase, Getter, MatcherImpl, ReturnTypesF>
    InnerTBase, Getter, MatcherImpl,
    ReturnTypesF>::create(ArrayRef<const Matcher<InnerTBase> *> InnerMatchers) {}

// FIXME: unify ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl and TemplateSpecializationType's
// APIs for accessing the template argument list.
inline ArrayRef<TemplateArgument>
getTemplateSpecializationArgs(const ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl &D) {}

inline ArrayRef<TemplateArgument>
getTemplateSpecializationArgs(const VarTemplateSpecializationDecl &D) {}

inline ArrayRef<TemplateArgument>
getTemplateSpecializationArgs(const TemplateSpecializationType &T) {}

inline ArrayRef<TemplateArgument>
getTemplateSpecializationArgs(const FunctionDecl &FD) {}

inline ArrayRef<TemplateArgumentLoc>
getTemplateArgsWritten(const ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl &D) {}

inline ArrayRef<TemplateArgumentLoc>
getTemplateArgsWritten(const VarTemplateSpecializationDecl &D) {}

inline ArrayRef<TemplateArgumentLoc>
getTemplateArgsWritten(const FunctionDecl &FD) {}

inline ArrayRef<TemplateArgumentLoc>
getTemplateArgsWritten(const DeclRefExpr &DRE) {}

inline SmallVector<TemplateArgumentLoc>
getTemplateArgsWritten(const TemplateSpecializationTypeLoc &T) {}

struct NotEqualsBoundNodePredicate {};

template <typename Ty, typename Enable = void> struct GetBodyMatcher {};

GetBodyMatcher<Ty, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<FunctionDecl, Ty>::value>>;

template <typename NodeType>
inline std::optional<BinaryOperatorKind>
equivalentBinaryOperator(const NodeType &Node) {}

template <>
inline std::optional<BinaryOperatorKind>
equivalentBinaryOperator<CXXOperatorCallExpr>(const CXXOperatorCallExpr &Node) {}

template <typename NodeType>
inline std::optional<UnaryOperatorKind>
equivalentUnaryOperator(const NodeType &Node) {}

template <>
inline std::optional<UnaryOperatorKind>
equivalentUnaryOperator<CXXOperatorCallExpr>(const CXXOperatorCallExpr &Node) {}

template <typename NodeType> inline const Expr *getLHS(const NodeType &Node) {}
template <>
inline const Expr *
getLHS<CXXOperatorCallExpr>(const CXXOperatorCallExpr &Node) {}
template <typename NodeType> inline const Expr *getRHS(const NodeType &Node) {}
template <>
inline const Expr *
getRHS<CXXOperatorCallExpr>(const CXXOperatorCallExpr &Node) {}
template <typename NodeType>
inline const Expr *getSubExpr(const NodeType &Node) {}
template <>
inline const Expr *
getSubExpr<CXXOperatorCallExpr>(const CXXOperatorCallExpr &Node) {}

template <typename Ty>
struct HasSizeMatcher {};

template <>
inline bool HasSizeMatcher<StringLiteral>::hasSize(
    const StringLiteral &Node, unsigned int N) {}

template <typename Ty>
struct GetSourceExpressionMatcher {};

template <>
inline const Expr *GetSourceExpressionMatcher<OpaqueValueExpr>::get(
    const OpaqueValueExpr &Node) {}

template <typename Ty>
struct CompoundStmtMatcher {};

template <>
inline const CompoundStmt *
CompoundStmtMatcher<StmtExpr>::get(const StmtExpr &Node) {}

/// If \p Loc is (transitively) expanded from macro \p MacroName, returns the
/// location (in the chain of expansions) at which \p MacroName was
/// expanded. Since the macro may have been expanded inside a series of
/// expansions, that location may itself be a MacroID.
std::optional<SourceLocation> getExpansionLocOfMacro(StringRef MacroName,
                                                     SourceLocation Loc,
                                                     const ASTContext &Context);

inline std::optional<StringRef> getOpName(const UnaryOperator &Node) {}
inline std::optional<StringRef> getOpName(const BinaryOperator &Node) {}
inline StringRef getOpName(const CXXRewrittenBinaryOperator &Node) {}
inline std::optional<StringRef> getOpName(const CXXOperatorCallExpr &Node) {}
inline StringRef getOpName(const CXXFoldExpr &Node) {}

/// Matches overloaded operators with a specific name.
/// The type argument ArgT is not used by this matcher but is used by
/// PolymorphicMatcher and should be std::vector<std::string>>.
template <typename T, typename ArgT = std::vector<std::string>>
class HasAnyOperatorNameMatcher : public SingleNodeMatcherInterface<T> {
  static_assert(std::is_same<T, BinaryOperator>::value ||
                    std::is_same<T, CXXOperatorCallExpr>::value ||
                    std::is_same<T, CXXRewrittenBinaryOperator>::value ||
                    std::is_same<T, UnaryOperator>::value,
                "Matcher only supports `BinaryOperator`, `UnaryOperator`, "
                "`CXXOperatorCallExpr` and `CXXRewrittenBinaryOperator`");
  static_assert(std::is_same<ArgT, std::vector<std::string>>::value,
                "Matcher ArgT must be std::vector<std::string>");

  explicit HasAnyOperatorNameMatcher(std::vector<std::string> Names)

  bool matchesNode(const T &Node) const override {}

  static std::optional<StringRef> getOpName(const UnaryOperator &Node) {}
  static std::optional<StringRef> getOpName(const BinaryOperator &Node) {}
  static StringRef getOpName(const CXXRewrittenBinaryOperator &Node) {}
  static std::optional<StringRef> getOpName(const CXXOperatorCallExpr &Node) {}

  std::vector<std::string> Names;


HasOpNameMatcher hasAnyOperatorNameFunc(ArrayRef<const StringRef *> NameRefs);


hasAnyOverloadedOperatorNameFunc(ArrayRef<const StringRef *> NameRefs);

/// Returns true if \p Node has a base specifier matching \p BaseSpec.
/// A class is not considered to be derived from itself.
bool matchesAnyBase(const CXXRecordDecl &Node,
                    const Matcher<CXXBaseSpecifier> &BaseSpecMatcher,
                    ASTMatchFinder *Finder, BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder);

std::shared_ptr<llvm::Regex> createAndVerifyRegex(StringRef Regex,
                                                  llvm::Regex::RegexFlags Flags,
                                                  StringRef MatcherID);

inline bool
MatchTemplateArgLocAt(const DeclRefExpr &Node, unsigned int Index,
                      internal::Matcher<TemplateArgumentLoc> InnerMatcher,
                      internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
                      internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) {}

inline bool
MatchTemplateArgLocAt(const TemplateSpecializationTypeLoc &Node,
                      unsigned int Index,
                      internal::Matcher<TemplateArgumentLoc> InnerMatcher,
                      internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
                      internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) {}

} // namespace internal

} // namespace ast_matchers

} // namespace clang