
//===- ThreadSafetyTIL.cpp ------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/ThreadSafetyTIL.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>


StringRef til::getUnaryOpcodeString(TIL_UnaryOpcode Op) {}

StringRef til::getBinaryOpcodeString(TIL_BinaryOpcode Op) {}

SExpr* Future::force() {}

unsigned BasicBlock::addPredecessor(BasicBlock *Pred) {}

void BasicBlock::reservePredecessors(unsigned NumPreds) {}

// If E is a variable, then trace back through any aliases or redundant
// Phi nodes to find the canonical definition.
const SExpr *til::getCanonicalVal(const SExpr *E) {}

// If E is a variable, then trace back through any aliases or redundant
// Phi nodes to find the canonical definition.
// The non-const version will simplify incomplete Phi nodes.
SExpr *til::simplifyToCanonicalVal(SExpr *E) {}

// Trace the arguments of an incomplete Phi node to see if they have the same
// canonical definition.  If so, mark the Phi node as redundant.
// getCanonicalVal() will recursively call simplifyIncompletePhi().
void til::simplifyIncompleteArg(til::Phi *Ph) {}

// Renumbers the arguments and instructions to have unique, sequential IDs.
unsigned BasicBlock::renumberInstrs(unsigned ID) {}

// Sorts the CFGs blocks using a reverse post-order depth-first traversal.
// Each block will be written into the Blocks array in order, and its BlockID
// will be set to the index in the array.  Sorting should start from the entry
// block, and ID should be the total number of blocks.
unsigned BasicBlock::topologicalSort(SimpleArray<BasicBlock *> &Blocks,
                                     unsigned ID) {}

// Performs a reverse topological traversal, starting from the exit block and
// following back-edges.  The dominator is serialized before any predecessors,
// which guarantees that all blocks are serialized after their dominator and
// before their post-dominator (because it's a reverse topological traversal).
// ID should be initially set to 0.
// This sort assumes that (1) dominators have been computed, (2) there are no
// critical edges, and (3) the entry block is reachable from the exit block
// and no blocks are accessible via traversal of back-edges from the exit that
// weren't accessible via forward edges from the entry.
unsigned BasicBlock::topologicalFinalSort(SimpleArray<BasicBlock *> &Blocks,
                                          unsigned ID) {}

// Computes the immediate dominator of the current block.  Assumes that all of
// its predecessors have already computed their dominators.  This is achieved
// by visiting the nodes in topological order.
void BasicBlock::computeDominator() {}

// Computes the immediate post-dominator of the current block.  Assumes that all
// of its successors have already computed their post-dominators.  This is
// achieved visiting the nodes in reverse topological order.
void BasicBlock::computePostDominator() {}

// Renumber instructions in all blocks
void SCFG::renumberInstrs() {}

static inline void computeNodeSize(BasicBlock *B,
                                   BasicBlock::TopologyNode BasicBlock::*TN) {}

static inline void computeNodeID(BasicBlock *B,
                                 BasicBlock::TopologyNode BasicBlock::*TN) {}

// Normalizes a CFG.  Normalization has a few major components:
// 1) Removing unreachable blocks.
// 2) Computing dominators and post-dominators
// 3) Topologically sorting the blocks into the "Blocks" array.
void SCFG::computeNormalForm() {}