
//===--- SemaPseudoObject.cpp - Semantic Analysis for Pseudo-Objects ------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
//  This file implements semantic analysis for expressions involving
//  pseudo-object references.  Pseudo-objects are conceptual objects
//  whose storage is entirely abstract and all accesses to which are
//  translated through some sort of abstraction barrier.
//  For example, Objective-C objects can have "properties", either
//  declared or undeclared.  A property may be accessed by writing
//    expr.prop
//  where 'expr' is an r-value of Objective-C pointer type and 'prop'
//  is the name of the property.  If this expression is used in a context
//  needing an r-value, it is treated as if it were a message-send
//  of the associated 'getter' selector, typically:
//    [expr prop]
//  If it is used as the LHS of a simple assignment, it is treated
//  as a message-send of the associated 'setter' selector, typically:
//    [expr setProp: RHS]
//  If it is used as the LHS of a compound assignment, or the operand
//  of a unary increment or decrement, both are required;  for example,
//  'expr.prop *= 100' would be translated to:
//    [expr setProp: [expr prop] * 100]

#include "clang/Sema/SemaPseudoObject.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprObjC.h"
#include "clang/Basic/CharInfo.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Initialization.h"
#include "clang/Sema/ScopeInfo.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaInternal.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaObjC.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"


namespace {
  // Basically just a very focused copy of TreeTransform.
  struct Rebuilder {};

  class PseudoOpBuilder {};

  /// A PseudoOpBuilder for Objective-C \@properties.
  class ObjCPropertyOpBuilder : public PseudoOpBuilder {};

 /// A PseudoOpBuilder for Objective-C array/dictionary indexing.
 class ObjCSubscriptOpBuilder : public PseudoOpBuilder {};

 class MSPropertyOpBuilder : public PseudoOpBuilder {};

/// Capture the given expression in an OpaqueValueExpr.
OpaqueValueExpr *PseudoOpBuilder::capture(Expr *e) {}

/// Capture the given expression as the result of this pseudo-object
/// operation.  This routine is safe against expressions which may
/// already be captured.
/// \returns the captured expression, which will be the
///   same as the input if the input was already captured
OpaqueValueExpr *PseudoOpBuilder::captureValueAsResult(Expr *e) {}

/// The routine which creates the final PseudoObjectExpr.
ExprResult PseudoOpBuilder::complete(Expr *syntactic) {}

/// The main skeleton for building an r-value operation.
ExprResult PseudoOpBuilder::buildRValueOperation(Expr *op) {}

/// The basic skeleton for building a simple or compound
/// assignment operation.
PseudoOpBuilder::buildAssignmentOperation(Scope *Sc, SourceLocation opcLoc,
                                          BinaryOperatorKind opcode,
                                          Expr *LHS, Expr *RHS) {}

/// The basic skeleton for building an increment or decrement
/// operation.
PseudoOpBuilder::buildIncDecOperation(Scope *Sc, SourceLocation opcLoc,
                                      UnaryOperatorKind opcode,
                                      Expr *op) {}

//  Objective-C @property and implicit property references

/// Look up a method in the receiver type of an Objective-C property
/// reference.
static ObjCMethodDecl *LookupMethodInReceiverType(Sema &S, Selector sel,
                                            const ObjCPropertyRefExpr *PRE) {}

bool ObjCPropertyOpBuilder::isWeakProperty() const {}

bool ObjCPropertyOpBuilder::findGetter() {}

/// Try to find the most accurate setter declaration for the property
/// reference.
/// \return true if a setter was found, in which case Setter
bool ObjCPropertyOpBuilder::findSetter(bool warn) {}

void ObjCPropertyOpBuilder::DiagnoseUnsupportedPropertyUse() {}

/// Capture the base object of an Objective-C property expression.
Expr *ObjCPropertyOpBuilder::rebuildAndCaptureObject(Expr *syntacticBase) {}

/// Load from an Objective-C property reference.
ExprResult ObjCPropertyOpBuilder::buildGet() {}

/// Store to an Objective-C property reference.
/// \param captureSetValueAsResult If true, capture the actual
///   value being set as the value of the property operation.
ExprResult ObjCPropertyOpBuilder::buildSet(Expr *op, SourceLocation opcLoc,
                                           bool captureSetValueAsResult) {}

/// @property-specific behavior for doing lvalue-to-rvalue conversion.
ExprResult ObjCPropertyOpBuilder::buildRValueOperation(Expr *op) {}

/// Try to build this as a call to a getter that returns a reference.
/// \return true if it was possible, whether or not it actually
///   succeeded
bool ObjCPropertyOpBuilder::tryBuildGetOfReference(Expr *op,
                                                   ExprResult &result) {}

/// @property-specific behavior for doing assignments.
ObjCPropertyOpBuilder::buildAssignmentOperation(Scope *Sc,
                                                SourceLocation opcLoc,
                                                BinaryOperatorKind opcode,
                                                Expr *LHS, Expr *RHS) {}

/// @property-specific behavior for doing increments and decrements.
ObjCPropertyOpBuilder::buildIncDecOperation(Scope *Sc, SourceLocation opcLoc,
                                            UnaryOperatorKind opcode,
                                            Expr *op) {}

ExprResult ObjCPropertyOpBuilder::complete(Expr *SyntacticForm) {}

// ObjCSubscript build stuff.

/// objective-c subscripting-specific behavior for doing lvalue-to-rvalue
/// conversion.
/// FIXME. Remove this routine if it is proven that no additional
/// specifity is needed.
ExprResult ObjCSubscriptOpBuilder::buildRValueOperation(Expr *op) {}

/// objective-c subscripting-specific  behavior for doing assignments.
ObjCSubscriptOpBuilder::buildAssignmentOperation(Scope *Sc,
                                                SourceLocation opcLoc,
                                                BinaryOperatorKind opcode,
                                                Expr *LHS, Expr *RHS) {}

/// Capture the base object of an Objective-C Index'ed expression.
Expr *ObjCSubscriptOpBuilder::rebuildAndCaptureObject(Expr *syntacticBase) {}

/// CheckKeyForObjCARCConversion - This routine suggests bridge casting of CF
/// objects used as dictionary subscript key objects.
static void CheckKeyForObjCARCConversion(Sema &S, QualType ContainerT,
                                         Expr *Key) {}

bool ObjCSubscriptOpBuilder::findAtIndexGetter() {}

bool ObjCSubscriptOpBuilder::findAtIndexSetter() {}

// Get the object at "Index" position in the container.
// [BaseExpr objectAtIndexedSubscript : IndexExpr];
ExprResult ObjCSubscriptOpBuilder::buildGet() {}

/// Store into the container the "op" object at "Index"'ed location
/// by building this messaging expression:
/// - (void)setObject:(id)object atIndexedSubscript:(NSInteger)index;
/// \param captureSetValueAsResult If true, capture the actual
///   value being set as the value of the property operation.
ExprResult ObjCSubscriptOpBuilder::buildSet(Expr *op, SourceLocation opcLoc,
                                           bool captureSetValueAsResult) {}

//  MSVC __declspec(property) references

MSPropertyRefExpr *
MSPropertyOpBuilder::getBaseMSProperty(MSPropertySubscriptExpr *E) {}

Expr *MSPropertyOpBuilder::rebuildAndCaptureObject(Expr *syntacticBase) {}

ExprResult MSPropertyOpBuilder::buildGet() {}

ExprResult MSPropertyOpBuilder::buildSet(Expr *op, SourceLocation sl,
                                         bool captureSetValueAsResult) {}

//  General Sema routines.

ExprResult SemaPseudoObject::checkRValue(Expr *E) {}

/// Check an increment or decrement of a pseudo-object expression.
ExprResult SemaPseudoObject::checkIncDec(Scope *Sc, SourceLocation opcLoc,
                                         UnaryOperatorKind opcode, Expr *op) {}

ExprResult SemaPseudoObject::checkAssignment(Scope *S, SourceLocation opcLoc,
                                             BinaryOperatorKind opcode,
                                             Expr *LHS, Expr *RHS) {}

/// Given a pseudo-object reference, rebuild it without the opaque
/// values.  Basically, undo the behavior of rebuildAndCaptureObject.
/// This should never operate in-place.
static Expr *stripOpaqueValuesFromPseudoObjectRef(Sema &S, Expr *E) {}

/// Given a pseudo-object expression, recreate what it looks like
/// syntactically without the attendant OpaqueValueExprs.
/// This is a hack which should be removed when TreeTransform is
/// capable of rebuilding a tree without stripping implicit
/// operations.
Expr *SemaPseudoObject::recreateSyntacticForm(PseudoObjectExpr *E) {}

SemaPseudoObject::SemaPseudoObject(Sema &S) :{}